The Omega Man (1971)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

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The Omega Man
UPC: 085391121022

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"Reason for the future sucking: A group of plaque inflected people, the result of bio warfare take over the planet, and only Chuck Heston can save the day, and kick plaque inflected ass! Year it takes place: 1977"

"A plague wiped out most of humanity and the survivors, save the main character, have been turned into (essentially) vampires. "

"True Rating : 8,5/10 3rd time watching (?). Fantastic B-movie of old-fashioned S-F. "

"Not the best film on the list, but Charlton Heston..."
“Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend is a book that is nearly ready made for film adaptation. One that has been adapted three times, this is probably the most famous, and each somehow swinging and missing. The Omega Man makes the fatal mistake of requesting that the audience invest in Charlton Heston as a world weary, introspective leading man. He is not that guy. Heston is gritted teeth machismo. He is an actor that requires an epic scope to anchor is limited abilities as an actor. When taken in context of something like Ben-Hur or The Ten Commandments, he excels as the role requires not a depth of feeling but a force of personality to power through and hold the material together. If the material zeros in on quiet moments and exact character work, then he’s not your man. The Omega” read more

"Based on the oft-filmed novel called I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, The Omega Man begins with an Army doctor (Charlton Heston, in the second film of his unofficial last-man-standing trilogy) walking alone among the empty ruins of Los Angeles, apparently the only person left alive after a biological plague. Soon he encounters a fleet of murderous albino mutants, as well as gangs of vengeful survivors. Outside of a notable interracial kiss between Heston and Rosalind Cash, the film is best remem"

"15.8. Chuck Heston palloilee ympäri kaupunkia, koska kaikki muut ovat kuolleet johonkin virukseen. Hestonin pökkelönaamaa katsellessa tekee mieli hurrata, ja The Omega Manin menossa on jotain samaa kuin Soylent Greenissä, eli Heston vain varastaa tavaraa ja katselee asioita ja esineitä tyrmistyneen näköisenä. Tartunnan saaneet mutantit näyttävät lähinnä joltain naamansa pandamaskille vetäneiltä satanisteilta, mikä tietenkin on vain erittäin jees. Kaapumeininki muistuttaa jollai"

"Sci-Fi adventure with Charlton Heston as the only man alive on Earth, battling humans who have been affected by a plague he had something to do with. While the streets are deserted during the day, they come out at night until he discovers that he is not alone. Based on the novel by Richard Matheson, this half decent film suffers from not dating too well, although this does have an inter-racial relationship which was very ahead of its time. Perfectly fine but has lost some of its punch now."

" THE OMEGA MAN Kathy. Total Score: 9 points. "