For the dinosaur lover...
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Showing 1-50 of 52
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haven't seen it. Don't want to. Cheesy looking kid's movie from the early 90s. I may have liked it if I saw it in the early 90s... but not now. Nah.

Lex's rating:

Apparently another crappy movie I had to go find screen caps for... I will try to have a photo for each movie for your scrolling pleasure but this might get tedious... is that freaking raptor on a cell phone?!
Denver, the Last Dinosaur (1988)
Watched this as a kid. It's stupid cartoon and I liked it for reasons other than the titular character.

Lex's rating:

Dinosaur (2000)
I wanted to like this. The CGI was okay but I was bored.

I don't like my dinos to be so...Disney. I guess that was the problem.

I don't like my dinos to be so...Disney. I guess that was the problem.
Lex's rating:

Okay...this looks great!

It was presented in 3D (for Imax, maybe?) and is narrated by Donald Sutherland who I think is awesome, anyway (even if he is a dinosaur himself). I just have to see this.

It was presented in 3D (for Imax, maybe?) and is narrated by Donald Sutherland who I think is awesome, anyway (even if he is a dinosaur himself). I just have to see this.
haven't seen it- might some day but am not so much into kids movies/cartoons (more into documentaries and the JP movies).

I love this show, even though I haven't even seen all of the first season yet. I like this music video somebody made set to clips from the show.
Lex's rating:

Actually haven't seen this yet. I don't think. or if I did I was drunk and don't remember. The second movie bored me so maybe by this time I was done (although I do want to see the 4th one!)

Oh yeah, I vaguely remember this one now... a dream... definitely didn't inspire me like movie number 1.

Oh yeah, I vaguely remember this one now... a dream... definitely didn't inspire me like movie number 1.
Lex's rating:

Jurassic World (2015)
I have to see this. Even though I didn't like the second or third movies all that much.
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A list of movies for the weirdo family member or friend that still loves dinosaurs (I am one of them) even though they are in their late 20s and it is no longer cute to wear PJs with dinos on them... or...yeah... dino movies and TV shows in general. No, I haven't seen all of them. No, I don`t want to see all of them. Yes, I want to see some of them. Yes, I like dinosaurs. My favourite theropod dinosaur is deinonychus but I like all of the dromaeosaurs. I don't have a favourite sauropod. I know they aren't technically dinosaurs, but I also like the prehistoric animals koolasuchus (fat, ugly and aquatic) and the master of the skies, ornithocheirus. I know Tyranno=tyrant and saurus=lizard and rex=king (in latin), meaning T-Rex translates, literally, as "Tyrant Lizard King". I am sure by learning to translate the names of various dinosaurs you could become awesome at insulting people you don't like without them even knowing it.
Click above to Play the amazing Jurassic theme by John Williams (Star Wars) while you look through this list!
Click above to Play the amazing Jurassic theme by John Williams (Star Wars) while you look through this list!
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