The Holy Mountain (La montaña sagrada) (1973)
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"11.6. Teatteri Enpä edes jaksa yrittää kuvailla tätä kaikkea. 15 vuotta viimekerrasta ja nyt kankaalta - edelleen täydellisen hypnoottinen ja kehon sulattava kokemus."
“(MU) ¿Cómo hace Jodorowsky para sostener tal derroche de imágenes y producción? Vitricida, sangre de colores (al menos mana como tal), supercapas culturales (los sapos y camaleones vestidos, los símbolos de taos, buda y que se yo que mas, alquimia y demás), la sátira de turismo sobre México bestial, los episodios de personajes distópicos...” read more
" Points: 15 Chosen by: AVPGuyver21 (2), Kurkkuharja (10), Frank (3) Previous rank: it wasn't selected IMDB top 250 rank: not included"
" Before filming began, director Alejandro Jodorowsky spent a week without sleep under a Zen Master's direction and lived communally with the film's cast for a month. George Harrison, himself a big fan of Jodorowksy's work after having seen El Topo (1970), was originally up for the role of The Thief, but disagreed with the director over what he considered gratuitous nudity - particularly, the shot where his anus is bathed. Rather than cast a stand-in, or remove the shot altogether, Jodorowsk"
"31.12. Toinen katselukerta. Jodorowsky kokeilee median rajoja niin suunnattoman hienosti. Teknisenä toteutuksena vertaansa vailla tarinasta puhumattakaan. Tuntuu, että elokuvasta haluaisin kirjoittaa pidemminkin ajatuksiani puhdistaakseni, mutta kommenttia kirjoittaessa uusi vuosikin on ehtinyt vanhenemaan jo viikon verran. Ehkä kirjoittelen, kun päivittelen 70-luvun listaa tuossa kohta."
"A Mexican master leads a Christ like figure and other disciples to a mountain of immortal wise men. One of the biggest pile of crap I've had the misfortune of watching and it's called an art-house classic - somebody must be having a laugh saying that! This movie is so bad and weird, I'm sure it could be used as a torture material by the secret organisations of different countries! The director and writer had to be high on drugs to come up with this pointless crap. There is no plot, there is no "
" Date: 9/23/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: I always loved this movie when I first saw it on DVD when I was 17, and I was so hyped up for The Alejandro Jodorwsky Blu-Ray Collection released by ABKCO. This movie did leave a huge impact on me when I first saw it as a teenager during the 2000s. When my The Alejandro Jodorowsky Blu-Ray Collection came in the mail today, the first thing that I did is pop in this movie into my Blu-Ray player. I was worried that I would not like this movie again"
"Points: 1 Voters : darkolorde"