The Many Actors of James Bond
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Casino Royale (1954)
Barry Nelson was the first actor to play Bond on screen in the Climax! version of Casino Royale, aired on CBS television. Despite being American and having not read the books (which he later admitted deeming they were not popular at the time), Nelson made a very credible Bond, adding charm and grace to the television production.

Citizen Caine's rating:

Moonraker (1956)
Popular South African born, English radio presenter, Holness, lent his voice to an adaption of Moonraker for South African radio.

Doctor No (1962)
From Russia With Love (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Stuntman Bob Simmons appeared as Bond in the first three gunbarrel sequences, doubling Sean Connery.

Citizen Caine's rating:

Doctor No (1962)
From Russia With Love (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Thunderball (1965)
You Only Live Twice (1967)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Never Say Never Again (1983)
From Russia With Love: The Videogame (2005)
Sean Connery was the first actor to portray Bond on the silver screen making 6 official EON Bond films and 1 unofficial.

Citizen Caine's rating:

Mainly Millicent (1964)
Live And Let Die (1973)
The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Moonraker (1979)
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Octopussy (1983)
A View To Kill (1985)
Moore has made the most appearances as Bond.

Citizen Caine's rating:

This unamed boy played a young James Bond in the biography section of the 1965 TV special.
The Incredible World of James Bond (1965)

Citizen Caine's rating:

Casino Royale (1967)
Niven played Sir James Bond in the 1967 spoof of Casino Royale. Bond creator, Ian Fleming, had Niven in mind for playing Bond when he wrote his first novels. Niven gave a humourous, charming, smooth, and very English performance as Bond, much like Niven himself.

Citizen Caine's rating:

Casino Royale (1967)
Sellers played an undercover agent, doubling James Bond in the spoof version of Casino Royale.

Citizen Caine's rating:

On Her Majestyโs Secret Service (1969)
The Return Of The Man From UNCLE (1983)
Alfred Htichcock Presents : Diamonds Aren't Forever (1989)
Australian model Lazenby, only played the part of Bond on the silver screen, once. To many Bond fans, Lazenby brought a humanised and much more believable grace to the character of Bond.

Citizen Caine's rating:

Omnibus : The British Hero (1973)
Christopher Cazenove played James Bond in a documentary type show for the BBC. He acted out several scenes from Ian Fleming's novels, such as the scene from Goldfinger where James Bond is nearly killed with a chainsaw, shown in the image below (opposed to the laser in the movie Goldfinger).

Sreen Tests (1981)
Sreen Tests (1981)
James Brolin appeared in numerous screen-tests as Bond prior to Octopussy. If he had been signed he would have been the first American actor to play Bond in the official series. The screen-tests are available to watch on the Octopussy Ultimate Edition DVD.

Screen Tests (1982)
Sam Neill appeared in numerous screen-tests as Bond prior to Octopussy.The screen-tests are available to watch on the Octopussy Ultimate Edition DVD.
Citizen Caine's rating:

The Living Daylights (1987)
Licence To Kill (1989)
Dalton played a harder edged Bond in his films. He was signed to play Bond for a 3rd time but the film was cancelled just after the script was written. He created,arguably, the closet interpretation of Ian Flemingโs creation.
Citizen Caine's rating:

Goldeneye (1995)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
The World Is Not Enough (1999)
Die Another Day (2002)
Irish actor Brosnan, brought Bond into the 21st century.
Citizen Caine's rating:

Agent Under Fire (1999)
Tomorrow Never Dies : Video Game (1999)
007 Racing (2000)
The World Is Not Enough : Video Game (2000)
Voice Of Bond in the video games above,

Casino Royale (2006)
Quantum Of Solace
Quantum Of Solace : The Videogame (2008)
James Bond 007 : Blood Stone (2010)
Craig is the current actor and rebooted the series with Casino Royale.

Citizen Caine's rating:

Shamelady (2007)
Shatterhand (2012)
Shademaker (2016)
Swiss actor, Serge Rotelli, has currently played Bond thrice in unofficial French productions produced by Constellation Sudios.

Citizen Caine's rating:

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