30 People (Aira's version)
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1 - Actor/Actress I Discovered Last Year (2010)
There's a bunch of actors I discovered last and this year that I made a list about them. Mélanie is an actress I like, I saw her in two great movies - Inglourious Basterds and Le Concert - and this year in La Rafle.
And now I'm looking forward Beginners.

2 - An Underrated Actor/Actress
I've chosen Paul because just a few weeks ago I was wondering why a great actor like him has to play in a lot of crappy movies. There are a few good exceptions but why don't make exceptions to be the rule?

3 - Favorite TV show Actor
Evil, smart, smarmy. Tormentor and tormented. Fantastic performance as Ben Linus in Lost.

4 - Favorite TV show Actress
Seen in a couple of Japanese tv shows, and she's my favorite now. Lovely and good in acting too.

5 - Hottest Actor
Smoking hot with awesome eyes and sexy British accent. Though I confess he's my second choice after Johnny Depp.

7 - Favorite Smile
I think the picture is enough.
Even if he's my second choice after Ewan McGregor.

8 - Favorite Eyes
I don't like Jude that much, but his eyes are amazing: green, almond shaped, lascivious.

9 - Actor/Actress with a great voice
I'm sure there's a lot of actors with a great voice, but Russ has always been my favorite.

11 - Actor/Actress that changed my opinion on something
I realized how cruel the showbiz is: Madison worked hard for 6 seasons of Lost and I've never seen him on magazines, commercials or as a guest on tv shows like his co-stars. Not even an interview!

12 - Actor/Actress that I hate
Hate is a strong word, especially for someone I don't know. But surely I don't like him.

14 - Actor/Actress no one expects me to love
Maybe she's better known just as a comedian and I do think she's been underrated comparing to other Italian actresses more famous and less talented. She's one of those actors able to play anything.

15 - Actor/Actress that I used to love but now hate
He was my favorite when I was younger. And it's not like I hate him now, but I don't like his recent choices. It's been nearly ten years since he played in a movie that's worth watching.

16 - Actor/Actress that has disappointed me the most
It breaks my heart, but his characterization of Jack Sparrow has disappointed me a lot. His way to be funny it's often forced and he screws up his eyes too much.
Even if Johnny is supersexy dressed as a pirate. Until he stays still.
Another disappointment comes from The Tourist.
C'mon, Johnny, you can do much better!

17 - Actor/Actress who is surprisingly good
Maybe someone will tell me "What planet you live on?" but I saw Fight Club a century ago, and after watching Troy (ah! Terrible Troy!) I used to snub him like he was just another sexy-and-talentless actor. Recently I watched a few of his movies and thought "Oh! He's surprisingly good!" :)

18 - Actor/Actress I wish played in more movies
I wish James Dean played in a lot of movies. That's something I wish for almost every legend of music and cinema.
The real reason? I wonder if he didn't die so young, would he be a legend like he is, or he'd be just one of many "good enough in acting" teen idols?

19 - Worst Actor/Actress
At first I chose Megan Fox, but I like Steven Seagal better. After all, he's a master of martial arts before being an actor. But he's really, really bad at acting. I've always wondered if the Madame Tussauds museums had his wax sculpture, producers could use it instead of the real one. You know, the wax melts under the lights, at least it'll change expression.

20 - Actress that plays one of my favorite characters
As Ruby Thewes in Cold Mountain.
Because she's pragmatic, she does her very best in everything and in spite of her strong personality that sometimes make her look a little masculine, she has a girl heart that loves her father and falls for a musician.
She ain't beautiful like Ada and she's not the protagonist. But without her Ada would never survive.

21 - Actor that plays one of my favorite characters
As Chow Mo-wan in In the Mood for Love and 2046.
Because he's a great representation of a man: he loves, gets hurt, and ends up hurting someone else without meaning to do it. He's a melancholy dreamer but still puts a little cynicism and amusement in his life surviving. He drinks and smokes and maybe doesn't even know if that's for pushing memories away or bring them close again. And then falls in love with someone he can't have until he realize it's time to stop and help her to find her real love.
The scene of him smoking outside while the girl is phoning her fiancé is my favorite.

22 - Most overrated actor
Basically he always plays himself: a snobbish uptown man with a disastrous love life.

23 - Most overrated actress
I like her way to dress and generally I don't dislike the personage, but I don't like her acting at all. She's way overrated.
I hope she'll be better as director.

24 - Favorite comedy actor/actress
Because he's shamelessly funny and he's the only comedian around that can actually act in dramas.

26 - Actor/Actress I wish I could meet
Ewan? Yoo-hoo?
Please, take me with you on your Long Way Round.
I'm even cuter than Charley Boorman!

27 - Actor/Actress I never want to meet
She's the kind of person I dislike the most. If we'd ever meet and talk a little, I'll surely end up pulling her hair extensions!

Inspired by RockerChick, matchbox and Mejo

I discovered them in 2010/2011
Manlicious :P
My Top 10 Classic Sex Symbols

See also:
10 directors x 10 movies I grew up with
30 Day Song Meme
Fandango's Sexiest Actors for 2011
If I could steal something...
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