Rest in Peace 2008
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List Type:
Prominent Roles
Mark Sway - The Client
Young Michael Sullivan - Sleepers
Todd Bowden - Apt Pupil
Josh - Ghost World
The Stranger - The Jacket
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Roles
Patrick Verona - 10 Things I Hate About You
William Thatcher/Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein of Gelderland - A Knight's Tale
Jacob Grimm - The Brothers Grimm
Ennis Del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
The Joker - The Dark Knight
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Roles
Det. Buddy Russo - The French Connection
Police Chief Martin Brody - Jaws
Henry 'Doc' Levy - Marathon Man
Dr. Heywood Floyd - 2010
Doctor Benway - Naked Lunch
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Work
Childhood End's
The City and the Stars
2001: A Space Odyssey
Rendezvous with Rama
The Fountains of Paradise
Prominent Roles
Moses - The Ten Commandments
Ramon Miguel 'Mike' Vargas - Touch of Evil
Judah Ben-Hur - Ben-Hur
George Taylor - Planet of the Apes
Detective Robert Thorn - Soylent Green
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Work
The First Host - "Saturday Night Live"
Jammin' in New York
George O'Grady - "The George Carlin Show"
You Are All Diseased
Life Is Worth Losing
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Roles
Dr. Fleisher - Look Who's Talking
Major Garland Briggs - "Twin Peaks"
Captain William Scully - "The X-Files"
Man in Car - Con Air
Major General George S. Hammond - "Stargate SG-1"
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Roles
Uncle Bernie - "Moesha"
Frank Catton - Ocean's Eleven
Bernie 'Mac' McCullough - "The Bernie Mac Show"
Jimmy Bosley - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
Stan Ross - Mr. 3000
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Work/Roles
Most Legendary Theme Tune Writer - Shaft
Hot Buttered Soul
The Best of Isaac Hayes, Vol.1
The Best of Isaac Hayes, Vol.2
Chef - "South Park"
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Roles
Luke - Cool Hand Luke
Butch Cassidy - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Henry Gondorff - The Sting
Doug Roberts - The Towering Inferno
John Rooney - Road to Perdition
Seaworth's rating:

Prominent Work
The Andromeda Strain
Jurassic Park
Prominent Roles
Ship's Computer - "Star Trek: The Next Generation" / "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" / "Star Trek: Voyager"
Dr. Christine Chapel - "Star Trek"
Lwaxana Troi - "Star Trek: The Next Generation" / "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"
Prominent Roles
Catwoman - "Batman"
Lady Eloise - Boomerang
Yzma - The Emperor's New Groove
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