Future's So Bright...
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Born: 7/8/98
Best Known For: "The Karate Kid". Launching a rap "career". Being the son of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett
Recommended SPF: Still early to tell, but with a Hollywood juggernaut like Will Smith for a father, young Jaden could become quite a cinematice presence. For now an SPF 8 should offer plenty protection.

Born: 2/23/94
Best Known For: God, lots of films, including voice acting (Coraline). Holding her own with De Niro in "Hide and Seek".
Recommended SPF: Sadly, "Twilight" has gotten hold of her so it'll be several years before she participates in anything of consequence. But once she returns...look out. Better put on 30.

Born: 12/8/93
Best Know For: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" "Race to Witch Mountain"
Recommended SPF: Set to appear in 4 new films in the next couple years, Robb is quickly becomming a force in childrens' films, but look for her to emerge as a legitimate leading lady. Go with an SPF 15

Born: 5/7/92
Best Know For: Shared a leading role with AnnaSophia in "Race to Witch Mountain"
SPF Factor: He's set to appear in "The Ring 3D" which won't see a release until 2012. SPF 4 is plenty.

Born: 1/19/92
Best Known For: "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" "The Number 23"
Recommended SPF: 25. With a role in the upcomming 3 Musketeers film and a lead role in the dramatic "Perks of Being a Wallflower" film adaptation, Lerman is set to make a splash.

Born: 2/10/91
Best Know For: Some minor stuff I don't much care about including some sort of music "career"...until, she broke out in the very good film "It's Kind of a Funny Story" with a solid performance.
Recommended SPF: Yes, this is Julia Roberts niece, and she seems to have a few acting chops. SPF 15 would be wise.

Born: 8/17/90
Best Know For: Playing Wendy in 2003's Peter Pan. Also for her role in "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer"
Recommended SPF: Doesn't look like her career is poised to cause much stir beyond her British borders. I'll risk an SPF 6.

Born: 4/23/90
Best Known For: His lead role in the great "Slumdog Millionaire".
Recommended SPF: How do you follow up 'Slumdog' with M. Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender"?? Grrr. Still, I'll say an SPF 20 is in order.

Born: 4/15/90
Best Know For: Growing up in front of all the world's eyes in those Harry Potter films.
Recommended SPF: Eh, her sun could easily set soon. But than again, perhaps not. An SPF 10 wouldn't be over-stating the case.

Born: 4/9/90
Best Known For: The surprisingly good "Adventure Land". Also "The Runaways" and oh yeah, those damn "Twilight" movies.
Recommended SPF: Winner of about a dozen Rising Star Awards, Best Young Actess awards, and such, Stewart stays busy. Barring a crippling drug addiction she should be big. SPF 35.
Xanadon't's rating:

Born: 12/7/89
Best Know For: His amazing job in 2002's delightful "About a Boy". Wearing that snappy jacket while taming ravens.
Recommended SPF: Go with a 12 for now. Never saw his work in "Clash of the Titans" but doens't sound like the high-road to legendary status.

Born: 8/21/89
Best Known For: Being real easy to look at. Her role in the TV drama "Heroes" A slew of unmemorable roles in mostly unmemorable films.
Recommended SPF: 30 if a few shining scripts come her way. "Scream 4" may or may not count. An 8 otherwise. Best to pack both.

Born: 7/21/89
Best Known For: "Year One" Yep, that horrible cave man pic with Jack Black and Michael Cera.
Recommended SPF: This is a wait and see, but so far looks pretty cloudy. SPF 8.

Born: 7/15/89
Best Known For: "Half Nelson" "The Secret Life of Bees"
Recommended SPF: While he hasn't gotten much attention yet, he certainly hasn't received negative publicity either by starring in something godawful. One of the two projects on the way, "Red Tails" should mark his breakout role. George Lucas co-wrote this historical military adventure-drama due out soon. SPF 20

Born: 3/11/89
Best Known For: Young Kyle Reese in "Terminator: Salvation" Also starred in "Star Trek".
Recommended SPF: With the lead role in the "Fright Night" remake coming up as well as a return in the "Star Trek" prequel (of course you knew that would happen) things look bright for this young man. SPF 25 for sure.

Born: 2/5/89
Best Known For: Not much. "Friday Night Lights" television series.
Recommended SPF: Tough call between baby oil and a 2.

Born: 12/13/88
Best Known For: Uh, um, you know that one movie, uh, what's the one? Oh, right, "Beastly". Whaddaya mean you never heard of it?
Recommended SPF: When every up and coming female starlet insists on being both an acress and a musician, often neither goes anywhere. Break out the SPF 2.

Born: 11/6/88
Best Know For: Her smoky, sexy voice, and classic good looks. She broke through with "Superbad" and followed up with two more winners: "Zombieland" and the critically praised "Easy A".
Recommended SPF: Emma Stone is a future star to stay, no doubt about it. With 4 upcoming projects that all show promise, I recommended the highest SPF available: 50.
Xanadon't's rating:

Born: 6/7/88
Best Known For: Being every geeks hero, simultaneously becoming the Next Big Thing.
Recommended SPF: Interestingly Cera doesn't appear to have any film roles coming up. But you just know that he's working like hell on a comic-book with an acoustic sing-along insert CD. Cera's pale and promising enough to wear a SPF 40 year-round.

Born: 9/7/87
Best Known For: Her multi-talented performance in "Across the Universe" and her best role so-far in Woody Allen's "Whatever Works".
Recommended SPF: Critics can't get enough of her, and if she can survive a wedding engagement to shock-rocker/media-clown Marilyn Manson, she can survive anything. Make it a 45.

Born: 8/25/87
Best Known For: Her rapidly emerging modeling/acting career, recently highlighted by a fantastic supporting performance in "The Town".
Recommended SPF: This girl photographs great and can really act. Watch out for her. SPF 45 all the way.

Born: 11/25/86
Best Known For: Her role in "Taken" starring Liam Neeson, and being the hands-down best aspect of the 2010 "Nightmare on Elm Street" remake.
Recommended SPF: 25. Cassidy has some real talent, and the looks to back it. It would be a shame if she doesn't break out of the 'Scream Queen' pattern that's already in effect.

Born: 6/13/86
Best Known For: Playing Catherine Keener's smart-mouth daughter, Marla, in "40 Year-old Virgin".
Recommende SPF: After a handful of small projects in recent years, Dennings is about to receive some big exposure in next year's "Thor". Much remains to be proven though, and an SPF 15 should do the trick.
Xanadon't's rating:

Born: 4/22/86
Best Known For: Her stunning good looks, as her acting talent has yet to be really show-cased.
Recommende SPF: 12. She's got a 3D film coming out soon, and also a likely good film, ("The Rum Diaries") sometime in 2011. We shall see...

Born: 12/3/85
Best Known For: Her starring role in "Mamma Mia!" and starring opposite Megan Fox in the campy, fun, surprisingly clever "Jennifer's Body".
Recommended SPF: Seyfried has been quietly building a respectable television/film career and there's no reason to think she'll slow down. SPF 40

Born: 8/11/85
Best Known For: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" television series, and a handful of roles in bad movies in more recent years.
Recommended SPF: So far pretty slow out of the gate, I can't give Michelle anymore than an SPF 10.

Born: 8/9/85
Best Known For: Going toe-to-toe with George Cloony in "Up in the Air". Fantastic performance from a promising young actress.
Recommended SPF: Don't writer her off because of her "Twilight" involvement. Kendrick has taken some great scripts other-wise and has really shined. SPF 30.

Born: 5/28/85
Best Known For: Absolutely killing in last year's "An Education" as well as this year's "Wall Street" sequel. Being British.
Recommended SPF: 40, easily. Carey Mulligan hasn't touched a bad script yet and has a real screen presence.
Xanadon't's rating:

...gotta wear shades.
A look at 30 of Hollywood's young up-and-coming actors. List is presented in order of youngest to oldest and each actor is assigned an SPF rating.
SPF, of course stands for Sun Protection Factor, and sun-block products are generally available in SPF 2 through 50-- SPF 50 offering the most protection from the sun's rays.
With this in mind my SPF rating is a measure of both the hype surrounding each actor and my assessment of the likelihood that the person in question becomes a legitimate, enduring star.
A look at 30 of Hollywood's young up-and-coming actors. List is presented in order of youngest to oldest and each actor is assigned an SPF rating.
SPF, of course stands for Sun Protection Factor, and sun-block products are generally available in SPF 2 through 50-- SPF 50 offering the most protection from the sun's rays.
With this in mind my SPF rating is a measure of both the hype surrounding each actor and my assessment of the likelihood that the person in question becomes a legitimate, enduring star.
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