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Added by FG93 on 30 Jan 2013 12:25
3946 Views 54 Comments

Who is Listals Favourite Zombie Killer? You Decide

Sort by: Showing 33 items
Rating: List Type:
As Daryll Dixon from The Walking Dead

Voters: Starweevil (5), BAMF (5), Villiana (5), Revo Ji (5), FG93 (5), Orpheus Anathema (2), superman1014 (5), death shade (3), DuckNation (4), the giraffe (1), HollyPiee (5), cfcblue (5), Evgenija (5), starship386 (5), Mr. Saturn (2), biggdogg (4), reeallly (5), drugs (5), Marcello (4), propelas (5), Drako Z (1), Maggie (5), Akxlvok (4), Candied Elise (5), Sinclair21 (1), Emily (5), heipanda (5), Katie ☣ (5), dannyjai (5),
Total Points: 121
FG93's rating:
As Tallahassee from Zombieland

Voters: Starweevil (4), BAMF (2), Villiana (1), phillydude (5), Revo Ji (3), FG93 (4), Iceviper (1), Fortunato (1), the giraffe (2), HollyPiee (4), TrekMedic (3), cfcblue (1), starship386 (4), Zenn (1), JamesC (2), Enforcer (5), drugs (4), propelas (1), Drako Z (2), Maggie (4), Akxlvok (5), Candied Elise (3), Sinclair21 (3), pulpbukowskiDeth (1), Emily (1), Katie ☣ (3), dannyjai (2),
Total Points: 72
FG93's rating:
As Alice from Resident Evil

Voters: FG93 (2), Iceviper (5), DuckNation (3), Jane-ArtLover (4), HollyPiee (2), cfcblue (4), Evgenija (4), JamesC (4), Enforcer (2), Marcello (5), Sinclair21 (5), pulpbukowskiDeth (4), Emily (4), llllkirallll (3), heipanda (4), dannyjai (4),
Total Points: 59
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (663 ratings) 8.4 IMDB Rating 0
As Shaun from Shaun of the Dead

Voters: Starweevil (2), BAMF (4), Villiana (2), phillydude (1), Revo Ji (4), FG93 (1), Fortunato (3), superman1014 (1), Hootsaidtheowl (1), DuckNation (5), the giraffe (3), jaytoast (5), TrekMedic (4), Mr. Saturn (3), Zenn (3), JamesC (1), drugs (1), Marcello (2), propelas (2), Maggie (1), llllkirallll (1), heipanda (1), Katie ☣ (2),
Total Points: 53
FG93's rating:
As Ash Williams from The Evil Dead

Voters: phillydude (3), superman1014 (4), death shade (2), Hootsaidtheowl (5), Orpheus Anathema (5), Severin Severin (5), TrekMedic (5), Mr. Saturn (4), Zenn (5), reeallly (1), JamesC (3), Sinclair21 (4), pulpbukowskiDeth (3), Katie ☣ (4),
Total Points: 53
Average listal rating (1160 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 0
As Cherry Darling from Planet Terror

Voters: FG93 (3), Iceviper (2), Fortunato (4), DuckNation (2), Jane-ArtLover (5), Evgenija (2), reeallly (2), Enforcer (1), Drako Z (3), pulpbukowskiDeth (2), Emily (2), llllkirallll (4), heipanda (3),
Total Points: 34
FG93's rating:
As Lionel Cosgrove from Dead Alive

Voters: phillydude (4), Orpheus Anathema (4), Hootsaidtheowl (4), the giraffe (4), jaytoast (2), reeallly (4), Candied Elise (2),
Total Points: 26
Average listal rating (37 ratings) 6.4 IMDB Rating 0
As Peter from Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Voters: death shade (5), Hootsaidtheowl (3), Severin Severin (2), starship386 (2), drugs (2), Sinclair21 (2), pulpbukowskiDeth (5), Katie ☣ (1),
Total Points: 22
Average listal rating (149 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 0
As Michonne from The Walking Dead

Voters: drugs (3), Marcello (3), propelas (4), Drako Z (5), Maggie (3), Candied Elise (1), Emily (3),
Total Points: 22
FG93's rating:
As Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead

Voters: Starweevil (3), Revo Ji (1), superman1014 (2), DuckNation (1), starship386 (3), reeallly (3), Drako Z (4), Akxlvok (1), dannyjai (3),
Total Points: 21
FG93's rating:
As Francesco Dellamorte from Cemetery Man

Voters: Fortunato (5), Orpheus Anathema (3), Hootsaidtheowl (2), the giraffe (5), jaytoast (3),
Total Points: 18
Average listal rating (2314 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 0
As Robert Neville from I Am Legend

Technically they're a kind of vampires but oh well...

Voters: Iceviper (4), Evgenija (1), Akxlvok (3), llllkirallll (5),
Total Points: 13
FG93's rating:
As Jim from 28 Days Later...

Voters: superman1014 (3), TrekMedic (2), cfcblue (2), Enforcer (3),
Total Points: 10
FG93's rating:
As Homer Simpson from The Simpsons

Voters: Mr. Saturn (5), JamesC (5),
Total Points: 10
FG93's rating:
As Kenneth from Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Voters: BAMF (3), biggdogg (2), Enforcer (4),
Total Points: 9
FG93's rating:
As Columbus from Zombieland

Voters: Villiana (4), phillydude (2), Revo Ji (2),
Total Points: 8
FG93's rating:
As Rain Ocampo from Resident Evil

Voters: BAMF (1), Iceviper (3), HollyPiee (3),
Total Points: 7
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (4 ratings) 6.3 IMDB Rating 0
As Vegard from Dead Snow

Voters: jaytoast (4), cfcblue (3),
Total Points: 7
Average listal rating (2531 ratings) 8.3 IMDB Rating 0
As Wichita from Zombieland

Voters: Jane-ArtLover (3), HollyPiee (1), biggdogg (1), Akxlvok (2),
Total Points: 7
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (103 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 0
As Glenn Rhee from The Walking Dead

Voters: Villiana (3), Evgenija (3), dannyjai (1),
Total Points: 7
FG93's rating:
As Doyle from 28 Weeks Later

Voters: Maggie (2), llllkirallll (2), heipanda (2),
Total Points: 6
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (22 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 0
As Ben from Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Voters: Severin Severin (3), Mr. Saturn (1), Zenn (2),
Total Points: 6
As Neville from The Omega Man

Voters: Severin Severin (4), TrekMedic (1), Marcello (1),
Total Points: 6
As Selena from 28 Days Later...

Voters: Fortunato (2), Candied Elise (4),
Total Points: 6
FG93's rating:
As Dr. Matthew "Frankenstein" Logan from Day of the Dead (1985)

Voters: Orpheus Anathema (1), Zenn (4),
Total Points: 5
As Andrea from The Walking Dead

Voters: biggdogg (5),
Total Points: 5
FG93's rating:
As Roger from Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Voters: death shade (4),
Total Points: 4
As Ed from Shaun of the Dead

Voters: Starweevil (1), propelas (3),
Total Points: 4
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (248 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 0
As Ana from Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Voters: Jane-ArtLover (2),
Total Points: 2
FG93's rating:
As Little Rock from Zombieland

Voters: Jane-ArtLover (1),
Total Points: 1
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (15 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 0
As Burt from Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Voters: Severin Severin (1),
Total Points: 1
As Wray from Planet Terror

Total Points: 0
FG93's rating:
Average listal rating (60 ratings) 5.9 IMDB Rating 0
As Michael from Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Total Points: 0
FG93's rating:

Intro: I have to admit I have always been curious as to what I'd actually do if there was a zombie outbreak and how I'd plan on taking out as many of them as I could. Obviously I'd take notes from the professionals first, the ones in the movies who actually survive till the end or last for series and series in TV shows!

Soooo I thought I'd do this community poll to see which Zombie Killers are listal's favourite. I was going to do a zombie movie version of this that I may release later.

The rules are pretty simple, you comment your top 5 Zombie Killers and I'll tally the votes as we go a long.

When posting please use this setup:

Actor/Actress real name - Name in movie/show - Name of movie/show
If you don't know their real life name, I guess its not the end of the world (sorry ;P)
*(If the person is already on the list, you don't need to add their real name ;))

1. 5 points
2. 4 points
3. 3 points
4. 2 points
5. 1 point)

And if you happen to encounter a zombie while choosing your selections, here's a list of The 10 goriest ways to kill a zombie. to use in practice :)

*The first 50 votes will be counted.
Wasn't sure whether to limit this to 50 or 100 ;

1. Starweevil
3. Villiana
4. phillydude
5. Revo Ji
6. FG93
7. Iceviper
8. Fortunato
9. Orpheus Anathema
10. superman1014
11. death shade
12. Hootsaidtheowl
13. DuckNation
14. Jane-ArtLover
15. the giraffe
16. Severin Severin
17. jaytoast
18. HollyPiee
19. TrekMedic
20. cfcblue
21. Evgenija
22. starship386
23. Mr. Saturn
24. Zenn
25. biggdogg
26. reeallly
27. JamesC
28. Enforcer
29. drugs
30. Marcello
31. propelas
32. Drako Z
33. Maggie
34. Akxlvok
35. Candied Elise
36. Sinclair21
37. pulpbukowskiDeth
38. Emily
39. llllkirallll
40. heipanda
41. Katie ☣
42. dannyjai

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