The League of The Comic Book Women Poll (CLOSED)
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The League Table
CHAMPION: Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
RUNNER UP: Nancy Callahan (Sin City)
3RD: Ava Lord (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For)
4TH: Mystique (X-Men Trilogy)
Chloe Sullivan (Smallville)
Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence (X-Men Series)
Sara Lance/Black Canary (Arrow)
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Marvel Cinematic Universe
18 Points
BAMF (3), Leader Vladimir (5), darin26 (5), Sons of Sparda (1), Blitz (4)

Over 9000!'s rating:

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
18 Points
Over 9000! (3), BAMF (4), Sons of Sparda (4), Blitz (3), Mr. Heisenberg (4)

Over 9000!'s rating:

Nancy Callahan
Sin City
14 Points
BAMF (2), Leader Vladimir (4), darin26 (4), TheKnight12 (4)

Over 9000!'s rating:

Over 9000!'s rating:

Over 9000!'s rating:

The Dark Knight Rises
8 Points
Leader Vladimir (3), darin26 (2), Mr. Heisenberg (3)

Over 9000!'s rating:

Over 9000!'s rating:

Raven Darkhรถlme/Mystique
X-Men Series
6 Points
darin26 (3), Blitz (2), Aisling (1)

Over 9000!'s rating:

Over 9000!'s rating:

Qualification Phrase
Jean Grey (X-Men Series)
Jane Foster (Thor Series)
Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
Sorry about this poll that I didn't update it. I was on holday in October so I didn't have time to use Listal. I'm not sure if I want to continue this league poll. Might make a different one next month.
Please read the infomation before taking part of the poll.
Sorry about the delay. I've been out of town so I didn't have time to update the poll for September. I was suppose to update it before I left.
* Please rank your top 5 Comic Book women in the order of who you find the sexiest and please mention 3 any extra female characters from any comic books (it doesn't have to be all Marvel & DC) that you would like to see qualify to the league next month. To avoid confusion, please mention the name of the actress of the character you've chosen if the character has been played more than one actresses in movies or TV Shows. For example Mystique played by Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence.
* The first 3 with the most points from the qualifying phrase will qualify for the league.
Hope everyone enjoys this list.
I'll try my best to update the league ASAP. It's been a busy summer which I haven't really had time to go on listal.
Results for August:
CHAMPION: Black Widow 34 points
RUNNER UP: Nancy Callahan 22 Points
3RD: Ava Lord 20 Points
4TH: Mystique 16 Points
* Chloe Sullivan
* Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)
* Sara Lance
* Jean Grey
* Jane Foster
* Felicity Smoak
Users who have voted:
1. Over 9000! A S
2. hiho A
4. Blitz A S
5. Leader Vladimir A S
6. Mr. Heisenberg A S
7. TheKnight12 A S
8. sadbutallen A
10. reallly A S
11. Sons of Sparda A S
12. SwtChaos A
13. darin26 S
14. Aisling S
Please read the infomation before taking part of the poll.
Sorry about the delay. I've been out of town so I didn't have time to update the poll for September. I was suppose to update it before I left.
* Please rank your top 5 Comic Book women in the order of who you find the sexiest and please mention 3 any extra female characters from any comic books (it doesn't have to be all Marvel & DC) that you would like to see qualify to the league next month. To avoid confusion, please mention the name of the actress of the character you've chosen if the character has been played more than one actresses in movies or TV Shows. For example Mystique played by Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence.
* The first 3 with the most points from the qualifying phrase will qualify for the league.
Hope everyone enjoys this list.
I'll try my best to update the league ASAP. It's been a busy summer which I haven't really had time to go on listal.
Results for August:
CHAMPION: Black Widow 34 points
RUNNER UP: Nancy Callahan 22 Points
3RD: Ava Lord 20 Points
4TH: Mystique 16 Points
* Chloe Sullivan
* Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)
* Sara Lance
* Jean Grey
* Jane Foster
* Felicity Smoak
Users who have voted:
1. Over 9000! A S
2. hiho A
4. Blitz A S
5. Leader Vladimir A S
6. Mr. Heisenberg A S
7. TheKnight12 A S
8. sadbutallen A
10. reallly A S
11. Sons of Sparda A S
12. SwtChaos A
13. darin26 S
14. Aisling S
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