Anton Yelchin
Birth Name: Anton Viktorovich Yelchin
Born: 11 March 1989 Died: 19 June 2016
Country of origin: Russian Federation
Height: 5' 9"
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Anton Yelchin Videos
Rating: | 2736 Watched |
Rating: | 1913 Watched |
Rating: | 1208 Watched |
Rating: | 926 Watched |
Rating: | 622 Watched |
Rating: | 1643 Watched |
Rating: | 1163 Watched |
Rating: | 849 Watched |
Update feed
" Pat - Green Room "It's funny. You were so scary at night." "
" Tim - Thoroughbreds "You know, the thing about this town is, the sawdust smells fantastic. But you are still in a hamster cage." "
"2.11 Sex, Birth, Death Role: Nathan Harris"
"Christopher B. Duncan as Agent James Sheridan
Season/s: 2
Episode/s: 1 Episode
First Appearance - 11/02 "Sex, Birth, Death"
Last Appearance - 11/02 "Sex, Birth, Death"
Alias: n/a
Relatives: Sarah Harris (mother)
Unnamed father (deceased)
Brief Info:
Nathan waits for Reid at a subway station and starts to ask him increasingly disturbing questions. Alarmed by this Reid suspects Nathan might be a possible unsub and finds him with the help of Garcia to interrogate him.