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Stalker (1979) (Сталкер)

Directed by

Alisa Freyndlikh Alisa Freyndlikh
Zhena Stalkera
Nikolay Grinko Nikolay Grinko
Natalya Abramova Natalya Abramova
Marta, doch Stalkera
Faime Jurno Faime Jurno
Sobesednitsa Pisatelya
Sergey Yakovlev Sergey Yakovlev
Vladimir Zamanskiy Vladimir Zamanskiy
Sobesednik Professora po telefonu

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Published 12 years, 9 months ago 151 comments

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12 years, 1 month ago at Aug 24 14:13
3 votes
There are four ways to make a film as powerful and memorable as Stalker: 1) Minimal, but well-use, of dialogue and monologues, 2) The film should be clouded by an atmosphere of immense power and tranquility, 3) Explain nothing, but show everything and anything you possibly can. Let your thinking flow from your brain to the camera and 4) Have Andrei Tarkovsky on one's team. With the exception of th... read more


11 years, 9 months ago at Dec 30 2:24
2 votes
Look I found this film overrated, all the fuss about it being brilliant, yeah whatever this film is pretty boring and I can think of about a billion other films better than this that have a lower all around rating. Couldn't keep my eyes open it was that boring. Don't bother to watch this unless you have run out of sleeping pills.


3 years, 12 months ago at Oct 10 20:11
1 vote
Incluso dentro del cine soviético, ninguna de las formas de hacer cine que he presenciado de múltiples cineastas se asemeja a la que tenía Andrei Tarkovski. Tarkovski era un hombre al que le gustaba realizar trabajos reflexivos, no tanto entretener a la gente; Solaris, Andrei Rublev, Zérkalo, entre otras películas son un ejemplo claro de lo que estoy narrando. Sin embargo, esta obra de la que... read more
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Description: Near a gray and unnamed city is the Zone, an alien place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers. Over his wife's numerous objections, a man rises in the dead of night: he's a stalker, one of a handful who have the mental gifts (and who risk imprisonment) to lead people into the Zone to the Room, a place where one's secret hopes come true. That night, he takes two people into the Zone: a popular writer who is burned out, cynical, and questioning his genius; and a quiet scientist more concerned about his knapsack than the journey. In the deserted Zone, the approach to the Room must be indirect. As they draw near, the rules seem to ch ... (more)
Release date: 17 April 1980
UPC: 014381169720
Tags: 1970s (20), Sci-fi (19), Russian (17), 1979 (15), Drama (14), Soviet Union (12), Russia (10), Silly (8), Hope (8), Boring (8), Stalker (8), Crap (7), Paranormal (7), Overrated (7), Scientist (7), Lame (7), Nature (6), Fog (6), Awful (6), Mutant (6)
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Existential Sci-Fi (144 movies items)
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Movies watched 2024 (26 movies items)
fernando posted a review 4 months, 2 weeks ago

“(OK) Por momentos, da la impresión que toda la densidad está atrapada en un frasco en una pequeña porción de infinito. Personajes y monólogos apasionados, pronunciados con los piues sobre los charcos tarkovskianos y entre muros descarados tan o más tarkovskianos que sus charcos...Alisa Friendlij muy bien en su corto rol” read more

sdepy83 added this to a list 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Contemplative/Unspoken Movies (1006 movies items)
Agent Kermit D. Fonz added this to a list 5 months, 4 weeks ago
The future kind of sucks. (432 movies items)

"Reason the future sucks: Imagine a zone, where your dreams come true. Now imagine, that “Zone” being a bleak, nuked over dystopian blast zone. Year it takes place: Unknownish"

jeffpsych added this to a list 6 months, 3 weeks ago
The Wolf added this to a list 6 months, 4 weeks ago
Watched films in 2024 (128 movies items)

"13.3. HBO Uusintakatselu. Tää oli taas jo alkuun jännittävä kokemus tää uusinta, sillä Stalkerhan oli vuosia mulle se ensteks lemppari. Reilut 15 vuotta taas viimekerrasta ja jälleen hieno huomata, millaisen jäljen on elokuva jättänyt ja paitsi herättää ne samat tunteet, palauttaa ikään kuin ajassa taaksepäin. Pitkien ottojen, tajuttoman hienon kuvaston ja äänisuunnittelun voimin mystinen tunnelma imee sisäänsä irti päästämättä siinä määrin, ettei muuta edes tar"

Natalija added this to a list 10 months ago
new and improved (53 movies items)
Magnifik added this to a list 11 months, 2 weeks ago
z book vs adaptation(movie and serie) (22 books items)

"MOVIE:6/10 BOOK:8/10 BOOK "

nacho020702 added this to a list 1 year ago
This is Cinema (92 movies items)

"Creo que está más cerca de ser una obra maestra cinematográfica que de una película de culto. El legado de Tarkovski como director es innegable, pero admiro más el hecho de que el hombre pudo hacer una película limitadisima en varios aspectos. Supongo que Stalker habla bastante sobre el propósito del hombre en un mundo que ha perdido cualquier ápice de esperanza, y en ese sentido habla sobre Tarkovski como un hombre que entregó todo por el arte. Su final es interpretativo bajo la óptic"

amongus voted for an image 1 year, 1 month ago

LeafMad Media voted for an image 1 year, 1 month ago

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Cursed Films. Allegedly. (49 movies items)
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"Si ves esta película completa de un golpe y a su velocidad normal tu salud mental estará por los suelos."

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Kyle Ellis posted a review 2 years, 6 months ago

“Stalker may not be my favourite of Andrei Tarkovsky's films, that belongs to Andrei Rublev, which is from personal opinion the greatest Soviet film ever made. It's also not his most accessible(Ivan's Childhood), if anything only Solaris is more divisive. However Stalker is still an outstanding film, it loses momentum ever so slightly at the end but not enough for it to hurt the film.

As with all Tarkovsky films, Stalker is brilliantly made. It is grittier and more muted in colour than with his other films, but still maintains that hypnotic dream-like quality that the cinematography in his films have. The scenery is evocatively atmospheric, mundane but in a good way. Tarkovsky's direction again is nigh-on impeccable, showing a mastery of visuals and mood. Stalker is hauntingly sco” read more

johanlefourbe added this to a list 2 years, 9 months ago
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2022) (100 movies items)

" Points: 44 Chosen by: denis24 (9), satashi (4), Noah Thiel (6), Aprakadabra (4), Wetzneer (2), Kraven (10), Texhnolyze (9) Previous rank: 62 (↑42) IMDB top 250 rank: not included"

johanlefourbe added this to a list 2 years, 9 months ago
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2021) (100 movies items)

" Points: 19 Chosen by: sdepy83 (9), Zinedine5Zidane (10) Previous rank: 50 (↓12) IMDB top 250 rank: 181"

Lana added this to a list 2 years, 9 months ago
satashi added this to a list 2 years, 10 months ago
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Kiva added this to a list 2 years, 11 months ago
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johanlefourbe added this to a list 2 years, 11 months ago
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IMDb Top 250 Movies (2023 Updated) (570 movies items)

"潛行者 Andrei Tarkovsky 俄"

johanlefourbe added this to a list 3 years, 2 months ago
1001 Movies ... my own version (1970's) (100 movies items)

" Notes: To be honest, even though I expected it, it still turned out to be a rather challenging movie. I mean, basically, it is about three guys wandering for almost 3 hours in a place called the ‘Zone’ and, even though it does sound like a science-fiction feature, there was nothing really futuristic about this place. Of course, the fans of this movie in particular and in Tarkovsky in general would argue that this movie went just way beyond being a simple SF feature and they would be right."

johanlefourbe added this to a list 3 years, 2 months ago
1001 Movies Chosen By Johanlefourbe (1001 movies items)

" Notes: To be honest, even though I expected it, it still turned out to be a rather challenging movie. I mean, basically, it is about three guys wandering for almost 3 hours in a place called the ‘Zone’ and, even though it does sound like a science-fiction feature, there was nothing really futuristic about this place. Of course, the fans of this movie in particular and in Tarkovsky in general would argue that this movie went just way beyond being a simple SF feature and they would be right."

AVPGuyver21 added this to a list 3 years, 2 months ago
Movies I Watched in June 2021 (31 movies items)

" Date: 6/22/2021 Viewed: Criterion Channel First Viewing Note: I always wanted to watch Stalker for so many years because it looks absolutely amazing. I admit that I haven't seen much of Andrei Tarkovsky's work other than Ivan's Childhood (1962) and Solaris (I remember not liking it. However, that could change with a brand-new viewing). After watching this movie for the first time on the Criterion Channel, I was like "Wow!". I was speechless after the movie was over. Stalker is a masterpiece "

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