Norman Reedus
Birth Name: Norman Mark Reedus
Age: 56, born 6 January 1969
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 10"
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Diane Kruger
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Norman Reedus Videos


Rating: | 2154 Watched |

Rating: | 1778 Watched |

Rating: | 1337 Watched |

Rating: | 1043 Watched |

Rating: | 859 Watched |

Rating: | 2515 Watched |

Rating: | 2084 Watched |

Rating: | 1859 Watched |

Rating: | 1166 Watched |

Rating: | 1151 Watched |
Update feed

"Acheron: Part 1Daryl leads a team to scavenge the military base he discovered; Maggie tells her story, prompting a new mission for survival that only Negan can lead; Eugene and his group go through an assessment by the Commonwealth's paramilitary police."

"1- American Gangster (2007)2- The Boondock Saints (1999)3- Blade II (2002)4- Pandorum (2009)5- 8MM (1999)"

"Lines We CrossThe group in Oceanside continues to train in case the Whisperers return; tensions are high as the heroes struggle to hold onto their concept of civilization."

"Norman Mark ReedusAmerican Actor, Model & TV Host• Italian/Sicilian;• English;• Scots-Irish/Northern Irish;• Scottish; "

"The BridgeA month after Gregory's death, the communities work together to repair the bridge; several Saviors have gone missing since construction began. After some persuasion, Maggie ultimately decides to deliver food to a starving Sanctuary. A herd approaches the repair crew after Justin fails to sound an alarm, and Aaron's arm is crushed under a log. Daryl rescues Aaron, and Enid is forced to amputate Aaron's arm to keep him alive. Anne and Gabriel pursue a romantic relationship, but Anne take"

"The DamnedRick's forces split into separate parties to attack several of the Saviors' outposts, during which many members of the group are killed; Eric is critically injured and rushed away by Aaron. Jesus stops Tara and Morgan from executing a group of surrendered Saviors. While clearing an outpost with Daryl, Rick is confronted and held at gunpoint by Morales, a survivor he met in the initial Atlanta camp, who is now with the Saviors."

"The WellCarol and Morgan arrive at the Kingdom, a well-established community run by flamboyant former zookeeper "King" Ezekiel. The Kingdom, like Hilltop, has been producing for the Saviors under the threat of violence, although Ezekiel has kept this arrangement secret from most residents of the Kingdom. Carol recuperates and eagerly prepares to abandon the community, but opts to stay in an isolated house nearby after bonding with Ezekiel."

"SickRick's group discuss what to do with the five prison survivors, and initially lock them in a separate but walker-free part of the prison. When the prisoners agree to help them, clear walkers, Rick allows them to come but finds their leader Tomas unstable and is forced to kill him, while abandoning another, Andrew, in a yard full of walkers. The others tend carefully to Hershel's health to make sure he does not turn."

"ChupacabraDaryl continues to search for Sophia, despite Rick and Shane arguing whether it is pointless and Hershel becoming more unnerved by the group's presence. As Glenn's relationship with Maggie continues in secret, Glenn offers to meet Maggie in the barn's hayloft, and Maggie is too late to stop him from discovering the barn is filled with walkers."

"JSS Alexandria is invaded by the Wolves, who brutally slaughter people in the streets. Spencer opens fire on a truck approaching the wall, killing the driver and inadvertently activating the truck's horn. Morgan saves people while Carol fights her way to the armoury and distributes guns to survivors. Carl tries to shelter Ron and Enid, but Ron refuses his protection and Enid flees Alexandria. As the Alexandrians begin fighting back, Morgan is attacked by a member of the Wolves he had previo"

"Strangers Rick's group saves Father Gabriel Stokes from walkers, and he provides them shelter in his church; his motives are suspicious, leaving some anxious to continue on. Carol withdraws from the group, followed by Daryl when they see a car with a white cross on its window, the same as the one Daryl saw abduct Beth, and the two follow it. Bob is captured by the remaining Terminus survivors led by Gareth, who proceed to amputate and consume his leg."

"InfectedThe reanimated Patrick manages to attack other survivors in a cell block, and the group is forced to kill off those bitten and relocate the others to a different block. They discover a deadly flu strain, brought by pigs that Rick tried to raise, affecting some of the survivors and which killed Patrick, and isolate those infected, fearing they will reanimate when they die. Tyreese discovers his girlfriend Karen and her friend David, both considered infected, were killed and burnt by someo"

"Vatos Rick's group briefly scuffles with a group of Latino survivors protecting the residents of a nursing home in Atlanta, who want Rick's weapons, but Rick is able to defuse the situation peacefully. They return to camp too late to stop a walker horde from attacking, killing Andrea's sister Amy, and Carol's husband Ed."

"As the Huntsman from "Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs.""