Seriously Underrated.
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So, he's becoming more well known for X-Men but not many people have seen his amazing performances in Fish Tank and Hunger. If he doesn't win an Oscar in the next few years there is something wrong with the world.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

For a while I didn't think of Ryan Gosling as anything special but after watching Blue Valentine I realised he has real acting talent.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

Incredible in BBC's Sherlock. They couldn't have picked a better man.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

One of my favourite actresses. I first saw her in Doctor Who and didn't think very much of her but seeing her in Never Let Me Go changed that.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

Beautiful and talented. Yet no one seems to remember her?
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

Unbelievably gorgeous and underrated in The Disappearance of Alice Creed.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

Hardly anyone has heard of these guys. Why? They're brilliant musicians.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

No one ever mentions him despite doing brilliant work in Watchmen and Shutter Island.
Ultraviolence.'s rating:

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