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6,006 Movies For a Post-Covid World...

Movie list created by ToonHead2102 Avatar

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Hello all,

For starters, big time thank u's to everyone who continues to stick with me and check up periodically on this clusterfuck of a list I made here. As you can see I've been doing some long overdue cleaning up. Hopefully the thing is a lot more coherent. A lot less messy. I've been away from the site for a while, a new life update post explaining all that will be coming soon.

In the meantime, just in case anyone who comes to this list might be wondering about all the recent adds, or more specifically the 'deletions', don't worry I've made a backup note(s) of everything I've recently purged from this list, only temporary I promise. For now, I know I've tried this a few times unsuccessfully in the past before but what I'm gonna do is prioritize specifically every movie that I've actually 'seen'. So don't take the culturally important/aesthetically significant thing too seriously. I'm just trying to keep track of all the movies that I've actually sat through in the course of my life so that way I know what to promote or not. In the course of this I've had to do some DEEP memory recall on a few of these as I came to find there were many titles in my time that I remember seeing, but couldn't remember the titles... don't you hate that when that happens? Anyways, as soon as I get this thing filled up with only my personal tally of 'seen' movies I'll start getting more professional and stick to the criteria of the description to the right of the screen. Also, reviews really will be coming but I think I'm gonna redo them to make them 'shorter', my thoughts short and sweet on why this title deserves to be here. Hope this clears things up?
Review coming soon...

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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
Review coming soon...

*Official 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die entry...*

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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
Review coming soon...

*Official 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die entry...*

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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
Review coming soon...

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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
Review coming soon...

*Official Movie Maniac's "ANOTHER 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" entry*

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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
Review coming soon...

*Official Movie Maniac's "ANOTHER 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" entry*

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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
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Among the most culturally important and aesthetically significant titles in the year of...
Review coming soon...

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-A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) [added 06/23/16]
-The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) [added 03/03/16]
-Walkabout (1971) [added 02/22/16]
-The Thing (1982) [added 12/14/18]
-The Karate Kid (1984) [added 02/05/16]
-The Act of Killing (2012) [added 04/11/16]
-Ex Machina (2015) [added 02/17/16]

It's not hard for the observant to see, the world as we once knew it, is 'gone', and not likely to return anytime in the near future. As history moves on, people are likely to look back on a now ancient art-form such as cinema as time-capsulse artifacts, capturing the essence, the beauty, the ugliness, the perverse, the inspiring, the mysterious and enchanting, the very aspects of human culture that we often took for granted and will never again return to in light of 'The New Normal' as I've heard it being called.

MAD APPRECIATION to everyone who has continued to support and promote this list, I am so humbled and undeserving of all the attention I get, I promise in the near-future to work hard to clean up some of the 'kinks' I've been encountering in the midst of maintaining this 'obese monstrosity' that I keep around like an old shoe (I think that's an expression?) I know this list has been around for an awful long time on this site and has undergone many, many different makeovers and re-formats. I tried at one time to break it up into parts but found it too tedious to maintain that way.

I've gotten positive feedback as well as a lot of 'negative' feedback. I welcome commentary of any form on this page and thank you all for it (even if U hate me?) trust me, I got a thick skin. Any ideas for potential improvements I'm open to ideas.

That out of the way, these are 6,006 movies (still working on having seen everything here) that either perfectly or 'im'perfectly represent the exploration of human inspiration and document human nature in all it's glory as well as horror. Kids who are likely to be born in the aftermath of everything that's occurred as a result of 2020, much like kids who were forced to grow up in a post 9-11 world, will likely come about in a society damned to leave all that their fathers and forefathers and mothers fought, scratched, clawed, sweat, and bled, hard for behind. Here is a hopefully uncomplicated collage/collection of movies that will hopefully preserve and keep alive, the memory of the people we once were. As well as the people we are ultimately destined to become...

Any suggestions for films that ought to fit the criteria and should be on here, feel free to leave a comment. I'm planning to redo my reviews and give my commentaries on each film in a short 'n' sweet delivery. I've got a lot going in in my personal life at the moment so this monolithic endeavor may take time, so I appreciate my readers exercising some patience as I get around to things. Lemme know what you think if you like what you see (or not, as I said?) May the Force be with you all ;-)...


P.S. -- the gist of what you see here is an assortment of pretty much every movie I've happened to come across, if you're reading this down the road I will refine the list as I get to the number I use as the cutoff point in the title, and pick off the crud to include only the most essential titles to properly represent a pre and post-C virus society. If anybody wants to recommend something to me, chances are if there's something you don't see here, I haven't seen it...

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