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A word of advice. If you come to Scotland for any length of time, you are highly likely to come across a man in what you think is a skirt. This is a foolish thing to think, and even moreso to announce, as this will likely end in some sort of head wound. Even if you don't think the man wearing the "skirt" looks capable of causing you any harm, it is likely that, at one point or other, at least half the men in the room will have worn a kilt too. You have been warned.
Traditionally the kilt is worn by males, has pleats at the back, is woolen and patterned with tartan. The usual accessories would include:

Sgian dubh

Along with boots, woolen socks, and sometimes a jacket. The knife is placed in the top of the right sock.
The contemporary version is a simpler from of the great kilt, which has a piece of fabric slung over the shoulder, which could also be used as a cape. These are less commonly worn nowadays.
(Currently adding more people/pictures from the Dressed to Kilt event albums. Need to wait till person profile separation is implemented to add some people. Suggestions welcome)
Traditionally the kilt is worn by males, has pleats at the back, is woolen and patterned with tartan. The usual accessories would include:

Sgian dubh

Along with boots, woolen socks, and sometimes a jacket. The knife is placed in the top of the right sock.
The contemporary version is a simpler from of the great kilt, which has a piece of fabric slung over the shoulder, which could also be used as a cape. These are less commonly worn nowadays.
(Currently adding more people/pictures from the Dressed to Kilt event albums. Need to wait till person profile separation is implemented to add some people. Suggestions welcome)
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