Leonardo DiCaprio
Birth Name: Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio
Age: 49, born 11 November 1974
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 6' 0"
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Vittoria Ceretti
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Leonardo DiCaprio Videos
Rating: | 9088 Watched |
Rating: | 5777 Watched |
Rating: | 3930 Watched |
Rating: | 1166 Watched |
Rating: | 890 Watched |
Rating: | 849 Watched |
Rating: | 483 Watched |
Rating: | 427 Watched |
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Rating: | 3 want to see |
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"Best Actor! Winner: Leonardo DiCaprio, The Aviator! Nominees: Jim Carrey - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Don Cheadle - Hotel Rwanda Johnny Depp - Finding Neverland Jamie Foxx - Ray"
"Peleus• A hero and king of Phthia.• Husband of Thetis and the father of their son Achilles. "
" Frank Abagnale Jr. - Catch Me If You Can "Brenda, I don't want to lie to you anymore. All right? I'm not a doctor. I never went to medical school. I'm not a lawyer, or a Harvard graduate, or a Lutheran. Brenda, I ran away from home a year and a half ago when I was 16." Honorable Mentions: Amsterdam Vallon - Gangs of New York "
" Howard Hughes - The Aviator "You don't care about money because you've always had it." "
" Billy Costigan - The Departed "You sit there with a mass murderer. A mass murderer. Your heart rate is jacked, and your hand... steady. That's one thing I figured out about myself in prison. My hand does not shake... ever." Honorable Mentions: Danny Archer - Blood Diamond "