Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Videos
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"Fire Walk With Me" in itself surpasses the masterful TV pilot with inherent strangeness, perversity, excoriating beauty and magic realism. Lynch reveals the side ... read more
A good movie

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“(Texto escrito ayer)
Esto no es una reseña de la pelĂcula, sino un comentario sobre David Lynch como artista.
Hoy jueves de 16 de enero ha fallecido David Lynch.
No tengo palabras para describir lo vacĂo que me siento despuĂ©s de haber visto esa oraciĂłn.
El cine es, junto a la mĂșsica, mi arte favorita. No es sĂłlo un arte que disfrute. Es tambiĂ©n una forma de encarar la vida y disfrutarla. Este medio me ha hecho apreciar todo de maneras distintas. Me ha transformado aunque sea un poco como persona y me ha conmovido con sus historias en pantalla. Es difĂcil escoger cuĂĄles son tus cineastas de cabecera. Pero para mĂ, desde que terminĂ© de ver esta pelĂcula, Fire Walk With Me... No hubo dudas.
La obra de Lynch me ha inspirado profu” read more

" Taking place, pre Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, centres around the days before Laura Palmerâs death. The film ended up getting decidedly mixed reviews, from critics and audiences couldnât help but think, what did I just watch? Years later, the film became a cult classic, and considered to be a very under appreciated movie. Contains a considerable amount of sex, drugs, violence, very loud music and inexplicable imagery. At the time of its initial release Fire Walk with Me p"

"14.9. HBO Uusintakatselu. Ykkös- ja kakkoskausi tuli katsotuksi pÀivÀn alta kahdessa viikossa, enkÀ enÀÀ missÀÀn nimessÀ, alkuunkaan, allekirjoita nÀkemystÀ, ettÀ Lauran murhaajan paljastuttua olisi sarja heikentynyt. Oli sillÀ hetkensÀ, mitkÀ eivÀt aivan tÀysillÀ innostaneet, mutta kaupunki jatkoi elÀmÀÀnsÀ sarjan kehittyen siihen suuntaan, josta se nimenomaan muistetaan myös sarjaa katsomattomien toimesta. Tuli kulje kanssani sitten. Liekö koskaan iskenyt tÀllaisell"

"23.04.2023 Last night I finished season 2 of the TV-Series and today I watched this movie before I will continue watching season 3 of the series."

" "When this kind of fire starts, it is very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy." Written by David Lynch and Robert Engels Music by Angelo Badalamenti Cinematography by Ronald VĂctor GarcĂa Editing by Mary Sweeney"

" "When this kind of fire starts, it is very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy." Directed by David Lynch Written by David Lynch and Robert Engels Music by Angelo Badalamenti Cinematography by Ronald VĂctor GarcĂa Editing by Mary Sweeney"