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Barbara Covett - Notes on a Scandal
"Bottom line is... we're around each other an'... this thing, it grabs hold of us again... at the wrong place... at the wrong time... and we're dead."
Honorable Mentions:
Skip - Lords of Dogtown
henrik4075's rating:
Tom Stall - A History of Violence
"Richie... I'm here to make peace. Tell me what I got to do to make things right."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Bernard Berkman - The Squid and the Whale
"What is it about high school, you read all the worst books by good writers."
henrik4075's rating:
John R. Cash - Walk the Line
"Now I've asked you forty different ways and it's time you come up with a fresh answer."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Gay Perry - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
"You don't get it, do you? This isn't "good cop, bad cop." This is fag and New Yorker. You're in a lot of trouble."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Richie Cusack - A History of Violence
"You could do something, I guess... You could die, Joey."
Honorable Mentions:
Stan - Syriana
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Jeff Kohlver - Hard Candy
"Well, you look older than you are and you certainly act older than you are."
henrik4075's rating:
Marv - Sin City
"I'll stare the bastard in the face as he screams to God, and I'll laugh harder when he whimpers like a baby. And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I've done to him."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Bob Barnes - Syriana
"Innocent until investigated? That's nice. It's got a nice ring to it. Bet you've worn some miles on old sayings like that. Gives the listener the sense of the law being written as it's spoken."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Hank Chinaski - Factotum
"I finally got hired at a bicycle supply warehouse. I had to demean myself to get that one. I told them that I liked to think of my job as a second home."
Honorable Mentions:
Officer Ryan - Crash
henrik4075's rating:
Carl Fogarty - A History of Violence
"You should care about what I want, Mrs. Stall, because I want something from your husband that might affect you, might change your life."
henrik4075's rating:
Yuri Orlov - Lord of War
"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?"
Honorable Mentions:
David Spritz - The Weather Man
henrik4075's rating:
V - V for Vendetta
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
henrik4075's rating:
Brendan Frye - Brick
"Throw one at me if you want, hash head. I've got all five senses and I slept last night, that puts me six up on the lot of you."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
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