The Right Stuff (1983)
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The Right Stuff (1983) Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A good movie
UPC: 085392002726

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" America was looking for a hero who had what it takes to become a legend. America found seven of them. A chronicle of the original Mercury astronauts in the formation of America’s space program: Alan Shepherd, the first American in space; Gus Grissom, the benighted astronaut for whom nothing works out as planned; John Glenn, the straight-arrow ‘boy scout’ of the bunch who was the first American to orbit the earth; and the remaining pilots: Deke Slayton, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra, an"

" America was looking for a hero who had what it takes to become a legend. America found seven of them. A chronicle of the original Mercury astronauts in the formation of America’s space program: Alan Shepherd, the first American in space; Gus Grissom, the benighted astronaut for whom nothing works out as planned; John Glenn, the straight-arrow ‘boy scout’ of the bunch who was the first American to orbit the earth; and the remaining pilots: Deke Slayton, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra, an"

" 2020: 167 2019: 172 2018: 173 2017: 174 2016: 174 2015: 171 2014: 172 2013: 174 2012: 174 2011: 174 2010: 179 2009: 186 2008: 188 2007: 185 2006: 212 2005: 259 "

"Pros: The performances, especially by Scott Glenn. The cinematography. It’s a epically well made film. The soundtrack for The Right Stuff. It’s one of the best films, about the space race. Con: It can be considered overly patriotic, for some."

" 2019: 172 2018: 173 2017: 174 2016: 174 2015: 171 2014: 172 2013: 174 2012: 174 2011: 174 2010: 179 2009: 186 2008: 188 2007: 185 2006: 212 2005: 259 "

" 2018: 173 2017: 174 2016: 174 2015: 171 2014: 172 2013: 174 2012: 174 2011: 174 2010: 179 2009: 186 2008: 188 2007: 185 2006: 212 2005: 259 "

" 2017: 174 2016: 174 2015: 171 2014: 172 2013: 174 2012: 174 2011: 174 2010: 179 2009: 186 2008: 188 2007: 185 2006: 212 2005: 259 "

"Other Nominations Best Supporting Actor Best Screenplay Based on a Novel or Other Material Best Production Design "

"First viewing - June 20th HBO Max I really wish they'd cut this down a bit as there are too many threads to sustain & it doesn't wrap them all up very satisfactorily, resulting in an ending that doesn't stick. The attention to detail impresses though, & I'm glad it included some touches of humor to help it be more palatable. Plus the cast is just a murderer's row. I also appreciated the effort put into exploring what the wives of these men had to endure (though in some cases it might've dug dee"

" No Change 2016: 174 2015: 171 2014: 172 2013: 174 2012: 174 2011: 174 2010: 179 2009: 186 2008: 188 2007: 185 2006: 212 2005: 259 "

" 2015: 171 2014: 172 2013: 174 2012: 174 2011: 174 2010: 179 2009: 186 2008: 188 2007: 185 2006: 212 2005: 259 "

" Notes: To be honest, for some reasons, I have never been really attracted by this movie. It probably had to do with its title. Indeed, on one hand, it was annoyingly patriotic and, on the other hand, it is simply plain lame. Still, this movie seemed to have such a decent reputation. Well, eventually, I thought it was actually a rather weird movie. The beginning, focusing on Yeager, was actually quite awesome and uplifiting thanks to a fine performance by Sam Shephard. But, for some reason, thi"

" Notes: To be honest, for some reasons, I have never been really attracted by this movie. It probably had to do with its title. Indeed, on one hand, it was annoyingly patriotic and, on the other hand, it is simply plain lame. Still, this movie seemed to have such a decent reputation. Well, eventually, I thought it was actually a rather weird movie. The beginning, focusing on Yeager, was actually quite awesome and uplifiting thanks to a fine performance by Sam Shephard. But, for some reason, thi"

"14.4 Yhdysvallat/P.Kaufman Uudelleenkatselu Äärimmäisen viihdyttävä ja mukaansatempaava eepos (viimeinen Suuri Amerikkalainen Elokuva?) avaruuden valloittamisesta on myös hawksilainen tutkielma alkuvoimaisesta miehisyydestä ja siihen liittyvistä kunnian, rohkeuden ja pakkomielteisyyden piirteistä, ja ristiriidasta sen ja sitä alkuvoimaa polttoaineenaan käyttävän korruptoituneen, irvikuvamaisen järjestelmän (patriarkaatti...) kanssa. Vaikka kirjoitin edeltävän kieli poskessa, ta"