Mustanaamio7's Movie Diary 2024
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Blade Runner (1982)
31.12. 2024
In Ridley Scott's classic "Blade Runner", a chilling vision of the future is built on a simple plot. Rick Deckard is "Blade Runner", a bounty hunter turned into a cop, whose job is to find and kill four replicants that are certain kind of synthetic humans. With a bottle of whiskey in his hand, this future Humphrey Bogart reluctantly hunts his subjects in the dark, film-noir-esque environment, who are searching for their creator just like believers search for God. One significant question that the film raises is that if replicants are almost exactly like humans, what gives people the right to treat them like worthless machines? There are synthetic humans that can be very much like real humans, but there are also real humans that can be very much like synthetic humans, and humans are also capable of being just as cold and calculative as any machine, just like the story of the film proves. Replicants are basically just like humans that age quicker than normally, just like one of the human characters in the story.
The story is set in year 2019. "Blade Runner" was incredibly prophetic film when it was released in 1982. It is even more relevant today since we have already witnessed year 2019 and we are able to see how the world presented in the film is hardly different compared to our real world. It is a sad but cold fact that humans are becoming more like machines and machines are becoming more like humans, and the alarmingly rapid development of artificial intelligence does not in the least reduce the concerns related to it. We are already living in societies where corporations knows no limits while they protect their interests, just like the Tyrell Corporation in the film, and many industries are treating people like emotionless machines or slaves to be pushed aside and replaced. For replicants and many humans, life is short and monotonous, and their few meaningful memories eventually disappear like tears in rain.
In Ridley Scott's classic "Blade Runner", a chilling vision of the future is built on a simple plot. Rick Deckard is "Blade Runner", a bounty hunter turned into a cop, whose job is to find and kill four replicants that are certain kind of synthetic humans. With a bottle of whiskey in his hand, this future Humphrey Bogart reluctantly hunts his subjects in the dark, film-noir-esque environment, who are searching for their creator just like believers search for God. One significant question that the film raises is that if replicants are almost exactly like humans, what gives people the right to treat them like worthless machines? There are synthetic humans that can be very much like real humans, but there are also real humans that can be very much like synthetic humans, and humans are also capable of being just as cold and calculative as any machine, just like the story of the film proves. Replicants are basically just like humans that age quicker than normally, just like one of the human characters in the story.
The story is set in year 2019. "Blade Runner" was incredibly prophetic film when it was released in 1982. It is even more relevant today since we have already witnessed year 2019 and we are able to see how the world presented in the film is hardly different compared to our real world. It is a sad but cold fact that humans are becoming more like machines and machines are becoming more like humans, and the alarmingly rapid development of artificial intelligence does not in the least reduce the concerns related to it. We are already living in societies where corporations knows no limits while they protect their interests, just like the Tyrell Corporation in the film, and many industries are treating people like emotionless machines or slaves to be pushed aside and replaced. For replicants and many humans, life is short and monotonous, and their few meaningful memories eventually disappear like tears in rain.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

28.12. 2024
Billy Wilder's classic film tells the story of two struggling musicians who accidentally witness a mass murder, after which they escape dangerous gangsters by dressing up as women and joining an all-girl orchestra traveling to Florida by train. "Some Like It Hot" is probably the funniest depiction of the Prohibition era ever. Wilder succeeded where countless comedy directors failed: he mixed sharp and witty dialogue with perfectly paced comical scenes without ever being forced or preachy. In addition to being flawless entertainment with its brilliant musical numbers and comedic insights, "Some Like It Hot" is also satire on a society where success is achieved more through chance and playing dirty games than through hard work.
Billy Wilder's classic film tells the story of two struggling musicians who accidentally witness a mass murder, after which they escape dangerous gangsters by dressing up as women and joining an all-girl orchestra traveling to Florida by train. "Some Like It Hot" is probably the funniest depiction of the Prohibition era ever. Wilder succeeded where countless comedy directors failed: he mixed sharp and witty dialogue with perfectly paced comical scenes without ever being forced or preachy. In addition to being flawless entertainment with its brilliant musical numbers and comedic insights, "Some Like It Hot" is also satire on a society where success is achieved more through chance and playing dirty games than through hard work.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Room Next Door (2024)
27.12. 2024
After years of being out of touch, a novelist Ingrid meets her old friend Martha in a depressing but weirdly fascinating situation which gives both women the opportunity to explore their attitudes towards questions of life and death. Almodóvar is master at handling sensitive topics like this and the director balances his film smoothly between sharp observations about both the individual and society. Ingrid learns that Martha, who used to be a war reporter, is suffering from cancer. No matter how problematic it is, Martha prefers to spend the last days of her life with her greatest friend. Ingrid also has an old lover named Damian, who has become cynical about the current state of humanity. Obviously, it is understandable that the threat posed by climate change and the rise of neo-liberal and far-right movements would turn someone into a cynical person, but the movie also reminds us that having hope is also important. Almodóvar realistically depicts how approaching death affects the main characters' states of mind and his way of focusing on the essential impresses time and time again.
After years of being out of touch, a novelist Ingrid meets her old friend Martha in a depressing but weirdly fascinating situation which gives both women the opportunity to explore their attitudes towards questions of life and death. Almodóvar is master at handling sensitive topics like this and the director balances his film smoothly between sharp observations about both the individual and society. Ingrid learns that Martha, who used to be a war reporter, is suffering from cancer. No matter how problematic it is, Martha prefers to spend the last days of her life with her greatest friend. Ingrid also has an old lover named Damian, who has become cynical about the current state of humanity. Obviously, it is understandable that the threat posed by climate change and the rise of neo-liberal and far-right movements would turn someone into a cynical person, but the movie also reminds us that having hope is also important. Almodóvar realistically depicts how approaching death affects the main characters' states of mind and his way of focusing on the essential impresses time and time again.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

25.12. 2024
A shy, married accountant catches the eye of a charming dance school teacher while standing at a train station and decides to finally break out of his daily routine by taking dance lessons. The man becomes more confident as he develops as a dancer, but the balance of his marriage is jeopardized and his feelings for his dance teacher are not reciprocated. "Shall We Dance?" is mainly light entertainment, but it also intelligently and sensitively examines the outdated customs of Japanese culture. The film doesn't hide uncomfortable truths like the fact that ordinary employees are often pressured to work to the point of exhaustion and they have to hide their true personality in order to enjoy life. All the scenes depicting the main character working seem depressing compared to the dance scenes, where he appears happy in public for perhaps the first time in his life.
A shy, married accountant catches the eye of a charming dance school teacher while standing at a train station and decides to finally break out of his daily routine by taking dance lessons. The man becomes more confident as he develops as a dancer, but the balance of his marriage is jeopardized and his feelings for his dance teacher are not reciprocated. "Shall We Dance?" is mainly light entertainment, but it also intelligently and sensitively examines the outdated customs of Japanese culture. The film doesn't hide uncomfortable truths like the fact that ordinary employees are often pressured to work to the point of exhaustion and they have to hide their true personality in order to enjoy life. All the scenes depicting the main character working seem depressing compared to the dance scenes, where he appears happy in public for perhaps the first time in his life.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Duel at Diablo (1966)
23.12. 2024
"Duel at Diablo" was made at a time when film producers had to give a little more space to minorities due to social changes, but the film is still a disappointment because having minorities in the film isn't enough. It would have been nice if the director would have had something new to say. On the contrary, the film recycles the cliched formula of a battle between Indians and cavalry, mixed with a plot depicting a personal revenge expedition and relationship drama. The action scenes are moderately impressive, but everything else seems lacking.
"Duel at Diablo" was made at a time when film producers had to give a little more space to minorities due to social changes, but the film is still a disappointment because having minorities in the film isn't enough. It would have been nice if the director would have had something new to say. On the contrary, the film recycles the cliched formula of a battle between Indians and cavalry, mixed with a plot depicting a personal revenge expedition and relationship drama. The action scenes are moderately impressive, but everything else seems lacking.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Revenant (2015)
22.12. 2024
After being attacked by a bear and abandoned by his companions, a hunter must fight his way through the harsh, wintry terrain with revenge in mind. "The Revenant" is a classic survival story in which a man must overcome the most difficult obstacles and use all his strength to achieve his ultimate goal. Even though the plot offers no surprises, the director manages to keep the general atmosphere pleasantly tense all the time.
After being attacked by a bear and abandoned by his companions, a hunter must fight his way through the harsh, wintry terrain with revenge in mind. "The Revenant" is a classic survival story in which a man must overcome the most difficult obstacles and use all his strength to achieve his ultimate goal. Even though the plot offers no surprises, the director manages to keep the general atmosphere pleasantly tense all the time.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Transamerica (2006)
19.12. 2024
A trans woman preparing for gender-affirming surgery finds out that she has a son. After freeing the boy from prison, they hit the road together, but developing a relationship isn't easy when the main character has to lie to the boy about her past and identity. The director took a serious and complicated topic and made it into a pretty standard road movie. Rainer Werner Fassbinder made more complicated and provocative movies about sexual and gender minorities several decades before this movie. All the observations about the reality of transgender people are appropriate but not particularly original.
A trans woman preparing for gender-affirming surgery finds out that she has a son. After freeing the boy from prison, they hit the road together, but developing a relationship isn't easy when the main character has to lie to the boy about her past and identity. The director took a serious and complicated topic and made it into a pretty standard road movie. Rainer Werner Fassbinder made more complicated and provocative movies about sexual and gender minorities several decades before this movie. All the observations about the reality of transgender people are appropriate but not particularly original.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

14.12. 2024
Steven Spielberg's "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a synthesis of all the influences the director gathered from old adventure films and pulp novels. The film doesn't have any specific messages to tell but it just focuses on entertaining audiences. The one-dimensional characters aren't overly impressive but the action sequences are full of creative tricks and some moments are iconic for a reason. The fascinating thing about the film is that the main character is basically unnecessary: no matter what Indy does, the Nazis would still reach their goal and meet their fate.
Steven Spielberg's "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a synthesis of all the influences the director gathered from old adventure films and pulp novels. The film doesn't have any specific messages to tell but it just focuses on entertaining audiences. The one-dimensional characters aren't overly impressive but the action sequences are full of creative tricks and some moments are iconic for a reason. The fascinating thing about the film is that the main character is basically unnecessary: no matter what Indy does, the Nazis would still reach their goal and meet their fate.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
13.12. 2024
A group of schoolgirls vanish into thin air during a picnic at the foot of mysterious Hanging Rock. Uncertainty and fear fill the slowly thickening atmosphere as schoolgirls and teachers wonder about the fate of their friends. Peter Weir's mystery film may feel disappointing to those viewers who expect answers to questions because "Picnic at Hanging Rock" is all about the atmosphere. The plot is quite thin but the beauty of nature, suggestive symbolism, and lack of explanations make it unique and captivating experience.
A group of schoolgirls vanish into thin air during a picnic at the foot of mysterious Hanging Rock. Uncertainty and fear fill the slowly thickening atmosphere as schoolgirls and teachers wonder about the fate of their friends. Peter Weir's mystery film may feel disappointing to those viewers who expect answers to questions because "Picnic at Hanging Rock" is all about the atmosphere. The plot is quite thin but the beauty of nature, suggestive symbolism, and lack of explanations make it unique and captivating experience.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

7.12. 2024
"2010: The Year We Make Contact" tries to predict the future but it fails to predict the collapse of The Soviet Union. In the alternate reality in 2010 The Soviet Union still exists and a joint USA-Soviet expedition is sent to Jupiter to discover what exactly happened in the story after Kubrick's film. "2010: The Year We Make Contact" is absolutely nothing like "2001: A Space Odyssey" and the attempt to refine the story seems highly unnecessary.
"2010: The Year We Make Contact" tries to predict the future but it fails to predict the collapse of The Soviet Union. In the alternate reality in 2010 The Soviet Union still exists and a joint USA-Soviet expedition is sent to Jupiter to discover what exactly happened in the story after Kubrick's film. "2010: The Year We Make Contact" is absolutely nothing like "2001: A Space Odyssey" and the attempt to refine the story seems highly unnecessary.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Troy (2004)
3.12. 2024
"Troy" came out in the wake of Ridley Scott's highly successfull "Gladiator" which is probably the most interesting detail about the otherwise very mediocre and forgettable movie. Unsurprisingly, "Troy" does not bring a new perspective to Homer's epic story but just offers standard Hollywood cliches with Brad Pitt posing a lot in the main role.
"Troy" came out in the wake of Ridley Scott's highly successfull "Gladiator" which is probably the most interesting detail about the otherwise very mediocre and forgettable movie. Unsurprisingly, "Troy" does not bring a new perspective to Homer's epic story but just offers standard Hollywood cliches with Brad Pitt posing a lot in the main role.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Barry Lyndon (1965)
23.11. 2024
"Barry Lyndon" by Stanley Kubrick is one of those great classics that is essentially easier to experience than to describe. Its beauty is purely cinematic beauty. "Barry Lyndon" is based on a book by William Makepaeace Thackeray but it is still hard to imagine this wonderful and colourful story as anything other than as a movie. It is a story about an Irish lad whose life experiences turn him into a cynical and calculative opportunist. The story is set in the turbulent 18th century, during the Age of Enlightenment. The main character Redmond Barry is a duelist, a soldier, a womanizer, a spy, a gambler, and finally he becomes a gentleman with a title. The protagonist is both a fascinating individual and a product of the society. Wealth is something the main character wants or what he believes he wants. Redmond Barry is convinced that wealth makes him happy but ironically it only makes his life more depressing and he is actually happier the less material possession he has.
"Barry Lyndon" by Stanley Kubrick is one of those great classics that is essentially easier to experience than to describe. Its beauty is purely cinematic beauty. "Barry Lyndon" is based on a book by William Makepaeace Thackeray but it is still hard to imagine this wonderful and colourful story as anything other than as a movie. It is a story about an Irish lad whose life experiences turn him into a cynical and calculative opportunist. The story is set in the turbulent 18th century, during the Age of Enlightenment. The main character Redmond Barry is a duelist, a soldier, a womanizer, a spy, a gambler, and finally he becomes a gentleman with a title. The protagonist is both a fascinating individual and a product of the society. Wealth is something the main character wants or what he believes he wants. Redmond Barry is convinced that wealth makes him happy but ironically it only makes his life more depressing and he is actually happier the less material possession he has.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Analyze This (1999)
21.11. 2024
An influential gangster makes a psychiatrist an offer he can't refuse. The unique relationship between the main characters provide a few genuine laughs but the director isn't able to make use of all the parodic elements of the main subject. Without actors like Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal "Analyze This" would be even more forgettable routine work.
An influential gangster makes a psychiatrist an offer he can't refuse. The unique relationship between the main characters provide a few genuine laughs but the director isn't able to make use of all the parodic elements of the main subject. Without actors like Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal "Analyze This" would be even more forgettable routine work.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Killing (1956)
18.11. 2024
An experienced crook has organized a complicated and daring racetrack robbery plan that starts to slowly fall apart after one of the criminals carelessly talks about it to his unfaithful wife. "The Killing" - Kubrick's first masterpiece - is admirable work because it is purely a depiction of a crime and nothing else. Kubrick knew that he has to avoid typical melodramatic elements in order to make his film truly powerful and unique. Time is especially important thing for Kubrick and he is using it better than anyone else because not one second is wasted in the fast-paced story that proves how unreliable human mind can be and how small accidents and mistakes can lead to massively disastrous consequences.
An experienced crook has organized a complicated and daring racetrack robbery plan that starts to slowly fall apart after one of the criminals carelessly talks about it to his unfaithful wife. "The Killing" - Kubrick's first masterpiece - is admirable work because it is purely a depiction of a crime and nothing else. Kubrick knew that he has to avoid typical melodramatic elements in order to make his film truly powerful and unique. Time is especially important thing for Kubrick and he is using it better than anyone else because not one second is wasted in the fast-paced story that proves how unreliable human mind can be and how small accidents and mistakes can lead to massively disastrous consequences.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Killer's Kiss (1955)
15.11. 2024
Unofficially Stanley Kubrick's first film would be "Fear and Desire" but since it was never officially released nor approved by Kubrick, "Killer's Kiss" is considered to be his actual first film. The film doesn't really stand out in any way. It is a generic and cliched film noir thriller about a boxer and a nightclub dancer who is being abused by his gangster boyfriend. There's nothing special about the plot but Kubrick's cinematography is pleasing to the eye even though it is the work of an amateur who was still practising filmmaking.
Unofficially Stanley Kubrick's first film would be "Fear and Desire" but since it was never officially released nor approved by Kubrick, "Killer's Kiss" is considered to be his actual first film. The film doesn't really stand out in any way. It is a generic and cliched film noir thriller about a boxer and a nightclub dancer who is being abused by his gangster boyfriend. There's nothing special about the plot but Kubrick's cinematography is pleasing to the eye even though it is the work of an amateur who was still practising filmmaking.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Woman in the Dunes (1964)
4.11. 2024
The inhabitants of a remote village trick a teacher who is collecting insects in the dunes and take him prisoner and enslave him. He is forced to live in a sandpit with a woman who shovels sand at night. The man is faced with a moral dilemma: his pride doesn't allow him to be blackmailed but in the other hand, if he doesn't help the woman, both of them are going to be buried in sand. Hiroshi Teshigahara's dark and thought-provoking masterpiece shows how a civilized man is stripped of his dignity and live trapped like the insects he has collected. "Woman in the Dunes" is also a movie about modern society: suddenly all the rules and regulations of a modern society are useless because of the cruelty of a few people. The film depicts nature as a merciless force but also as a certain kind of saviour: fighting against looming sandslides provide some reason to maintain a spark of hope but is it possible that the man is his own worst enemy after all?
The inhabitants of a remote village trick a teacher who is collecting insects in the dunes and take him prisoner and enslave him. He is forced to live in a sandpit with a woman who shovels sand at night. The man is faced with a moral dilemma: his pride doesn't allow him to be blackmailed but in the other hand, if he doesn't help the woman, both of them are going to be buried in sand. Hiroshi Teshigahara's dark and thought-provoking masterpiece shows how a civilized man is stripped of his dignity and live trapped like the insects he has collected. "Woman in the Dunes" is also a movie about modern society: suddenly all the rules and regulations of a modern society are useless because of the cruelty of a few people. The film depicts nature as a merciless force but also as a certain kind of saviour: fighting against looming sandslides provide some reason to maintain a spark of hope but is it possible that the man is his own worst enemy after all?
Mustanaamio7's rating:

1.11. 2024
A strange phenomenon throws a struggling musician into another world where the Beatles never existed and therefore he is able to introduce their famous classic songs to everyone. "Yesterday" promises a unique experience but the director puts too much focus on the unconvincing and clumsily written love story. The movie could have been a study on the influence of the famous band but the director doesn't want to take risks and produces a mediocre collection of decent cover songs.
A strange phenomenon throws a struggling musician into another world where the Beatles never existed and therefore he is able to introduce their famous classic songs to everyone. "Yesterday" promises a unique experience but the director puts too much focus on the unconvincing and clumsily written love story. The movie could have been a study on the influence of the famous band but the director doesn't want to take risks and produces a mediocre collection of decent cover songs.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

A Force of One (1979)
30.10. 2024
A martial artist serial killer is killing police officers and a karate champion realizes that he is the only one who can beat the shit out of the dangerous criminal. "A Force of One" is one the countless lackluster Chuck Norris films with forgettable plot, paper thin characters, and even lame action scenes.
A martial artist serial killer is killing police officers and a karate champion realizes that he is the only one who can beat the shit out of the dangerous criminal. "A Force of One" is one the countless lackluster Chuck Norris films with forgettable plot, paper thin characters, and even lame action scenes.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Long Live the Lady! (1987)
"Long Live the Lady!", one of the most simplified films by Italian auteur Ermanno Olmi, tells about young servants, upper class citizens, and a banquet that can be defined as a little bit unusual. Libenzio, who is one of the young servants, just observes as the guests eat or try to eat grotesque dishes and behave badly. Olmi avoids huge statements and relies on small details and slightly amusing observations. Unfortunately the movie drags quite a lot and it isn't focused on anything clearly so it would work well as a poignant satire.
"Long Live the Lady!", one of the most simplified films by Italian auteur Ermanno Olmi, tells about young servants, upper class citizens, and a banquet that can be defined as a little bit unusual. Libenzio, who is one of the young servants, just observes as the guests eat or try to eat grotesque dishes and behave badly. Olmi avoids huge statements and relies on small details and slightly amusing observations. Unfortunately the movie drags quite a lot and it isn't focused on anything clearly so it would work well as a poignant satire.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

23.10. 2024
Since the release of his movie Eraserhead, David Lynch has completely followed his own paths and every time when he has released a new movie, he has always managed to surprise the audience in a new way. "Lost Highway", a mysterious even for Lynch's work, was partly inspired by the director's own real life experiences. The main character of "Lost Highway" is a jazz musician who suspects that his wife is unfaithful. The couple finds strange videotapes on the stairs of their home and one day the man is arrested for murderding his wife. When one of the prison guards finds out that the man in the cell isn't actually the jazz musician but a young mechanic, the story takes a mysterious turn. Lynch offers us nightmarish crime story that intrigues with its unpredictability and mysterious atmosphere. Lynch shows he appreciates his audience by avoiding unnecessary explanations. "Lost Highway" might not be as complicated as it looks like but it still deals with the relative nature of the truth and loss of identity - a very common problem in modern society - in a way that only a true surrealist can. "Lost Highway" is like a nightmare you don't want to end.
Since the release of his movie Eraserhead, David Lynch has completely followed his own paths and every time when he has released a new movie, he has always managed to surprise the audience in a new way. "Lost Highway", a mysterious even for Lynch's work, was partly inspired by the director's own real life experiences. The main character of "Lost Highway" is a jazz musician who suspects that his wife is unfaithful. The couple finds strange videotapes on the stairs of their home and one day the man is arrested for murderding his wife. When one of the prison guards finds out that the man in the cell isn't actually the jazz musician but a young mechanic, the story takes a mysterious turn. Lynch offers us nightmarish crime story that intrigues with its unpredictability and mysterious atmosphere. Lynch shows he appreciates his audience by avoiding unnecessary explanations. "Lost Highway" might not be as complicated as it looks like but it still deals with the relative nature of the truth and loss of identity - a very common problem in modern society - in a way that only a true surrealist can. "Lost Highway" is like a nightmare you don't want to end.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Blue Velvet (1986)
21.10. 2024
A young man finds a severed human ear in the grass and he is immediately thrown into a world of sex, violence, and madness. The dark story involving sadism, weird fetishes, brutal criminals, and kidnapping takes place in the idyllic small town called Lumberton where the line between reality and illusion seems obscure. Lynch can make totally normal situations like a fire truck passing by seem strange, and a viewer is equally confused as the main character when he is taking his unpleasant first steps towards adulthood.
A young man finds a severed human ear in the grass and he is immediately thrown into a world of sex, violence, and madness. The dark story involving sadism, weird fetishes, brutal criminals, and kidnapping takes place in the idyllic small town called Lumberton where the line between reality and illusion seems obscure. Lynch can make totally normal situations like a fire truck passing by seem strange, and a viewer is equally confused as the main character when he is taking his unpleasant first steps towards adulthood.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Old Oak (2023)
18.10. 2024
Syrian refugees face hostility but also solidarity in an English village. A pub owner befriends a Syrian refugee woman but some of the local customers aren't as friendly as him. As a very strict director Ken Loach doesn't make compromises and focuses on important real life issues. The message is clear and honest: in difficult times, in order to overcome problems, not only brave individuals are needed, but also people who are capable of working together.
Syrian refugees face hostility but also solidarity in an English village. A pub owner befriends a Syrian refugee woman but some of the local customers aren't as friendly as him. As a very strict director Ken Loach doesn't make compromises and focuses on important real life issues. The message is clear and honest: in difficult times, in order to overcome problems, not only brave individuals are needed, but also people who are capable of working together.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

12.10. 2024
There's not much hope for humanity when a strange life form from outer space starts spreading mysterious seeds and replicating humans. The classic story that can be viewed as a statement against totalitarian control will always be relevant but Philip Kaufman's version feels at least 30 minutes too long compared to the better paced '50s version.
There's not much hope for humanity when a strange life form from outer space starts spreading mysterious seeds and replicating humans. The classic story that can be viewed as a statement against totalitarian control will always be relevant but Philip Kaufman's version feels at least 30 minutes too long compared to the better paced '50s version.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Sicko (2007)
8.10. 2024
"Sicko" shows Michael Moore interviewing several different people who are struggling to survive with the corrupt healthcare system that has been ruined by greedy capitalist corporations. The documentary mentions many incidents where people have even lost their lives because of people who consider making profits more important than defending human lives. Some people call Moore's films "propaganda". Those people probably just don't like the messages of his films. "Sicko" is set in USA, the country that is supposed to be a "Christian nation", but just like socialism words like Christanity have lost all their meanings in America. Any rational person would support good ideas no matter what ideology or religion they might represent but American neo-liberals oppose good ideas just because those ideas are classified as socialist and Moore provide several examples of this absurd way of thinking. Typical American capitalists probably don't even actually worry about socialism that much but they are repeating the word in their propaganda talks because they believe it is an effective propaganda tool. These same people aren't worried about "socialism" when it is a question of supporting big corporations with taxpayers' money.
"Sicko" shows Michael Moore interviewing several different people who are struggling to survive with the corrupt healthcare system that has been ruined by greedy capitalist corporations. The documentary mentions many incidents where people have even lost their lives because of people who consider making profits more important than defending human lives. Some people call Moore's films "propaganda". Those people probably just don't like the messages of his films. "Sicko" is set in USA, the country that is supposed to be a "Christian nation", but just like socialism words like Christanity have lost all their meanings in America. Any rational person would support good ideas no matter what ideology or religion they might represent but American neo-liberals oppose good ideas just because those ideas are classified as socialist and Moore provide several examples of this absurd way of thinking. Typical American capitalists probably don't even actually worry about socialism that much but they are repeating the word in their propaganda talks because they believe it is an effective propaganda tool. These same people aren't worried about "socialism" when it is a question of supporting big corporations with taxpayers' money.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Beetlejuice (1988)
7.10. 2024
After ending up in the world of the dead, the ghosts of a deceased couple decides to get rid of the annoying guests of their mansion, but they need help from a peculiar bio-exorcist called Beetlejuice. Horror, comedy, and surrealism is a great combination and the director Tim Burton is able to use all these different elements in a quite creative manner. "Beetlejuice" feels a bit too short but it is at least easier to watch than typical overlong modern films.
After ending up in the world of the dead, the ghosts of a deceased couple decides to get rid of the annoying guests of their mansion, but they need help from a peculiar bio-exorcist called Beetlejuice. Horror, comedy, and surrealism is a great combination and the director Tim Burton is able to use all these different elements in a quite creative manner. "Beetlejuice" feels a bit too short but it is at least easier to watch than typical overlong modern films.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Taxi Tehran (2015)
30.9. 2024
The persecuted Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi directed another original film where he drives his taxi through the streets of Teheran. Following the traditions of cinéma vérité, the film explores realities of the islamic society and Panahi once again proves how flexible art form cinema can truly be. The most fascinating aspect of "Taxi Tehran" is the fact that viewers can only see the same things as the director and you never know what you're going to see next.
The persecuted Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi directed another original film where he drives his taxi through the streets of Teheran. Following the traditions of cinéma vérité, the film explores realities of the islamic society and Panahi once again proves how flexible art form cinema can truly be. The most fascinating aspect of "Taxi Tehran" is the fact that viewers can only see the same things as the director and you never know what you're going to see next.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

29.9. 2024
A refugee who is looking for his lost sister arrives to Finland and struggles to deal with strict Finnish bureaucrats. The man finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel when he meets a struggling restaurant owner. The two paths are connected in an amusing way according good old Kaurismäki traditions. The auteur director also pays attention to political issues and make them natural part of the story.
A refugee who is looking for his lost sister arrives to Finland and struggles to deal with strict Finnish bureaucrats. The man finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel when he meets a struggling restaurant owner. The two paths are connected in an amusing way according good old Kaurismäki traditions. The auteur director also pays attention to political issues and make them natural part of the story.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

27.9. 2024
Akeem returns to America to search for the missing heir to the crown. The premise of this pointless sequel isn't interesting in any way and the contrived plot is just an excuse to recycle old tired jokes that weren't very funny to begin with. "Coming 2 America" isn't a problematic movie because it has bad jokes but it is problematic because nothing is happening in the story. Even some bad jokes would've been better than no jokes at all. Why would I want to see these same characters doing the same things as they did in the first movie while I can just watch the first movie?
Akeem returns to America to search for the missing heir to the crown. The premise of this pointless sequel isn't interesting in any way and the contrived plot is just an excuse to recycle old tired jokes that weren't very funny to begin with. "Coming 2 America" isn't a problematic movie because it has bad jokes but it is problematic because nothing is happening in the story. Even some bad jokes would've been better than no jokes at all. Why would I want to see these same characters doing the same things as they did in the first movie while I can just watch the first movie?
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Barbie (2023)
19.9. 2024
Barbie starts to feel that something is wrong in her life so she travels to the real world to solve her problems. The supposed feminist message of the film wouldn't have been nothing new even in the '50s. "Barbie" isn't celebration of femininity nor feminism. It is celebration of commercialism, not that there's anything surprising about that since it is just a two hour toy commercial after all.
Barbie starts to feel that something is wrong in her life so she travels to the real world to solve her problems. The supposed feminist message of the film wouldn't have been nothing new even in the '50s. "Barbie" isn't celebration of femininity nor feminism. It is celebration of commercialism, not that there's anything surprising about that since it is just a two hour toy commercial after all.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

31.8. 2024
"The Overcoat" is a masterful Gogol adaptation by Alberto Lattuada who didn't need to make compromises on neorealist traditions. The story tells about a modest clerk who just wants to buy a good coat. When he finally manages to buy a new coat, he also realizes all the possibilites but also dangers related to owning a new fancy overcoat. The overcoat for the main character is just like the bicycle for Antonio in "Bicycle Thieves". Lattuada accurately depicts all the injustice existing in the system controlled by shallow and selfish tyrants.
"The Overcoat" is a masterful Gogol adaptation by Alberto Lattuada who didn't need to make compromises on neorealist traditions. The story tells about a modest clerk who just wants to buy a good coat. When he finally manages to buy a new coat, he also realizes all the possibilites but also dangers related to owning a new fancy overcoat. The overcoat for the main character is just like the bicycle for Antonio in "Bicycle Thieves". Lattuada accurately depicts all the injustice existing in the system controlled by shallow and selfish tyrants.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Saw III (2006)
30.8. 2024
Jigsaw has some new plans that surprisingly involves torturing and killing several people. At this point the film series wasn't much else but torture porn. A good horror movie needs something else than just gruesome effects and endless bloodlust.
Jigsaw has some new plans that surprisingly involves torturing and killing several people. At this point the film series wasn't much else but torture porn. A good horror movie needs something else than just gruesome effects and endless bloodlust.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Saw II (2005)
29.8. 2024
"Saw II" is a sequel so unnecessary that I actually forgot that I had already saw it about 14 years ago. The film just recycles the plot from the first film and offers lots of annoying flashy editing but only a few actual scares.
"Saw II" is a sequel so unnecessary that I actually forgot that I had already saw it about 14 years ago. The film just recycles the plot from the first film and offers lots of annoying flashy editing but only a few actual scares.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

House of Wax (1953)
25.8. 2024
A sculptor turns into a serial killer after losing his life's work in a fire. This simple, old-fashioned horror flick feels quite short but at least the story doesn't drag at all and slight touches of dark comedy make it a bit more memorable than average. "House of Wax" is still relevant as a commentary on the obsession of eternal beauty
A sculptor turns into a serial killer after losing his life's work in a fire. This simple, old-fashioned horror flick feels quite short but at least the story doesn't drag at all and slight touches of dark comedy make it a bit more memorable than average. "House of Wax" is still relevant as a commentary on the obsession of eternal beauty
Mustanaamio7's rating:

24.8. 2024
A group of ridiculously dressed and weirdly behaving young hackers discover a mischievous plot that possesses a threat to the entire world. "Hackers" is a silly but slightly fascinating film that defines the '90s in all its corniness. It is especially hilarious how the bad guys send viruses just by pressing "launch virus" button in the interface. The film was quite obviously written by people who had no idea what hacking actually is.
A group of ridiculously dressed and weirdly behaving young hackers discover a mischievous plot that possesses a threat to the entire world. "Hackers" is a silly but slightly fascinating film that defines the '90s in all its corniness. It is especially hilarious how the bad guys send viruses just by pressing "launch virus" button in the interface. The film was quite obviously written by people who had no idea what hacking actually is.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Child's Play (1988)
21.8. 2024
A little boy gets a hit doll as a gift but the spirit of a serial killer hidden inside the toy starts terrorizing innocent people. Dolls are rarely scary and in the '80s they were already overused in horror cinema. The scariest and the most interesting aspect of the otherwise generic slasher is the idea that only a few people can take the idea of a doll murdering people seriously.
A little boy gets a hit doll as a gift but the spirit of a serial killer hidden inside the toy starts terrorizing innocent people. Dolls are rarely scary and in the '80s they were already overused in horror cinema. The scariest and the most interesting aspect of the otherwise generic slasher is the idea that only a few people can take the idea of a doll murdering people seriously.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Guncrazy (1992)
19.8. 2024
"Guncrazy" could be some kind of a cult film. The themes are very American: gun obsession and religious fanaticism. The story tells about a teenage girl who kills her abusive stepfather and becomes obsessed with her gun. Together with her reckless criminal boyfriend she starts a destructive chain of events with little hope for the future. "Guncrazy" is a little bit crude and it could be longer but it is easy to appreciate it for its no-nonsense style.
"Guncrazy" could be some kind of a cult film. The themes are very American: gun obsession and religious fanaticism. The story tells about a teenage girl who kills her abusive stepfather and becomes obsessed with her gun. Together with her reckless criminal boyfriend she starts a destructive chain of events with little hope for the future. "Guncrazy" is a little bit crude and it could be longer but it is easy to appreciate it for its no-nonsense style.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
4.8. 2024
A modern cowboy ends up in jail but he manages to escape with the help of his friends. However, happiness is only a temporary thing for the wandering main character who has to live in constant fear of being caught. "Lonely Are the Brave" is a straight-forward thriller that doesn't offer deep thoughts but just little wisdoms of life.
A modern cowboy ends up in jail but he manages to escape with the help of his friends. However, happiness is only a temporary thing for the wandering main character who has to live in constant fear of being caught. "Lonely Are the Brave" is a straight-forward thriller that doesn't offer deep thoughts but just little wisdoms of life.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Woman of Rome (1954)
24.7. 2024
19 years old Adriana falls in love with a chauffeur, but her mother doesn't accept their relationship. Adriana learns that it is dangerous to trust anyone in a fascist society and finding a man who wouldn't want to exploit her somehow is practically impossible since the fascist system is based on exploitation of people. Gorgeous and multi-talented Gina Lollobridiga was absolutely the right actress for the main role. She is always convincing whether she was playing a sad or happy character.
19 years old Adriana falls in love with a chauffeur, but her mother doesn't accept their relationship. Adriana learns that it is dangerous to trust anyone in a fascist society and finding a man who wouldn't want to exploit her somehow is practically impossible since the fascist system is based on exploitation of people. Gorgeous and multi-talented Gina Lollobridiga was absolutely the right actress for the main role. She is always convincing whether she was playing a sad or happy character.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Ariel (1988)
22.7. 2024
"Ariel", a combination of neo-noir crime film and dark comedy, is one of the most impressive films by Aki Kaurismäki. Its main character, a young man who loses both his job and his father, is reminiscent of many equally unlucky characters of Robert Bresson's films. The main character is an ordinary flawed guy who commit many immoral acts but everything he does is always somehow understandable if not justified. Solidarity and friendship are important things but a small amount of luck now and then isn't a bad thing either.
"Ariel", a combination of neo-noir crime film and dark comedy, is one of the most impressive films by Aki Kaurismäki. Its main character, a young man who loses both his job and his father, is reminiscent of many equally unlucky characters of Robert Bresson's films. The main character is an ordinary flawed guy who commit many immoral acts but everything he does is always somehow understandable if not justified. Solidarity and friendship are important things but a small amount of luck now and then isn't a bad thing either.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Who Am I? (1998)
8.7. 2024
Jackie Chan is a very flexible secret agent who survives a helicopter crash but loses his memory. There's hardly any plot in the film and twists don't make much sense, but stunts and fight scenes including the especially funny clog fight set in Amsterdam keep the film engaging. It's a bit ridiculous how this is supposed to be a pro-environmental film but there is actually a scene where Jackie throws a cd into the river.
Jackie Chan is a very flexible secret agent who survives a helicopter crash but loses his memory. There's hardly any plot in the film and twists don't make much sense, but stunts and fight scenes including the especially funny clog fight set in Amsterdam keep the film engaging. It's a bit ridiculous how this is supposed to be a pro-environmental film but there is actually a scene where Jackie throws a cd into the river.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

3.7. 2024
Víctor Erice's art isn't about huge melodramatic moments but he focuses on small details, hunches, and mysterious signs. His film "South" tells the story of a girl whose innocent worldview is challenged by the adult world. The narrator is a grown woman who is never seen so the film keeps its unique atmosphere. One important thing about the film is the relationship between the girl and her father: they have a dream about the south, a place that is important to the father for some reason and that is as hard to understand as mysteries related to love.
Víctor Erice's art isn't about huge melodramatic moments but he focuses on small details, hunches, and mysterious signs. His film "South" tells the story of a girl whose innocent worldview is challenged by the adult world. The narrator is a grown woman who is never seen so the film keeps its unique atmosphere. One important thing about the film is the relationship between the girl and her father: they have a dream about the south, a place that is important to the father for some reason and that is as hard to understand as mysteries related to love.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Sisu (2022)
27.6. 2024
A Finnish gold miner and an ex-commando fights against the Nazis while also trying to protect his gold. "Sisu" is intentionally over-the-top action film that recycles standard cliches. Lapland is more interesting environment for this kind of a story than average but the main hero is so ridiculously strong that it makes the movie too predictable and even a bit dull at times.
A Finnish gold miner and an ex-commando fights against the Nazis while also trying to protect his gold. "Sisu" is intentionally over-the-top action film that recycles standard cliches. Lapland is more interesting environment for this kind of a story than average but the main hero is so ridiculously strong that it makes the movie too predictable and even a bit dull at times.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Bean (1997)
21.6. 2024
National Gallery wants to get rid of their lazy worker Mr. Bean so he is sent to America to serve as their representative at an unveiling ceremony of a precious painting. Even though the movie recycles many jokes from the TV show, Mr. Bean's endeavors are still amusing to watch and the movie offers some new jokes as well, the most memorable one being the museum sequence where one bad mistake leads to even worse mistakes.
National Gallery wants to get rid of their lazy worker Mr. Bean so he is sent to America to serve as their representative at an unveiling ceremony of a precious painting. Even though the movie recycles many jokes from the TV show, Mr. Bean's endeavors are still amusing to watch and the movie offers some new jokes as well, the most memorable one being the museum sequence where one bad mistake leads to even worse mistakes.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Farewell (2019)
20.6. 2024
A Chinese-American woman is invited to celebrate the weddings in China, but it appears that the weddings are just a facade used to gather relatives to meet the dying grandmother for the very last time. This Chinese-American film carefully explores traditions and cultural differences and while the movie avoids the most annoying cliches, it is not as detailed and profound as it could have been.
A Chinese-American woman is invited to celebrate the weddings in China, but it appears that the weddings are just a facade used to gather relatives to meet the dying grandmother for the very last time. This Chinese-American film carefully explores traditions and cultural differences and while the movie avoids the most annoying cliches, it is not as detailed and profound as it could have been.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

11.6. 2024
The burden of guilt is enormously heavy and Rahikainen, a murderer and the main character of "Crime and Punishment", knows it better than anyone else. He killed a rich man for some reason in the middle of day and Kaurismäki depicts his journey with his own poetic methods. Kaurismäki isn't trying to retell the original story because he knows that if you want to just experience the story you can just read the book, instead, he wants express certain important ideas through cinematic lens.
The burden of guilt is enormously heavy and Rahikainen, a murderer and the main character of "Crime and Punishment", knows it better than anyone else. He killed a rich man for some reason in the middle of day and Kaurismäki depicts his journey with his own poetic methods. Kaurismäki isn't trying to retell the original story because he knows that if you want to just experience the story you can just read the book, instead, he wants express certain important ideas through cinematic lens.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Truth (2019)
10.6. 2024
A screenwriter pays a visit to her famous actress mother who is currently making a new movie but the reunion isn't without its problems. Kore-eda isn't at his best outside his home country. "The Truth" isn't especially revealing or in any way insightful as it recycles some of the most boring cliches of the modern French cinema.
A screenwriter pays a visit to her famous actress mother who is currently making a new movie but the reunion isn't without its problems. Kore-eda isn't at his best outside his home country. "The Truth" isn't especially revealing or in any way insightful as it recycles some of the most boring cliches of the modern French cinema.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Far Country (1954)
8.6. 2024
"The Far Country" by Anthony Mann is one of the several westerns about a fight between an adventurer and a crooked lawman. The story appropriately reminds us that both morally responsbile individuals and functional community are needed for the survival of the way of life. James Stewart is always charismatic and Walter Brennan is always funny, but the film doesn't really stand out in any way.
"The Far Country" by Anthony Mann is one of the several westerns about a fight between an adventurer and a crooked lawman. The story appropriately reminds us that both morally responsbile individuals and functional community are needed for the survival of the way of life. James Stewart is always charismatic and Walter Brennan is always funny, but the film doesn't really stand out in any way.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Sign of the Lion (1962)
7.6. 2024
Rohmer's early cautionary tale "Sign of the Lion" is one of the finest "French New Wave" films, but it is quite different compared to his later works that focused on entirely different subjects. It tells about an American musician Pierre who learns about an inheritance from a recently deceased aunt but he starts celebrating too early and ends up wandering the streets of Paris with empty pockets. "Sign of the Lion" is educational without being preachy and Rohmer's documentary-like direction makes it especially fascinating experience. It is both funny and thought-provoking how the main character seems to become increasingly happy the lower he sinks in the social hierarchy.
Rohmer's early cautionary tale "Sign of the Lion" is one of the finest "French New Wave" films, but it is quite different compared to his later works that focused on entirely different subjects. It tells about an American musician Pierre who learns about an inheritance from a recently deceased aunt but he starts celebrating too early and ends up wandering the streets of Paris with empty pockets. "Sign of the Lion" is educational without being preachy and Rohmer's documentary-like direction makes it especially fascinating experience. It is both funny and thought-provoking how the main character seems to become increasingly happy the lower he sinks in the social hierarchy.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

The Collector (1967)
6.6. 2024
"The Collector" introduces us a group of lazy people who mostly just sit around and talk about sex and romance. The film is actually pretty intense on emotional and philosophical level. It makes us think about men, women, and their roles in society. The story is told from the point of Adrien who decides to spend his vacation at a large house near Saint-Tropez while his fiancée goes to London for five weeks. Adrien innocently spends time with his old friend Daniel, but Haydée, an unknown woman who likes to "collect" lovers like treasures, makes both of them upset and confused. Objectification of human relationships is one of those themes that Rohmer always managed to handle with unique precision and delicacy, and "The Collector" is one of the best examples of that in the French cinema.
"The Collector" introduces us a group of lazy people who mostly just sit around and talk about sex and romance. The film is actually pretty intense on emotional and philosophical level. It makes us think about men, women, and their roles in society. The story is told from the point of Adrien who decides to spend his vacation at a large house near Saint-Tropez while his fiancée goes to London for five weeks. Adrien innocently spends time with his old friend Daniel, but Haydée, an unknown woman who likes to "collect" lovers like treasures, makes both of them upset and confused. Objectification of human relationships is one of those themes that Rohmer always managed to handle with unique precision and delicacy, and "The Collector" is one of the best examples of that in the French cinema.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

Pauline at the Beach (1983)
5.6. 2024
It is a bit difficult to precisely explain why Rohmer's films are always so captivating, but one especially important factor is their pure realism: when you are watching Rohmer's film, you notice that many characters in the film are kind of people you probably know in real life as well. "Pauline at the Beach" is one of Rohmer's comedic films, but it is not comedic like a typical mainstream comedy film is because it doesn't tell obvious jokes but introduces comedic situations that may not make you laugh out loud but they are still weirdly amusing. The main characters are a divorced woman Marion and her young cousin Pauline. They are spending the summer on the Normandy coast where they meet Marion's ex-lover Pierre and a man called Henri. Pierre still loves Marion but she is more interested in Henry, and Pauline has met boy called Sylvain. Summertime isn't as relaxing period as it should be for the people who are still searching for the right path and trying to overcome their weaknesses.
It is a bit difficult to precisely explain why Rohmer's films are always so captivating, but one especially important factor is their pure realism: when you are watching Rohmer's film, you notice that many characters in the film are kind of people you probably know in real life as well. "Pauline at the Beach" is one of Rohmer's comedic films, but it is not comedic like a typical mainstream comedy film is because it doesn't tell obvious jokes but introduces comedic situations that may not make you laugh out loud but they are still weirdly amusing. The main characters are a divorced woman Marion and her young cousin Pauline. They are spending the summer on the Normandy coast where they meet Marion's ex-lover Pierre and a man called Henri. Pierre still loves Marion but she is more interested in Henry, and Pauline has met boy called Sylvain. Summertime isn't as relaxing period as it should be for the people who are still searching for the right path and trying to overcome their weaknesses.
Mustanaamio7's rating:

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