TV Characters I Hate
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Characters i hate so much i cannot even deal with them being on screen just no.
As Shane Walsh in The Walking Dead.
Ok, let me get this straight... I liked Shane in the pilot, but then he started to get all jealous and crazy and by the time he killed Otis I was rooting for his death.
I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as I hate Shane, really.
Ok, let me get this straight... I liked Shane in the pilot, but then he started to get all jealous and crazy and by the time he killed Otis I was rooting for his death.
I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as I hate Shane, really.
As Maya St. Germain in Pretty Little Liars.
Maya is just irritating by existing. Didn't like her in the books, still don't like her in the show. And maybe Bianca Lawson's acting has something to do with it........................
AND as Ms. Morell in Teen Wolf
I just don't like her characters at all.
Maya is just irritating by existing. Didn't like her in the books, still don't like her in the show. And maybe Bianca Lawson's acting has something to do with it........................
AND as Ms. Morell in Teen Wolf
I just don't like her characters at all.
As Tamara in Once Upon A Time.
Didn't like her from the start. So yeah, now I'm just "GET OUT OF THE SCREEN YOUR FACE IS ANNOYING ME.". Again, another pointless character. I hate Tamara so much, she is just ughhhhhhhhhahsdkjlasjajas ahg
Didn't like her from the start. So yeah, now I'm just "GET OUT OF THE SCREEN YOUR FACE IS ANNOYING ME.". Again, another pointless character. I hate Tamara so much, she is just ughhhhhhhhhahsdkjlasjajas ahg
As Tara Thornton in True Blood.
Tara annoyed me from season 1 and is still annoying me. I hate her character so much I can't even.
PS: But she is actually tolerable now (Season 6)
Tara annoyed me from season 1 and is still annoying me. I hate her character so much I can't even.
PS: But she is actually tolerable now (Season 6)
As Maya Herrera in Heroes.
Another Maya I can't stand. HER POWERS WERE JUST RIDICULOUS. She was just not needed.
Another Maya I can't stand. HER POWERS WERE JUST RIDICULOUS. She was just not needed.
As Kristin Mercer in The Lying Game.
Really... Kristin is just an awful character, she is just annoying as hell and I don't like her at all. AND ALSO IT'S OK FOR YOU TO KISS SOMEONE WHILE DIVORCING AND TO BE A BITCH TO YOUR HUSBAND WHO HAD AN AFFAIR YEARS AGO. YOU'RE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING KRISTIN JUST UGH.
Really... Kristin is just an awful character, she is just annoying as hell and I don't like her at all. AND ALSO IT'S OK FOR YOU TO KISS SOMEONE WHILE DIVORCING AND TO BE A BITCH TO YOUR HUSBAND WHO HAD AN AFFAIR YEARS AGO. YOU'RE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING KRISTIN JUST UGH.
As Martha Jones in Doctor Who.
Oh dear, there are so many things that I hate about Martha... Let's just state the main one: what really bugged me about her was that she was all "oh the doctor doesn't love me back he loves Rose." but I have to say that towards the end of season 4 she became tolerable. I just can't like her, sorry.
Oh dear, there are so many things that I hate about Martha... Let's just state the main one: what really bugged me about her was that she was all "oh the doctor doesn't love me back he loves Rose." but I have to say that towards the end of season 4 she became tolerable. I just can't like her, sorry.
As Joffrey Baratheon in Game Of Thrones.
OH DEAR GOD WHY!! Joffrey is just... I can't even put in words. If you watch GoT you'll know... He is just such a little bitch I can't even, every time he pops on camera I just want to punch his face. He is a spoiled little brat.
But hey Jack Gleeson, congrats on being such a sweetheart in real life!
OH DEAR GOD WHY!! Joffrey is just... I can't even put in words. If you watch GoT you'll know... He is just such a little bitch I can't even, every time he pops on camera I just want to punch his face. He is a spoiled little brat.
But hey Jack Gleeson, congrats on being such a sweetheart in real life!
As Marnie Stonebrook in True Blood.
Maybe it's the fact that I also hated her in Harry Potter, or her accent, I don't know. But Marnie was not a good character, I mean, look at what she did!
Maybe it's the fact that I also hated her in Harry Potter, or her accent, I don't know. But Marnie was not a good character, I mean, look at what she did!
As Emma in The Following.
Define Emma in one word: crazy. Don't get me wrong, I like crazy, but Emma is just... No; and the fact that she killed Jacob is not ok, SO NOT OK.
Define Emma in one word: crazy. Don't get me wrong, I like crazy, but Emma is just... No; and the fact that she killed Jacob is not ok, SO NOT OK.
As Agravaine in Merlin.
I JUST HATE HIM SO MUCH UGH, he's just so annoying. "Arthur trust me because of reasons" also, just disappear.
I JUST HATE HIM SO MUCH UGH, he's just so annoying. "Arthur trust me because of reasons" also, just disappear.
As Allison DiLaurentis in Pretty Little Liars.
Okay, let me tell you something... Ali pissed me off since season 1, but I was able to control it because she was hardly there. However, this changed in S4 and now S5. Ali is the type of person that I loathe in real life, she's manipulative and self-centered, EVERYTHING she does is to benefit herself, she could care less about the girls and that is something that I just hate. She also bullied pretty much every single person she ever met, she's just the embodiment of everything I hate... Sorry guys.
Okay, let me tell you something... Ali pissed me off since season 1, but I was able to control it because she was hardly there. However, this changed in S4 and now S5. Ali is the type of person that I loathe in real life, she's manipulative and self-centered, EVERYTHING she does is to benefit herself, she could care less about the girls and that is something that I just hate. She also bullied pretty much every single person she ever met, she's just the embodiment of everything I hate... Sorry guys.
As Maxine Martin in In the Flesh.
HOLY FRICKING SHIT, this woman. I really don't wanna give out any spoilers about this, so I'll just leave this here: WHY?????? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
HOLY FRICKING SHIT, this woman. I really don't wanna give out any spoilers about this, so I'll just leave this here: WHY?????? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

I REALLY don't like
Starting to build the anger here guys
As Dracula/Count Vlad the Impaler in Dracula.
You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that I hate Dracula. I love Dracula (the character itself), but this one was just not my thing. He seemed so fake and so not what I picture as Dracula that it made it hard for me to actually continue with the show.
You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that I hate Dracula. I love Dracula (the character itself), but this one was just not my thing. He seemed so fake and so not what I picture as Dracula that it made it hard for me to actually continue with the show.
As Morgause in Merlin.
I don't know why, but she annoyed me just by existing in that show. SHE HAD NO EYEBROWS IT WAS SO WEIRD.
I don't know why, but she annoyed me just by existing in that show. SHE HAD NO EYEBROWS IT WAS SO WEIRD.
As Atticus Shane in The Vampire Diaries.
I could smell your bullshit from the moment you appeared. Shane, I do not miss you.
I could smell your bullshit from the moment you appeared. Shane, I do not miss you.
As Mickey Smith in Doctor Who.
Mickey was so useless throughout season 1 and 2 that he just annoyed me like hell. The same thing as Martha, I just can't like him. No, but really why did Mickey exist??????? Oh yeah to annoy us and cockblock!
Mickey was so useless throughout season 1 and 2 that he just annoyed me like hell. The same thing as Martha, I just can't like him. No, but really why did Mickey exist??????? Oh yeah to annoy us and cockblock!
As Greg/Owen in Once Upon A Time.
At first I was like "ok he's meh", but as the season went on he became more of like "why why why". His character is SO POINTLESS!!! I just don't like him, and he has a sad face all the time...
At first I was like "ok he's meh", but as the season went on he became more of like "why why why". His character is SO POINTLESS!!! I just don't like him, and he has a sad face all the time...
As Bonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries.
Somehow, every important witch in the entire universe in related to Bonnie. And she is the most important witch of aaaaallll time. Just no. I don't like Bonnie. Ok, maybe it's not really Bonnie but Julie's Plec writing.
[UPDATE]: You will not be missed.
[UPDATE2]: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN HOW. But you're less irritating now.
Somehow, every important witch in the entire universe in related to Bonnie. And she is the most important witch of aaaaallll time. Just no. I don't like Bonnie. Ok, maybe it's not really Bonnie but Julie's Plec writing.
[UPDATE]: You will not be missed.
[UPDATE2]: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN HOW. But you're less irritating now.
As Hayley in The Vampire Diaries.
Hayley is plain annoying. I can't stand her, I don't like her character at all.
PS: I do like Phoebe though!
Ok so in The Originals se becomes an actually likeable character!
Hayley is plain annoying. I can't stand her, I don't like her character at all.
PS: I do like Phoebe though!
Ok so in The Originals se becomes an actually likeable character!
As Tyler Lockwood in The Vampire Diaries.
STOP RUINING MY KLAROLINE SHIP! No, but really, I never liked Tyler, he was always full of himself, and I get that he's changed now and whatever. Still don't like him.
STOP RUINING MY KLAROLINE SHIP! No, but really, I never liked Tyler, he was always full of himself, and I get that he's changed now and whatever. Still don't like him.
As Nate St. Germain in Pretty Little Liars.
Anyone who's related to Maya annoys me, just kidding. But really, his character was just too much. I hated him flirting (more like trying to) with Emily and it was just so annoying!!@!@!!!!@1
Anyone who's related to Maya annoys me, just kidding. But really, his character was just too much. I hated him flirting (more like trying to) with Emily and it was just so annoying!!@!@!!!!@1
As Gerard Argent in Teen Wolf.
I don't like it when he smiles, it's creepy. And also, Gerard is just weird and against werewolves. WOOF WOOF.
MOUNTAIN ASHHHHHHHH *dramatically grasps mountain ash*
I don't like it when he smiles, it's creepy. And also, Gerard is just weird and against werewolves. WOOF WOOF.
MOUNTAIN ASHHHHHHHH *dramatically grasps mountain ash*
As Ted Mercer in The Lying Game.
Oh Ted, I think you and Byron(PLL)have been sharing parenting tips, because you're both awful at it.
Oh Ted, I think you and Byron(PLL)have been sharing parenting tips, because you're both awful at it.

Don't like it, but I don't hate it.
As Mercy Lewis in Salem.
Mercy is just so annoying with her childish attitude, just really does she really think that her powers are bigger than Mary's? Just no.
Mercy is just so annoying with her childish attitude, just really does she really think that her powers are bigger than Mary's? Just no.
As Bradley Martin in Bates Motel.
Just... Bradley... Why???? I mean, you get yourself in trouble and go to Norman for help but you're actually interested in his brother?
Just... Bradley... Why???? I mean, you get yourself in trouble and go to Norman for help but you're actually interested in his brother?
As Padma Lahari in Revenge.
Padma, another pointless character. Just so boring, and also, I don't want Nolan to be with anyone but me (JKJK)
[UPDATE]: It looks like I won't be having any more problems with you anymore...
Padma, another pointless character. Just so boring, and also, I don't want Nolan to be with anyone but me (JKJK)
[UPDATE]: It looks like I won't be having any more problems with you anymore...
As Young Snow White in Once Upon A Time.
Ok, let me get this straight, I do like Snow White, but her young self is just nope. I don't like her at all, and did not feel compassion for her at any time.
And also, I don't like Bailee as Snow, I'm sorry.
Ok, let me get this straight, I do like Snow White, but her young self is just nope. I don't like her at all, and did not feel compassion for her at any time.
And also, I don't like Bailee as Snow, I'm sorry.
As Ashley Davenport in Revenge.
Why are you even on this show?? Pointless character, once again.
Why are you even on this show?? Pointless character, once again.
As Morgana in Merlin.
I liked her until the half of season 4. Then she started to REALLY annoy me.
I liked her until the half of season 4. Then she started to REALLY annoy me.
As Byron Montgomery in Pretty Little Liars.
Oh Byron, you're such an amazing dad! NOT. The amount of times he chose someone else over Aria is just... Wow.
Oh Byron, you're such an amazing dad! NOT. The amount of times he chose someone else over Aria is just... Wow.
As Erica in Teen Wolf.
After she became a werewolf she was all like "I'm hot and awesome and blah blah blah". I just don't like her attitude.
After she became a werewolf she was all like "I'm hot and awesome and blah blah blah". I just don't like her attitude.
As Vicki Donovan in The Vampire Diaries.
Vicki, Vicki... All I learnt from you was DON'T DO DRUGS. Oh, and DON'T TRY TO DROWN YOUR BROTHER.
Vicki, Vicki... All I learnt from you was DON'T DO DRUGS. Oh, and DON'T TRY TO DROWN YOUR BROTHER.
As Maryann Forrester in True Blood.
WTF. That sums up pretty much everything.
As Gail McLeod in Chicago Fire.
HA HA HA FATE LAUGHS AT YOU FACE. That's what you get for trying to shut down 51.
WTF. That sums up pretty much everything.
As Gail McLeod in Chicago Fire.
HA HA HA FATE LAUGHS AT YOU FACE. That's what you get for trying to shut down 51.
As Salome Agrippa in True Blood.
HHHAAHAHAH just no. This season was wtf enough, and her character was so dull and crazy and can we please delete this season?
HHHAAHAHAH just no. This season was wtf enough, and her character was so dull and crazy and can we please delete this season?
[I'm sorry for the overuse of the word "annoying". And "sorry".]
There are some characters that just makes me want to throw a shoe at my television so yeah, decided I'd compile them in a list.
There are some characters that just makes me want to throw a shoe at my television so yeah, decided I'd compile them in a list.
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