24 The Reunion Party
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Showing 1-50 of 293
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Jack Bauer
171 episodes, 2001-2009
The only cast member to appear in all the episodes!
171 episodes, 2001-2009
The only cast member to appear in all the episodes!
Nonfictionguy's rating:
Janis Gold
24 episodes, 2009
So glad to see Janeane getting a high profile role!
24 episodes, 2009
So glad to see Janeane getting a high profile role!
Nonfictionguy's rating:
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We should really hate ourselves for wasting so much time on media entertainment, but 24 hours each and every season for several seasons, we watch - that's a whole fortnight! But every new season of 24 does it again and holds our attention for yet another 24 hours!
Here's a list of all those actors that played a role in the 24 Series at one time or another and as a result were directly responsible for our lost fortnight. Due to the size of this list, it will remain a work in progress for some time, but all cast will be added.
N.B. Actors are listed in order of number of appearances. Please feel free to contribute, there are quite a few missing images to track down.
Picture of Kiefer Sutherland at Listal
Here's a list of all those actors that played a role in the 24 Series at one time or another and as a result were directly responsible for our lost fortnight. Due to the size of this list, it will remain a work in progress for some time, but all cast will be added.
N.B. Actors are listed in order of number of appearances. Please feel free to contribute, there are quite a few missing images to track down.
Picture of Kiefer Sutherland at Listal
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