100 sexiest Movies Stars
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Jolie seems to have been precision built to turn cinema audiences into drooling wrecks. The pneumatic figure, the feline eyes, the lips that could have been stung by several hives of bees. Simply unimprovable.
Sexiest Moment
Beating the hell out of Brad Pitt in Mr and Mrs Smith and then banging the hell out of him by way of apology.
Sexiest Moment
Beating the hell out of Brad Pitt in Mr and Mrs Smith and then banging the hell out of him by way of apology.
ccc25's rating:
Sexy, but in a ladylike 'doesn't flash her gusset at the paparazzi' way, Portman is the pin-up for those who like their women as smart as they are slinky. Plus, she's beautiful enough to make even baldness hot in V For Vendetta.
Sexiest Moment
There's no denying the appeal of pole dancing in Closer. But the moment in Attack of the Clones when the Nexu revealed some toned royal midriff was Princess Leia and the gold bikini for a new generation.
Sexiest Moment
There's no denying the appeal of pole dancing in Closer. But the moment in Attack of the Clones when the Nexu revealed some toned royal midriff was Princess Leia and the gold bikini for a new generation.
Being Bond is always sexy - ok, maybe not so much for Roger Moore. But it's Craig's blue-eyed brutishness and unchecked masculinity that push him to the top of the list. The granite physique doesn't hurt either.
Sexiest Moment
Giving Ursula Andress a run for her money emerging from the sea in teeny trunks in Casino Royale.
Sexiest Moment
Giving Ursula Andress a run for her money emerging from the sea in teeny trunks in Casino Royale.
There's something of the girl next door to Jessica Alba. But, sadly, it's not the kind of girl we, or any other mere mortals, ever called our neighbour. We could say she's on this list for her playful personality, but we all know it's because girl can work a bikini like no other.
Sexiest Moment
Her stripper in Sin City may have had the utterly unsexy moniker of Nancy, but she had all the right moves.
Sexiest Moment
Her stripper in Sin City may have had the utterly unsexy moniker of Nancy, but she had all the right moves.
ccc25's rating:
Living proof that there's nothing more sexy than not giving a damn what others think. Depp's taken roles that could have been embarrassments in any other hands (Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka) and dresses like he's being attacked by a charity shop, but his innate air of cool makes everything work.
Sexiest Moment
Sexiest Moment
ccc25's rating:
How you say in French? Hummana-Hummana-Hummana. The Parisian beauty is delightfully clothes-shy in Bertolluci's The Dreamers and brings that honeyed gravel voice and beguiling sense that she holds a lot of secrets to everything she does.
Sexiest Moment
Stopping the room dead as she sweeps past the poker table in Casino Royale.
Sexiest Moment
Stopping the room dead as she sweeps past the poker table in Casino Royale.
ccc25's rating:
So empirically good-looking that you'd have to hate him if he wasn't clearly such a nice guy with it. The eyes, the smile, the rippling six-pack despite being the wrong side of 40 - he's the man men dream of being and women dream their man could be.
Sexiest Moment
Disrobing for his first punch up as the puckish Tyler Durden in Fight Club.
Sexiest Moment
Disrobing for his first punch up as the puckish Tyler Durden in Fight Club.
ccc25's rating:
The voice that sounds like she's been awake all night and up to all sorts of things would be sexy enough. But match it with a pouting face and a body apparently designed to describe the term 'va-va-voom' and you have a killer package.
Sexiest Moment
Sheer knickers in the opening moments of Lost in Translation.
Sexiest Moment
Sheer knickers in the opening moments of Lost in Translation.
ccc25's rating:
She was top of the list last time and Ms Knightley's mix of ladylike Englishness and a delight in getting her hands dirty and kicking a football about still make her one of the most all round perfect women in the world today.
Sexiest Moment
Taking a diaphanously clothed dip in the fountain in Atonement.
Sexiest Moment
Taking a diaphanously clothed dip in the fountain in Atonement.
ccc25's rating:
Just when most A-listers are in danger of becoming a bit too overly-moisturised new man, along comes Butler reeking of testosterone, Scottishness and six-packs. The second highest new male entry on our list is a throwback to the macho stars of yesteryear.
Sexiest Moment
Dear Frankie for revealing his sensitive side or 300 for revealing near enough everything else.
Sexiest Moment
Dear Frankie for revealing his sensitive side or 300 for revealing near enough everything else.
ccc25's rating:
More suave than a room full of Roger Moores, Clooney is like a fine wine. He's sophisticated, makes you happier the more you have and he just keeps improving with age. And Clooney comes without a hangover.
Sexiest Moment
Pulling Jennifer Lopez into the bath during Out of Sight's fantasy sequence
Sexiest Moment
Pulling Jennifer Lopez into the bath during Out of Sight's fantasy sequence
ccc25's rating:
If Elle Macpherson hadn't already stolen the nickname The Body, it could very easily be assigned to Berry. Now into her forties, Berry still has a face and figure to match any pin-up from any time in Hollywood history.
Sexiest Moment
Emerging from the sea in Die Another Day and making the rest of the dreadful film forgivable.
Sexiest Moment
Emerging from the sea in Die Another Day and making the rest of the dreadful film forgivable.
ccc25's rating:
Dude, he's Batman. Most straight men would put him in their sexiest list for that. But Bale gets your votes for his down to earth nature, easy charisma, gruff voice and a physique that nobody would ever have expected from watching Empire of the Sun.
Sexiest Moment
Dropping for some gratuitous topless press-ups in Batman Begins.
Sexiest Moment
Dropping for some gratuitous topless press-ups in Batman Begins.
ccc25's rating:
No matter what your age, you hear sexy and you think Marilyn Monroe. She was the male sexual fantasy made flesh, with a body to make Barbie feel frumpy and eyes that suggested she wasn't as dumb as she looked. It's not for nothing that women still aspire to look like her today.
Sexiest Moment
Singing "I Wanna Be Loved By You" in Some Like It Hot. Like she needs to ask.
Sexiest Moment
Singing "I Wanna Be Loved By You" in Some Like It Hot. Like she needs to ask.
ccc25's rating:
Even breaking into show tunes at random can't dull Jackman's rugged masculinity. He's got a grin that can loosen knicker elastic at twenty paces, a body that would make Roman statues feel weedy and a predilection for doing most things shirtless.
Sexiest Moment
Resisting seduction by Jean Grey in X-Men 3.
Sexiest Moment
Resisting seduction by Jean Grey in X-Men 3.
ccc25's rating:
Biel's professed to being a fan of almost every sport going and it's certainly paid off. The face is flawless, but we believe the expression for her almost absurdly pert behind is a 'ba-donk-a-donk'. And she does have a lovely ba-donk-a-donk.
Sexiest Moment
Encouraging Adam Sandler to test the authenticity of her breasts in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
Sexiest Moment
Encouraging Adam Sandler to test the authenticity of her breasts in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
ccc25's rating:
The thinking woman's action hero. Damon started off as the wimpier friend of Ben Affleck, but his role in the Bourne series and a hell of a lot of hours in the gym have turned him into Hollywood's premiere ass-kicker and much vaunted lust object.
Sexiest Moment
Washing Marie's hair in The Bourne Identity.
Sexiest Moment
Washing Marie's hair in The Bourne Identity.
ccc25's rating:
Pillowy lips, eyes that could make a Disney princess look beady, an hour glass physique in an industry now largely populated by heads on sticks; what's not to like? She might make films aimed almost exclusively at girls, but, thanks to her self-deprecating humour and critical lack of ugliness, they're ultimately enjoyed by both sexes.
Sexiest Moment
Throwing caution and bra to the wind and jumping Jack's bones in the back of a car in Brokeback Mountain.
Sexiest Moment
Throwing caution and bra to the wind and jumping Jack's bones in the back of a car in Brokeback Mountain.
ccc25's rating:
It's all in the eyes. Newman's the owner of the bluest peepers known to man and has used them to dazzle, beguile and terrify through one of the most consistent careers in film history. Whatever he's doing it's impossible to take your eyes off him.
Sexiest Moment
Riding around on a bike with Katherine Ross in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Sexiest Moment
Riding around on a bike with Katherine Ross in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
A penchant for disrobing on screen, coupled with a ballsy manner and a down-to-earth attitude makes Kate Winslet our kind of gal. Sure she's got the looks to make a whole pack of wolves whistle, but it's her English roseness and barely disguised dirty streak that makes her irresistible.
Sexiest Moment
Posing naked for Leo DiCaprio in Titanic was a high point. But for pure erotic power, check out Kate and Christopher Ecclestone getting it on in Jude.
Sexiest Moment
Posing naked for Leo DiCaprio in Titanic was a high point. But for pure erotic power, check out Kate and Christopher Ecclestone getting it on in Jude.
ccc25's rating:
The only man on this list to legitimately be described as elfin. Whether pointy-eared and ponytailed as Legolas or tanned and toned as Will Turner, the poetically-monikered Brit's magnetic appeal and perfect fizzog has in no way hindered his ascent to superstar status.
Sexiest Moment
Caught up in a pirate war in the middle of a raging tempest in the conclusive battle of Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End, Will still finds time to pop the question to his one true love Elizabeth Swan. Awww!
Sexiest Moment
Caught up in a pirate war in the middle of a raging tempest in the conclusive battle of Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End, Will still finds time to pop the question to his one true love Elizabeth Swan. Awww!
ccc25's rating:
From romantic lead to ass-kicking action star, Beckinsale exudes sexiness in pretty much everything she does - yes, even Van Helsing. Transformed from slightly gawky Brit up-and-comer to bona fide stunner when she made the move to Hollywood, she's one ex-pat who's blossomed in the California sun.
Sexiest Moment
As sexy vamp Selene in the Underworld films - all skin-tight leather and pale skin, she's a goth's Bettie Paige.
Sexiest Moment
As sexy vamp Selene in the Underworld films - all skin-tight leather and pale skin, she's a goth's Bettie Paige.
ccc25's rating:
It seems like only yesterday that young master Potter first walked into Hogwarts, now he's getting his kit off in the West End - how soon they grow up. Having developed into a confident and fine-looking young actor, Radcliffe's future looks very bright indeed.
Sexiest Moment
Alone at last Harry Potter and unrequited love Cho Chang finally, well, requite. Audiences around the world simultaneously go "Ooooohhhh!"
Sexiest Moment
Alone at last Harry Potter and unrequited love Cho Chang finally, well, requite. Audiences around the world simultaneously go "Ooooohhhh!"
ccc25's rating:
Mexican-born Salma is every bit the Latin temptress, what with that fiery temperament, sexy semi-permanent pout and, sweet mother of Jesus, body sent from heaven. A bunch of sexy roles, from Dogma to Desperado, ensures Salma is a hottie for the ages.
Sexiest Moment
As table-dancing, snake-wrangling, neck-biting vampire Santanico Pandemonium in From Dusk Till Dawn - death has never looked so good.
Sexiest Moment
As table-dancing, snake-wrangling, neck-biting vampire Santanico Pandemonium in From Dusk Till Dawn - death has never looked so good.
ccc25's rating:
According to Mr Owen, the sexiest part of the body is the eyes. Well luckily for him he's got a good set of those, but those with more generic tastes will just be pleased with his tall, dark and handsome-ness. Much improved with stubble.
Sexiest Moment
As Sir Walter Raleigh in Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Yes he's wearing weird pantaloons, but he's a freakin' pirate.
Sexiest Moment
As Sir Walter Raleigh in Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Yes he's wearing weird pantaloons, but he's a freakin' pirate.
ccc25's rating:
She's grown up well through the Harry Potter movies from bushy haired child to confident, elegant young woman. With only two films left to go, she's sure to have a bright future ahead of her. She might be 17, but it's still only ok to fancy her if you're below the age of 20.
Sexiest Moment
We strongly suspect it'll be when kicking evil wizard ass in the final Potter film.
Sexiest Moment
We strongly suspect it'll be when kicking evil wizard ass in the final Potter film.
ccc25's rating:
What is it about this diminutive Scot? Even as a bloody Narnian fawn, he managed to exude charisma, magnestism and, dare we say it, a big dollop of sex appeal. So when he used that twinkly eye to devastating effect in the heartbreaking Atonement, that was it.
Sexiest Moment
Rough but oh-so tender sex in the library with Keira Knightley. Atonement raises the bar on movie eroticism.
Sexiest Moment
Rough but oh-so tender sex in the library with Keira Knightley. Atonement raises the bar on movie eroticism.
ccc25's rating:
To the guys, he's the man who gave us Speed and The Matrix. To the ladies, he's the hunk against who all boyfriends would be compared. Laid-back, cool and a dude for the ages, Keanu is all things to all people.
Sexiest Moment
Point Break opens. It's raining and Keanu, gun in hand, is all sexy and wet. A million teenage hearts cry out at once.
Sexiest Moment
Point Break opens. It's raining and Keanu, gun in hand, is all sexy and wet. A million teenage hearts cry out at once.
ccc25's rating:
She may have got the gongs for doing ugly and disturbing in the Oscar-winning Monster, but to us Charlize Theron will always be the sexy and sultry South African honey with a penchant for stripping off (if the role demands it).
Sexiest Moment
Cat-fighting with Terri Hatcher in 2 Days In The Valley
Sexiest Moment
Cat-fighting with Terri Hatcher in 2 Days In The Valley
ccc25's rating:
Before he blimped out, Brando was the epitome of barely contained primal rage and pheromone-driven machismo. The toned torso, the animal magnestism, the voice that sounded like a mouth full of wet toilet paper, Brando was the total package.
Sexiest Moment
Standing in the street, shirt ripped, yelling "Stellllaaaa!", A Streetcar Named Desire's Stanley is the sexiest damn bastard in cinema history.
Sexiest Moment
Standing in the street, shirt ripped, yelling "Stellllaaaa!", A Streetcar Named Desire's Stanley is the sexiest damn bastard in cinema history.
ccc25's rating:
Forget the critical plaudits, the incredible acting prowess, the impressive back catalogue, Cate Blanchett's appeal came be boiled down to one factor - those cheekbones. Sultry of voice and statuesque of figure, this Antipodean goddess is one hell of a classy lady.
Sexiest Moment
She doesn't do obviously sexy but there's definitely something about The Lord Of The Rings' Galadriel.
Sexiest Moment
She doesn't do obviously sexy but there's definitely something about The Lord Of The Rings' Galadriel.
ccc25's rating:
That cheeky smile, those sleepy eyes, that difficult-to-pronounce surname - There's some damn fine genes in that there Gyllenhaal family. With those classic good looks and impressive acting chops, there's little wonder his fans refer to themselves as "Gyllenhaalics".
Sexiest Moment
Wearing little more than a Christmas hat and several stone of muscle in Jarhead.
Sexiest Moment
Wearing little more than a Christmas hat and several stone of muscle in Jarhead.
ccc25's rating:
From singing torch songs atop a piano to giving Batman a good whipping, Michelle Pfeiffer is nothing if not varied in her contributions to the canon of sexy cinema. Even a turn as a hag-like wicked witch in this year's Stardust did little to damage her sexy rep.
Sexiest Moment
Batman Returns' Catwoman is feeling all dirty - so she gives herself a good licking.
Sexiest Moment
Batman Returns' Catwoman is feeling all dirty - so she gives herself a good licking.
Edgy, intense and, yes, very sexy, Russell Crowe may well be the last real man in Hollywood. Channeling the spirit of John Wayne and Marlon Brando, he's your go-to-guy for unbridled machismo and barely contained animal fury.
Sexiest Moment
As Maximus Decimus Meridius, muscled arms held aloft, screaming at the baying crowd: "Are you not entertained?" Yes, Mr Crowe, we are.
Sexiest Moment
As Maximus Decimus Meridius, muscled arms held aloft, screaming at the baying crowd: "Are you not entertained?" Yes, Mr Crowe, we are.
Italian-born, Paris and London-based, Monica Bellucci is the very model of European chic. Ridiculously beautiful, perfectly curvy and so damn sexy you want to hit her husband Vincent Cassel for being the jammy bugger he is.
Sexiest Moment
Playing prostitute Sylvia in Brotherhood Of The Wolf - she'll make you howl at the moon.
Sexiest Moment
Playing prostitute Sylvia in Brotherhood Of The Wolf - she'll make you howl at the moon.
ccc25's rating:
Eternally youthful, classically handsome, annoyingly talented, it�s little wonder that Leonardo DiCaprio holds the title of ultimate muse to Hollywood�s directing elite. And, having shaken off his pretty-boy image for good, it seems our man�s golden years lay ahead.
Sexiest Moment
For that instant hit-by-Cupid's-arrow moment, check out Romeo spying Juliet through an exotic fish tank.
Sexiest Moment
For that instant hit-by-Cupid's-arrow moment, check out Romeo spying Juliet through an exotic fish tank.
She's happy to get down and dirty with the boys - in an action adventure way - when the role demands it, but Weisz is at her sultry best when playing the refined English rose, with flowing raven hair and cut glass tones.
Sexiest Moment
Making hot love to Jude Law in Enemy At The Gates without removing a stitch.
Sexiest Moment
Making hot love to Jude Law in Enemy At The Gates without removing a stitch.
In whatever he does Washington possesses unwavering authority and elegance. He's a throwback to the days when stars were people to be revered and didn't flash their undercarriages when getting out of cars. He also has the face of god, which, you know, helps.
Sexiest Moment
Giving Gene Hackman a piece of his mind in Crimson Tide.
Sexiest Moment
Giving Gene Hackman a piece of his mind in Crimson Tide.
ccc25's rating:
Hitchcock's favourite blonde had a breathtakingly refined, untouchable ice queen persona in every film she appeared. But you know the best thing about ice queens? Melting them.
Sexiest Moment
Preparing for a cosy night in with Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.
Sexiest Moment
Preparing for a cosy night in with Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.
ccc25's rating:
The boy's got confidence, you've got to give him that. In whatever part he plays, from heroin addict to romantic songbird, McGregor possesses a charisma that's impossible to resist. He's also rather fond of getting 'Little Ewan' out for an airing.
Sexiest Moment
Singing his heart out to Satine at the climax of Moulin Rouge.
Sexiest Moment
Singing his heart out to Satine at the climax of Moulin Rouge.
ccc25's rating:
Hollywood's most fanciable ginge has made her name playing cool, detached characters like her villain in The Golden Compass. But that icy veneer makes it all the more enticing when the facade gives way to the passions within.
Sexiest Moment
Seducing Christian in Moulin Rouge (but not the bit where she barks like a dog)
Sexiest Moment
Seducing Christian in Moulin Rouge (but not the bit where she barks like a dog)
ccc25's rating:
The quintessential man's man, which is probably why the ladies like him too. He could be wearing a clown suit and doing the hokey-cokey and he'd still somehow be the coolest person in the room. Really, we should all hate him.
Sexiest Moment
That Thomas Crown Affair chess game has dated badly, but his chemistry when cooped up in a car with Ali McGraw in The Getaway still sizzles.
Sexiest Moment
That Thomas Crown Affair chess game has dated badly, but his chemistry when cooped up in a car with Ali McGraw in The Getaway still sizzles.
Gorgeous and possessing an inventively spicy vocabulary that would make a sailor blush, New Yorker Rosario Dawson's stock-in-trade is ballsy and alluring and it's plain to see that business is good.
Sexiest Moment
As the PVC-clad Gail in Sin City - sexy and very, very deadly.
Sexiest Moment
As the PVC-clad Gail in Sin City - sexy and very, very deadly.
ccc25's rating:
A former bartender turned superstar, Bruce Willis' appeal is down to the fact that he's like one of us - only better. The New Jersey-raised icon undoubtedly has a way with words, but it's his rugged good looks and ability to do tough and tender that makes us love him so.
Sexiest Moment
Let's ignore the distasteful tackle shot in Color Of Night, Willis has never been sexier than when he's wearing John McClane's grubby white vest.
Sexiest Moment
Let's ignore the distasteful tackle shot in Color Of Night, Willis has never been sexier than when he's wearing John McClane's grubby white vest.
From Zorro's love interest to Chicago's femme fatale, Catherine Zeta-Jones is never less than cinematic catnip. Maybe it's those Welsh-tinged tones, the perfect cheekbones, the hourglass figure. Hell, who knows, whatever the secret of her success, it's still working.
Sexiest Moment
Showing how bendy she can be during a key scene in Entrapment.
Sexiest Moment
Showing how bendy she can be during a key scene in Entrapment.
If he were a carpenter and you were a lady, would you marry him anyway, would you have his baby? The answer is probably yes. The fact this former chippy is one of the most iconic movie stars of all time surely only sweetens the deal.
Sexiest Moment
Princess Leia apparently only likes nice guys. So "nice guy" Han Solo grabs himself a cheeky kiss aboard the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back.
Sexiest Moment
Princess Leia apparently only likes nice guys. So "nice guy" Han Solo grabs himself a cheeky kiss aboard the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back.
ccc25's rating:
Jaws understandably dropped around the world when Cameron Diaz made her big-screen debut in The Mask. Walking into a drab bank in that knockout red dress, she marked the start of a career that has seen her continuously upping the sexy ante.
Sexiest Moment
The aforementioned spray on frock in The Mask. See also dancing in Spidey pants in Charlie's Angels.
Sexiest Moment
The aforementioned spray on frock in The Mask. See also dancing in Spidey pants in Charlie's Angels.
ccc25's rating:
Once told by an interviewer, "Everybody would like to be Cary Grant," Grant is said to have replied, "So would I." Whatever he thought of himself, we all know the Bristol-born actor's on-screen persona was the epitome of polished suavity.
Sexiest Moment
At the end of North By Northwest, Grant's getting it on with Eva Marie Saint. Then the train goes into a tunnel - Fnarr! Fnarr!
Sexiest Moment
At the end of North By Northwest, Grant's getting it on with Eva Marie Saint. Then the train goes into a tunnel - Fnarr! Fnarr!
Not only was Connery the best Bond (no question, so don't argue), but he's a shoe-in for the world's sexiest septuagenarian. Convincingly displaying sex appeal even in his autumn years, it's the voice that will never age - "Yesh!"
Sexiest Moment
In Goldfinger, Bond emerges from the water in a wetsuit and unzips it to reveal a pristine tuxedo underneath
Sexiest Moment
In Goldfinger, Bond emerges from the water in a wetsuit and unzips it to reveal a pristine tuxedo underneath
Those cat-like eyes, that olive skin, those luscious lips, those heaving - ahem! There are plenty of reasons for falling in love with the Spanish enchantress. So much so, we'll even forgive that whole ill-advised Tom Cruise dalliance.
Sexiest Moment
While not averse to getting her kit off, Cruz has never been sexier - or more voluptuous - than in Almodovar's Volver.
Sexiest Moment
While not averse to getting her kit off, Cruz has never been sexier - or more voluptuous - than in Almodovar's Volver.
ccc25's rating:
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