All-Star DC Universe
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*Thanks to GoblinWhirlwind from the boards for this idea.
Acceptable Alternates:
Gina Carano
Acceptable Alternates:
Gina Carano

Batman (Supervillains)
Ledger was the perfect Joker, he'll never be topped, but that's the beauty of the Joker. He doesn't have to be topped... or even equaled to be a great character. Joker's personality often changed from one issue to the next, so a re-cast could fly without mimicking Ledger's creation. The following is in no particular order...
Acceptable Alternates:
Johnny Depp
Paul Bettany
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Ledger was the perfect Joker, he'll never be topped, but that's the beauty of the Joker. He doesn't have to be topped... or even equaled to be a great character. Joker's personality often changed from one issue to the next, so a re-cast could fly without mimicking Ledger's creation. The following is in no particular order...
Acceptable Alternates:
Johnny Depp
Paul Bettany
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

sackdaddy's rating:

Batman (Side Characters)
sackdaddy's rating:

sackdaddy's rating:

Superman (Side Characters)
This list was inspired by RJ4's lists:
All Star Cast X-Men
All Star Cast Spiderman
Batman All Star Cast
I later stumbled upon this fantastic list and got some of my ideas from there:
DC Universe Superheros Cast
DC Universe Supervillains Cast
Also some great ideas came from this thread:
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