Sheryl Lee
Birth Name: Sheryl Lynn Lee
Age: 57, born 22 April 1967
Country of origin: Germany
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 6"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Jesse Diamond
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Rating: | 4291 Watched |
Rating: | 2296 Watched |
Rating: | 1440 Watched |
Rating: | 1418 Watched |
Rating: | 927 Watched |
Rating: | 906 Watched |
Rating: | 895 Watched |
Rating: | 809 Watched |
Rating: | 574 Watched |
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"Movies:โข Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) : Stabbed repeatedly by her father Ray Wise while he's possessed by Frank Silva. The film shows the events that took place before the 1990 series. Her death is later undone by Kyle MacLachlan in the episode Part 17 in the 2017 series. โข Homage (1996) : Shot in the chest by Frank Whaley. Her body was shown immediately after the shooting at the beginning of the movie, and the rest of the movie showed the events leading up to her murder. โข Mother "
" Also especially known for her role in the TV-Series and the movie Twin Peaks."
"Sheryl Lynn Lee22 April 1967Lee has 1 child:โข Elijah Diamond (2000);"