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Sinceramente posso até dividir as definições dos motivos de não gostar desse pessoal, mas também posso simplesmente escrever que em minha opinião e não quero ofender ninguém, na maioria dos casos que se encontram nesta lista algumas pessoas estão só em busca de aparecer na mídia, outras são consideradas com talento para atuar, cantar, apresentar programas de tv, ou seja lá o que for que queiram fazer, mas para mim todas, simplesmente todas não possuem talento para nenhuma área artistica (se é que é isso mesmo que eles querem). Se pararem para observar alguns desses "atores e atrizes" dessa lista fazem sempre o mesmo personagem, a interpretação não muda, se é que podemos chamar de interpretação, pois para mim eles interpretam eles mesmos. Simples assim. Já nos casos dessas novas celebridades pelo amor de Deus, não possuem voz, e ainda querem atores. Outros querem ser comediantes sendo só eles mesmos que riem das idiotices que falam, e tem também os que querem ser comediantes e apresentadores ao mesmo tempo, e os que só são apresentadores mas conteúdo em seus programas não existe.
Eu só sei que eu desvio do caminho quando estou assistindo alguma coisa e “BAM” aparecem essas pessoas, porque elas me irritam.
Honestly I can split up the definitions of the reasons people do not like this, but I just write that in my opinion and do not want to offend anyone, in most cases on this list that some people are just looking to appear in the media, other are considered with a talent for acting, singing, presenting TV shows, or whatever it is they want to do, but for me all, simply do not have any area for any artistic talent (if that's what they want). If you stop to observe some of these "actors and actresses" in this list are always the same character, the interpretation does not change, if we can call interpretation, because for me they interpret themselves. Simple as that. In the cases of these new celebrities for goodness sake, have no voice, and still want actors. Others want to be comedians themselves that they could only laugh at the nonsense they talk, and also has those who want to be comedians and presenters at the same time, and that only presenters but are content in their programs there.
I just know I deviation from the path when I'm watching something and "BAM" appear these people because they annoy me.
Eu só sei que eu desvio do caminho quando estou assistindo alguma coisa e “BAM” aparecem essas pessoas, porque elas me irritam.
Honestly I can split up the definitions of the reasons people do not like this, but I just write that in my opinion and do not want to offend anyone, in most cases on this list that some people are just looking to appear in the media, other are considered with a talent for acting, singing, presenting TV shows, or whatever it is they want to do, but for me all, simply do not have any area for any artistic talent (if that's what they want). If you stop to observe some of these "actors and actresses" in this list are always the same character, the interpretation does not change, if we can call interpretation, because for me they interpret themselves. Simple as that. In the cases of these new celebrities for goodness sake, have no voice, and still want actors. Others want to be comedians themselves that they could only laugh at the nonsense they talk, and also has those who want to be comedians and presenters at the same time, and that only presenters but are content in their programs there.
I just know I deviation from the path when I'm watching something and "BAM" appear these people because they annoy me.
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