Pauline at the Beach (Pauline à la plage) (1983)
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A very good movie
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"5.6. 2024 It is a bit difficult to precisely explain why Rohmer's films are always so captivating, but one especially important factor is their pure realism: when you are watching Rohmer's film, you notice that many characters in the film are kind of people you probably know in real life as well. "Pauline at the Beach" is one of Rohmer's comedic films, but it is not comedic like a typical mainstream comedy film is because it doesn't tell obvious jokes but introduces comedic situations that may "
" The atmospheric setting, the beauty of women in swimsuits and young teens falling in love. "
“Sin la excesiva densidad de Mi noche con Maud ni la molesta banalidad de El rayo verde, se nota como Rohmer poco a poco se iba alejando del estilo vanguardista y de la anti-trama de la Nouvelle Vague mientras evolucionaba a uno más confortable pero no por eso vacío. Hay una enorme belleza en esta historia de decepciones amorosas en donde sin embargo no veremos los elementos más efectistas que suelen haber en el genero, porque Rohmer es excelente creando personajes que viven más por su propia humanidad y gestos de sus actores que por los propios conflictos que se les presentan. Al final para Rohmer no existen buenos ni malos en lo que es propiamente amar.” read more
" Notes: I’m not sure if Eric Rohmer was really well known abroad, but in France, he was always considered a major director. To be honest, I don’t think I’m really an expert in his work but I have still managed to watch some of his movies. Anyway, this flick is probably my favorite so far. Indeed, basically, it is a rather typical romantic tale, almost a soap opera, but the characters were very well written and actually quite fascinating to behold. I also enjoyed a lot the understated dire"
" Notes: I’m not sure if Eric Rohmer was really well known abroad, but in France, he was always considered a major director. To be honest, I don’t think I’m really an expert in his work but I have still managed to watch some of his movies. Anyway, this flick is probably my favorite so far. Indeed, basically, it is a rather typical romantic tale, almost a soap opera, but the characters were very well written and actually quite fascinating to behold. I also enjoyed a lot the understated dire"
"23.12. Hieman muistikuvia paremmassa Rohmerissa lomamatkalla koetaan ihastumista, rakastumista, seksiä, kusipäistä kohtelua, muiden ihastumisen pilaamista ja yleistä rannalla loikoilua. On muuten aivan helvetin rasittavaa yrittää kirjoittaa kommentteja, kun joka neljäs Save-napin painaminen tallentaa tekstin Could not connect to database 1:n sijaan. "