Sisters (1972)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Harmonica

Cover art, photos and screenshots

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"First viewing - Mar. 8th One of these days I'll catch up on De Palma's films, and this puts me one step closer to doing that. Margot Kidder is excellent, and the rest of the cast is solid. The story is well-told and kept me engaged. I did feel like the last third of the film went a little off the rails in a way that didn't fully work for me, but the final twist is pretty amusing. I doubt I'll sit through it again, but I'm glad I finally caught up with it."

"23.3. De Palman yllätysväkivaltaisena alkavan trillerin ensimmäiset puoli tuntia ovat erittäin kiinnostavaa ja teknisesti uraauurtavaa tavaraa. Sen jälkeen hypätään aikansa luultavasti nerokkaaseen psykoanalyysiin, josta on sittemmin tullut vain kökkö genretrooppi. Twistailu vähemmän yllättäen leikkaa lopputuloksen arvosta huimasti."

"As a butcher knife repeatedly pierces the protagonist’s crotch a third of the way into Sisters, Bernard Hermann’s score erupts in hysteria, as wild and out of control as the dark half of the Margot Kidder character’s split personality. The scene is confirmation that Brian De Palma’s by turns playful and frightening citational stew, with split screens, phony accents, grotesque medical sequences, and William Finley’s Caligari-esque villain, has no intention of trotting through any sembla"