Philip Seymour Hoffman
Birth Name: Philip Seymour Hoffman
Born: 23 July 1967 Died: 2 February 2014
Country of origin: United States
Height: 5' 9"
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Mimi O'Donnell
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Philip Seymour Hoffman Videos
Rating: | 2510 Watched |
Rating: | 2480 Watched |
Rating: | 2301 Watched |
Rating: | 1142 Watched |
Rating: | 672 Watched |
Rating: | 646 Watched |
Rating: | 483 Watched |
Rating: | 412 Watched |
Movies directed by
Rating: | 80 Watched |
Update feed
" Jacob Elinsky - 25th Hour "My student. I, I kissed her." Honorable Mentions: Dean Trumbell - Punch-Drunk Love Freddy Lounds - Red Dragon "
" Truman Capote - Capote "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones." "
" Owen Davian - Mission: Impossible III "Who are you? What's your name? Do you have a wife? A girlfriend? Because if you do, I'm gonna find her. I'm gonna hurt her. I'm gonna make her bleed, and cry, and call out your name. And then I'm gonna find you, and kill you right in front of her." "
" Andrew 'Andy' Hanson - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead "I've seen heaven, Gina. it's a nice place to stay." Honorable Mentions: Gust Avrakotos - Charlie Wilson's War "
" Father Brendan Flynn - Doubt "There are people who go after your humanity, Sister, that tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don't believe it. It's an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue." "
" Lancaster Dodd - The Master "If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world." "
" 2013 - NOMINEE Best Actor in a Supporting Role PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN as Lancaster Dodd in THE MASTER 2012 | dir: Paul Thomas Anderson 2009 - NOMINEE Best Actor in a Supporting Role PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN as Father Brendan Flynn in DOUBT 2008 | dir: John Patrick Shanley "
" as Jacob Elinsky in 25th Hour Runner up: Dean Trumbell in Punch-Drunk Love Freddy Lounds in Red Dragon"
" as Andy in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead Runner up: Gust Avrakotos in Charlie Wilson's War "