No Country for Old Men (2007) (2007)
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No Country for Old Men (2007) Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Coen brothers strike gold
Javier Bardem is worth watching this movie for his perfermance alone. He was well deserving of the Oscar he earned ... read more
No Country For Old Men
I can say for a start that it wasn't quite what I had expected it to be. I knew little abou... read more
You can't stop what's coming!
Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter, Llewelyn Moss stumbles upon some dead bodies, a stash of heroin and more than $2 million in cash near the Rio Grande. Nothing ever goes smoothly sometimes and before you know it he's on the run from a ps... read more

Update feed

"FORMAT: 35mm CONDITION: ★★★½ NOTES: Suffers a speck of damage and is overlaid towards the end by a few lines, but the playback is seamless and the picture is great despite all the dust. DATE: February 15th 2024 CINEMA: The Prince Charles Cinema LOCATION: West End"

"SCREENING: 35mm DATE: February 15th CINEMA: The Prince Charles Cinema LOCATION: West End"

" 2020: 173 2019: 177 2018: 181 2017: 183 2016: 185 2015: 199 2014: 203 2013: 217 2012: 230 2011: 245 2010: 247 2009: 252 2008: 262 2007: 271 "

"почему-то не смог глянуть его в первый раз, но во второй очень зашло"

" 2019: 177 2018: 181 2017: 183 2016: 185 2015: 199 2014: 203 2013: 217 2012: 230 2011: 245 2010: 247 2009: 252 2008: 262 2007: 271 "

"Other nomination Best Picture Best Director Best Screenplay Based on a Novel or Other Material Best Supporting Actor "

" 2018: 181 2017: 183 2016: 185 2015: 199 2014: 203 2013: 217 2012: 230 2011: 245 2010: 247 2009: 252 2008: 262 2007: 271 "

" "What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?" Written by Joel and Ethan Coen Music by Carter Burwell Cinematography by Roger Deakins Editing by Joel and Ethan Coen"

" 2017: 183 2016: 185 2015: 199 2014: 203 2013: 217 2012: 230 2011: 245 2010: 247 2009: 252 2008: 262 2007: 271 "