Get Out (2017)
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"Get Out" (2017)

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"5.3. 2024 "Get Out" is a perfect proof of the fact that it is truly possible to make a commercially successful film even if it only has an interesting premise and nothing else. The story tells about a black man who meets his white girlfriend's family. Soon the main character realizes that something is really wrong with the awkwardly behaving family. There's nothing controversial about this film. "Get Out" was inspired by "The Stepford Wives", a dark, satiric masterpiece by Bryan Forbes. "Get Ou"
“This is honestly the most satisfying horror film I've ever seen. Retribution for all the black folks who never survived in every horror film, for all ”

" 7 confirmed kills 4 men 3 women Running time: 104 minutes Number of deaths: 7 Kills per average: 14.86 Coolest kill: Dean Armitage, who gets impaled. Lamest kill: Georgina, who dies in a car accident. Survivors: Chris Washington and Rod"

" It's funny, back when movies first started using interracial couples as a central theme, we had movies like "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" in which the basic idea was that African-Americans just wanted white people to feel comfortable with having them over for dinner. Now ,decades later, even though the racial boundaries in modern society are not as blurred as they should be, more and more Caucasians are accepting to other races beyond their own to the dinner table. However, now t"

"22.1. HBO Uusintakatselu. Uusinta vahvisti, ettei mitään (ainakaan oleellista) jäänyt ekalla kerralla huomaamatta. Pikkuälykäs mustien tuntoja ja rasismia välillä hauskastikin tutkiva elokuva, joka kärsii ennen muuta lapsellisesta huumorista. Tätä varten on ihan oma hahmonsa. Aiheidensa käsittely on paatosvapaata."