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Lai Yiu-fai - Happy Together
"I didn't see Chang, but I saw his family. I finally understood how he could be happy running around so free. It's because he has a place he can always return to."
henrik4075's rating:

Ordell Robbie - Jackie Brown
"Here we go. AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes."
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Edgar - Men in Black
"You idiots! You don't get it - I've won! It's over! You're milksuckers! You don't matter! In fact, in just a few seconds you won't even BE matter!"
henrik4075's rating:

Ben Hood - The Ice Storm
"The only big fight we've had in years is about whether to go back into couples therapy."
henrik4075's rating:

Max Cherry - Jackie Brown
"You know, a good cop will never let you know he knows you're full of shit."
henrik4075's rating:

Fred Madison - Lost Highway
"You were in the house, calling my name, but I couldn't find you. Then there you were, lying in bed... but it wasn't you. It looked like you, but it wasn't."
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

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Castor Troy - Face/Off
"Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours."
Honorable Mentions:
Cameron Poe - Con Air
henrik4075's rating:

Bud White - L.A. Confidential
"You'll be out in a year and a half. I'll get cozy with your parole officer. You touch her again, I'll have you violated on a kiddie raper beef. You know what they do to kiddie rapers in Quentin, don't ya?"
henrik4075's rating:

Gary Figgis - Cop Land
"Listen to me, I got a check in my pocket for $200,000. I got a chance to start my life again. I don't give a shit about this town, I don't give a shit about that town and I don't give a shit about your fucking justice. Bein' right is not a bulletproof vest, Freddy!"
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Will - Good Will Hunting
"What do you wanna know? That I don't have 12 brothers? That I'm a fuckin' orphan? You don't wanna hear that... no, you don't wanna hear that. You don't wanna hear that I got fuckin' cigarettes put out on me when I was a little kid! That this is 'cause the motherfucker stabbed me! You don't wanna hear that shit, Skylar. Tell me you don't wanna hear that shit isn't fuckin' surgery!"
henrik4075's rating:

Ed Exley - L.A. Confidential
"I'm talking about the gas chamber, and you haven't even asked me what this is about. You've got a big "Guilty" sign around your neck."
henrik4075's rating:

Simon Bishop - As Good as It Gets
"Lucky for you... you're here for rock-bottom. You absolute horror of a human being."
henrik4075's rating:

Sean Archer - Face/Off
"You are right, Sean. I misbehaved. I have to be punished. But remember... Every time when you look in the mirror, you'll see my face."
Honorable Mentions:
Sam - Mad City
henrik4075's rating:

Martin Q. Blank - Grosse Pointe Blank
"No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for *money*. It's a *job*. That didn't come out right."
Honorable Mentions:
Agent Vince Larkin - Con Air
henrik4075's rating:

Paul Hood - The Ice Storm
"When you think about it, it's not easy to keep from just wandering out of life. It's like someone's always leaving the door open to the next world, and if you aren't paying attention you could just walk through it, and then you've died."
henrik4075's rating:

Louis Gara - Jackie Brown
"Hey, keep your fucking mouth shut, all right? I mean it not one fucking word!"
Honorable Mentions:
Conrad Brean - Wag the Dog
Moe Tilden - Cop Land
henrik4075's rating:

Lefty - Donnie Brasco
"A wise guy's always right; even when he's wrong, he's right."
Honorable Mentions:
John Milton - The Devil's Advocate
henrik4075's rating: