30 People (First List!)
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& Al Pacino
Actor/Actress that has disappointed me the most
Ok, don't get me wrong. I love this guys, I think they're two of the best actors of cinema ever and that's why I was so disappointed when I saw them acting together! I thought it would be something epic and ended up being Heat and Righteous Kill. Two average action movies, not bad, but not what I was expecting.

Ok, don't get me wrong. I love this guys, I think they're two of the best actors of cinema ever and that's why I was so disappointed when I saw them acting together! I thought it would be something epic and ended up being Heat and Righteous Kill. Two average action movies, not bad, but not what I was expecting.

Well, as you can see, this is my first List and took the RockerChick idea to make it (with a few changes).
I think is a good idea to introduce me on Listal, so I hope you like it.
There's actually 32 people, but anyway ;)
Check out my others "30..." lists:
30 Movies

30 Tv Shows

30 Facial Expressions
30 More Facial Expressions

I think is a good idea to introduce me on Listal, so I hope you like it.
There's actually 32 people, but anyway ;)
Check out my others "30..." lists:

30 Facial Expressions

30 More Facial Expressions

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