Psycho (1960)
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Highly engaging, albeit disturbing horror
A young woman steals $40,000 from her employer's client, and subsequently encounters a young motel proprietor too long under the domination of his mother.
Anthony Perkins: Norman Bates
Janet Leigh: Marion Crane
Throughout his life, illustrious director Alfred Hitchcock thrilled and captivated audie... read more
You'd be a psycho not to like this film
UPC: 025192025129

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" Norman Bates Played by: Anthony Perkins, Vince Vaughan, Henry Thomas, and Freddy Highmore From the Psycho trilogy, remake, and Bates Motel TV series. Known weapons: Knives, mostly. Why you won’t survive: Granted, Norman has no powers, and can be killed, you still have to deal with the face he has a knife, is unpredictable at best, and able to lull you into false security Avoid closed corners."

"17.6. Teatteri Uusintakatselu. Poikkeuksellisen vähän keskityin itse elokuvaan, oli vähän muuta, mutta en havainnut syytä uudelleenpisteytykselle. Kokemuksesta viis tähtee."

" Points: 4 Chosen by: nathan (4) Previous rank: IMDB top 250 rank: "
A film that you see once, and never forget...
“I am a huge fan of Hitchcock, and have really liked all of the movies of his I have seen so far. My top 5 favourites are Vertigo, North By Northwest, Rear Window, Rebecca and this masterpiece. Before I saw this, I considered Vertigo as his masterpiece. After seeing this movie, I think Psycho outshines Vertigo.
Psycho is a film that you see once and never forget, and one of the few movies out there that has left me traumatised. The infamous shower scene is without doubt one of the most terrifying murder scenes in any film. When I first saw that scene on the 100 Greatest American Films, I was so terrified and I admit it I have never recovered. I had a similar experience watching the Disney film Sleeping Beauty with Maleficent enticing Aurora to the spinning wheel, and Mrs Gulch tur” read more

" 2020: 86 2019: 88 2018: 92 2017: 94 2016: 97 2015: 101 2014: 103 2013: 105 2012: 107 2011: 109 2010: 111 2009: 113 2008: 117 2007: 116 2006: 131 2005: 134 2004: 135 2003: 135 2002: 131 2001: 118 2000: 173 1999: 174 "

"18.10. 2023 It is truly a privilege to see Alfred Hitchcock's cult classic in a theater. The copy I saw was fortunately the original film copy and not one of those soulless "polished" copies we often see nowadays. Film theaters always offer the most impressive watching experience and there's something about great horror classics that makes them especially unique experiences when you see them on the big screen. Hitchcock always created something new when he was making films and "Psycho" is defin"

"Movie: 8/10 Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock Written by: Joseph Stefano Starring: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Martin Balsam & John Gavin Based on a novel Psycho by Robert Bloch "