My Top 15 Halloween Favorites: Slashers
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Scream 2 (1997)
It seems only fitting that this list starts off with a movie whose success helped to invigorate sequels to the slasher genre in the same manner that its predecessor helped to reinvigorate the genre itself.
Now, one of the reasons why this genre tends to rank lower than others for my tastes is that, more often than not, there really isn't much to the formula. The overall plot of these movies is usually, there a knife wielding (or, if not a knife, some kind of sharp, flesh piercing object) maniac, disguised in some kind of mask or face-hiding head wear, who goes around killing innocents, typically those who are in or near around their teenage years. And the more female their victims are, the better (at least, that's what their core fanbase seemed to want from these films).
As far as these Screams films are concerned, it's not just a formula that the franchise sticks to (I mean, sure... if it ain't broke don't fix it, right?). it's also a formula that is obvious that they celebrate it. And as much as I admire the love that they have to their "craft", it's still a formula that gets a bit tedious for me after just a few watches. But as I said, their love for it does help raise the series a bit, but the quality that they have that distinguishes this series from the rest is that, starting from the first film, they acknowledge this formula and then, use this formula to drive the premise of the story. This form of self-awareness is combined with a better sense of wit and wry that surpasses the stone dry and sophomoric scripts that had plagued previous franchises, particularly in their sequels.
Except now, these groups of movie installments were being called franchises.
The benefit being that now movie goers didn't consider themselves fans of a particular film, now they were fans of an entire film franchise.
Now movie companies were feeling an obligation to pump out chapter after chapter of a franchise with more of a guarantee that "fans of the franchise" will still flock to see 'em. And whenever a certain chapter in the series hits a lull, all you have to do is "reboot" the series with a new first chapter and start all over again.
To be honest, for me personally, this comes off only fitting more as an endless cycle of movie marketing that is enough to make any serious connoisseur of the medium scream.
But still, Scream 2 was a good slasher flick.
Displaying vociferous success in terms of both script and box office, this is a sequel that shows that when it comes to this type of usually overwrought sharp-edged thriller, screaming twice can be just as nice.
Now, one of the reasons why this genre tends to rank lower than others for my tastes is that, more often than not, there really isn't much to the formula. The overall plot of these movies is usually, there a knife wielding (or, if not a knife, some kind of sharp, flesh piercing object) maniac, disguised in some kind of mask or face-hiding head wear, who goes around killing innocents, typically those who are in or near around their teenage years. And the more female their victims are, the better (at least, that's what their core fanbase seemed to want from these films).
As far as these Screams films are concerned, it's not just a formula that the franchise sticks to (I mean, sure... if it ain't broke don't fix it, right?). it's also a formula that is obvious that they celebrate it. And as much as I admire the love that they have to their "craft", it's still a formula that gets a bit tedious for me after just a few watches. But as I said, their love for it does help raise the series a bit, but the quality that they have that distinguishes this series from the rest is that, starting from the first film, they acknowledge this formula and then, use this formula to drive the premise of the story. This form of self-awareness is combined with a better sense of wit and wry that surpasses the stone dry and sophomoric scripts that had plagued previous franchises, particularly in their sequels.
Except now, these groups of movie installments were being called franchises.
The benefit being that now movie goers didn't consider themselves fans of a particular film, now they were fans of an entire film franchise.
Now movie companies were feeling an obligation to pump out chapter after chapter of a franchise with more of a guarantee that "fans of the franchise" will still flock to see 'em. And whenever a certain chapter in the series hits a lull, all you have to do is "reboot" the series with a new first chapter and start all over again.
To be honest, for me personally, this comes off only fitting more as an endless cycle of movie marketing that is enough to make any serious connoisseur of the medium scream.

But still, Scream 2 was a good slasher flick.
Displaying vociferous success in terms of both script and box office, this is a sequel that shows that when it comes to this type of usually overwrought sharp-edged thriller, screaming twice can be just as nice.
Cold Prey 2 (2008)
As someone who, as I implied earlier, was struggled throughout the 1980's and 90's what the slasher flick had to offer outside of the crappy camp that was bein' barfed out all those awful sequels to Freddy and Jason's movies, the first Cold Prey movie opened my eyes to the true full potential that lay behind the knife of this much abused subgenre. So, it's only fitting that Prey's sequel, aptly called Cold Prey II, was the one that demonstrated that the high level of potential didn't need to end with just the first film of the franchise. I mentioned in the previous entry, that Scream 2 was the first slasher sequel to do this, but it only did so to show me that the second chapter didn't need to be bad... CP2 showed me that it could be really good. Now, this continuation of the chaos of carnage that was being carved out in the snowy mountains of Norway by the mysterious, murderous "Mountain Man", follows the path of most sequels in its inability to surpass the quality level of its predecessor, but considering the accumulated reputation that sequels had with their overall lack of quality, but when it comes to a particular type of cinema that you have been waiting for decades to finally be good, beggars couldn't be choosers. So, as a result, it was still a pleasant experience to watch the second chapter of this Norwegian nightmare series cut its swath through an even higher body count and leave its own mark in this particular type of the land of slash and gash category that, at the time, was importing its way from out of Europe.

The Devil's Rejects (2005)
Ever since the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre back in 1974, there have been a certain type of subhorror slasher-family flicks that have since tried to match the bar 'o' evil that was raised by the original Leatherface Clan.
While Rob Zombies' creation of Captain Spaulding's kith and kin, IMO, doesn't quite match up to the legendary status of TCM, it's was still a worthy effort into the genre (especially since I'm usually not really a big fan of Zombie's sadistically themed approach in portraying fear in his flicks).
Even though, this type of straight for the jugular scare-fare usually isn't my cup of tea (or in this case, my "slice of milk"), Rejects does succeed as a dark ditty of deviltry about a family of hellbent hillbillies that makes even Lucifer hisself go "Damn...! These ratchety-ass rednecks are just plain downright evil......!" What Deliverance did to meet-ups with white trash on the lowly, tucked away white-water rapids, this movie does to meet-ups with white trash on lonely, deserted highways.
While Rob Zombies' creation of Captain Spaulding's kith and kin, IMO, doesn't quite match up to the legendary status of TCM, it's was still a worthy effort into the genre (especially since I'm usually not really a big fan of Zombie's sadistically themed approach in portraying fear in his flicks).

Even though, this type of straight for the jugular scare-fare usually isn't my cup of tea (or in this case, my "slice of milk"), Rejects does succeed as a dark ditty of deviltry about a family of hellbent hillbillies that makes even Lucifer hisself go "Damn...! These ratchety-ass rednecks are just plain downright evil......!" What Deliverance did to meet-ups with white trash on the lowly, tucked away white-water rapids, this movie does to meet-ups with white trash on lonely, deserted highways.
Sunshine (2007)
Considered by many as the underrated film of 2007, Sunshine is a eco-conscience sci-fi film that by the third act, turns into an outer space slasher flick.
Now while this film is not perfect by any means, I still like the attempt of the premise, the depth of the visual design, and overall just the pace of the story as it unfolds.
So I guess I fall onto the side of those viewers who I would've liked to have seen get wider recognition than it originally did.
It's kinda feel sad that the only people who experienced any light from Sunshine were the characters that were in it.

Now I know most hardcore fans of the genre don't think this movie of this qualifies as a genuine slasher flick, but I read one review that did describe it loosely as a semi-slasher in space, and after watching it, I agree.
Now while this film is not perfect by any means, I still like the attempt of the premise, the depth of the visual design, and overall just the pace of the story as it unfolds.
So I guess I fall onto the side of those viewers who I would've liked to have seen get wider recognition than it originally did.
It's kinda feel sad that the only people who experienced any light from Sunshine were the characters that were in it.

Now I know most hardcore fans of the genre don't think this movie of this qualifies as a genuine slasher flick, but I read one review that did describe it loosely as a semi-slasher in space, and after watching it, I agree.
The Rental (2020)
Whenever there's a horror movie with a setting that's in the woods, the formula usually calls for a small, moldy log cabin to be the dwelling upon which all the fear unfolds. But, as this story demonstrates, a fancy shmancy oceanview weekend getaway house will also do the trick. As long as the proprietors include a masked slashing stalker and a "no return" policy in which the "no return" part is more literal than any visiting guest would expect. That way, The Rental can easily become a getaway that can be much more permanent than just a weekend.

As I mentioned in my entry for the first Scream movie, the subgenre that is the slasher flick was one that, throughout the 1980's and 90's, the horror contingent of Hollywood was flooding the market with. And just when it seemed like the concept of this typre of fear-fare had been done to death, to the point where the genre was finally presumed to be deceased, along comes Wes Craven's Scream. It was an update to the genre that revealed that the murdering masked megamaniac is not so easily slayed.
Unfortunately, on the flip side, the sequel to this film is also what began the massive resurgence of the endless multitude of horror sequels that tend to crank themselves out in numbers more than the body count of victims.
The slasher franchises have suffered from such an over-used formula, that, when a feature like Scream comes along, with it's twist of self-reference and send-up, it has a feeling as though there is now new blood to be vigorously spilt.
Unfortunately, on the flip side, the sequel to this film is also what began the massive resurgence of the endless multitude of horror sequels that tend to crank themselves out in numbers more than the body count of victims.
The slasher franchises have suffered from such an over-used formula, that, when a feature like Scream comes along, with it's twist of self-reference and send-up, it has a feeling as though there is now new blood to be vigorously spilt.

Hush (2016)
The masked slasher genre hits a high note with this silent themed out in the middle of the woods scare fare in which a deaf woman finds herself all alone, isolated far away from the rest of the world, and stalked by a killer who doesn't care if his victim can hear him coming or not. He's still gonna slash yo deaf ass, even if you don't have the ability to hear yourself scream.

When I mentioned of how the overall writing quality of horror themed cinema is improving, moving the genre further away from the shlock and camp infested reputation that it accumulated during the 60's and 70s, Hush is a good example of this.
One film after another of simply stacking up one body count after another, the slasher flick was developing itself as a subgenre that was all blood, but with no heart. However, with the advent of movies like this one, we are now seeing that sometimes, the entertainment value of watching masked knife wielding maniacs go on a spree can come from fearing for the life of their intended victims rather than just seeing how much blood they can spill.

When I mentioned of how the overall writing quality of horror themed cinema is improving, moving the genre further away from the shlock and camp infested reputation that it accumulated during the 60's and 70s, Hush is a good example of this.
One film after another of simply stacking up one body count after another, the slasher flick was developing itself as a subgenre that was all blood, but with no heart. However, with the advent of movies like this one, we are now seeing that sometimes, the entertainment value of watching masked knife wielding maniacs go on a spree can come from fearing for the life of their intended victims rather than just seeing how much blood they can spill.
Severance (2006)
During the nationwide lockdown of 2020, as the world was caught in the grip of the CoVid 19, I decided to peruse thru the internet for the month of October, to search out what many on-liners were listing as the best horror films of the New Millenium up to that point. One of the titles I kept seeing popping up a lot was for a movie called Mayhem. As it turned out, it wasn't so much of a horror flick as it was a corporate themed thriller was filled with a very high level of bloodletting gore (to the extent that I can understand why some people label it as a horror). It was a pretty good movie whose office-styling statements about capitalism and corporate dynamics reminded me of another movie with a similar tone, Severance. This one definitely fits within the category of a horror film, and it's one that I had been meaning to watch for a quite a long time. I think what kept me from it so long was that one of its main stars is Danny Dyer, an actor from across the pond who has one of the worst filmographies in the "hole" of England. But I kept hearing good things about the movie itself and finally decided to give Severance looksee that it deserved. After I watched it, I found that not only does this movie have of a very good balance of all the elements of an effective corporate horror tale (which I assume is becoming a sub-sub-genre of fear films), but even the ill-reputed Dyer fits into his role of the story as comfortably as a ladder climbing brown-noser fits his snog into an executive boss's corner orifice.
And with this particular mix of black comedy, corporate satire, slasher bits, not to mention, a nice touch of alone-in-the-woods folk-fright, I think Severance succeeds much more as a horror than the aforementioned Mayhem. And for my money, it was a much more entertaining balance between office space satire and sharp-edged humor wit required to allow this kind of gory allegory to function properly.
And with this particular mix of black comedy, corporate satire, slasher bits, not to mention, a nice touch of alone-in-the-woods folk-fright, I think Severance succeeds much more as a horror than the aforementioned Mayhem. And for my money, it was a much more entertaining balance between office space satire and sharp-edged humor wit required to allow this kind of gory allegory to function properly.

Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)

Alice, Sweet Alice is a movie that was fortunate enough to have come out when it did.
At the time, the genre of the slasher flick hadn't taken root yet.
Therefore, sexual boundaries had not yet been set as to what gender one must be in order to establish one's as a murderously relentless, knife welding, masked maniac.
And even though we do see the occasional feminine face lurking behind a bladed weapon aimed at carving it's fair share of cadres of corpses, in today's world, the slashing game still seems to be mostly a boy's club.
Frontier(s) (2007)
Let's talk gore, shall we?
James Cameron once said" You don't create fear with gore. You create disgust. It's a whole different emotion."
Therefore, for the longest time, I truly believed that, try as I might, I just didn't like gory horror films.
Then, after I watched Frontier(s), I realized that I was wrong. Well, at least, somewhat wrong.
What it actually was that I didn't like was gory horror films that had no or very little story. For so long, it seemed like filmmakers of this kind of freaky-deaky fright-fest were cranking 'em out simply for compromising the story for the sake of the blood and gore. To the point that it seemed like all movies of this kind were only capable of featuring broken plotlines that, at best, were usually as splattered as the "special" effects that are the gooey center of this particular sub-genre of horror.
Glad to see that after watching Frontier(s), this was a case that proved that stereotype to be wrong.
James Cameron once said" You don't create fear with gore. You create disgust. It's a whole different emotion."
Therefore, for the longest time, I truly believed that, try as I might, I just didn't like gory horror films.
Then, after I watched Frontier(s), I realized that I was wrong. Well, at least, somewhat wrong.
What it actually was that I didn't like was gory horror films that had no or very little story. For so long, it seemed like filmmakers of this kind of freaky-deaky fright-fest were cranking 'em out simply for compromising the story for the sake of the blood and gore. To the point that it seemed like all movies of this kind were only capable of featuring broken plotlines that, at best, were usually as splattered as the "special" effects that are the gooey center of this particular sub-genre of horror.
Glad to see that after watching Frontier(s), this was a case that proved that stereotype to be wrong.

Halloween (2018)
As just about every horror fan knows, there have been a bunch of sequels to the first Halloween movie from back in 1978, which was a surprise hit in it's day and launched one of the longest running franchises in horror history. However, since none of 'em have been able to match the success of the first one, particularly on a critical level, it felt like the horror of it's iconic slasher's "visage" was being slightly diminished with each subsequent release. So, in an effort to bring the franchise back to life, this 2018 entry just ignores all those follow-ups and takes place as if though this outing into All Hallow's Eve was the one that actually follows the original '78 movie. And judging from it's high critical ratings from both critics and fans alike, plus it's incredible box office returns, this latest semi-reboot of Michael Myers and his murdering inspired mask looks like it's gonna stick.

Cold Prey (2006)
When it comes to a list such as this one, one of the things that becomes most evident when it comes to slashers in cinema is that many of them tend to roam within the boundaries of the U. S.....
Leatherface likes to whip around his chainsaw down there in the south, around the weed tumbled Texas area, Jason Voorhees likes to make camp near Crystal Lake in the north-eastern section of the country, somewhere near the outer limits of New Jersey. In the Midwest section of the U.S., in Illinois, there’s the stomping grounds of Michael Myers. And of course, over in Elm Street, we got the nightmare who goes by the name of Kruger, Freddie Kruger.
But, cross over the Atlantic, towards the northern region of Europe, in the deepest, most remote areas of the snowy slopes of Norway, and you might run into a mysterious mountain man known simply as the “Mountain Man “. He might not have the distinctive of names, but he can slash with the best of any of his English-speaking blood lusting brethren.
For the remainder of this list, you will notice the top films of this theme, are those slasher motion pictures that fall into the category of "old skool". They are the ones that were at the forefront of this type of subgenre that featured the premise of a single furious figure that was out to rack up a body count with whatever sharp-edged implement, tool or utensil that it could be used as stabbing weapon that it could wreak its havoc with. And they are also the ones that spawned countless sequels that helped to run this genre into the ground.
But for me, it was the first Cold Prey that finally displayed the kind of true potential for quality level entertainment that these types of terror tales could inflict upon viewers when they were given the kind of effort and care that these movies have needed for quite some time.
Sure, easy formulaic slashers would still be produced, but now, CP was a demonstration that the output didn't need to lean so one-sided towards the cookie cutter clutter of masks that were molded for hockey, leathered faces, or mimicking the visage of William Shatner.
For the remainder of this list, you will notice the top films of this theme, are those slasher motion pictures that fall into the category of "old skool". They are the ones that were at the forefront of this type of subgenre that featured the premise of a single furious figure that was out to rack up a body count with whatever sharp-edged implement, tool or utensil that it could be used as stabbing weapon that it could wreak its havoc with. And they are also the ones that spawned countless sequels that helped to run this genre into the ground.
But for me, it was the first Cold Prey that finally displayed the kind of true potential for quality level entertainment that these types of terror tales could inflict upon viewers when they were given the kind of effort and care that these movies have needed for quite some time.
Sure, easy formulaic slashers would still be produced, but now, CP was a demonstration that the output didn't need to lean so one-sided towards the cookie cutter clutter of masks that were molded for hockey, leathered faces, or mimicking the visage of William Shatner.

Psycho (1960)
Due to the era that Psycho was released, Norman Bates may not have had the opportunity to cut through a swath of teenaged bodies (not that most teenagers back then didn't deserve it) in the manner that the Freddies, Michaels and Jasons do these days, but he definitely pioneered the crazed, almost supernaturally empowered maniacs that the modern masked contemporaries have become famous for.
TBH, for my money, this is probably the best movie on this list. However, since the theme for this list is the theme of slashery, the passage of time has may make Hitchcock's most famous work seem somewhat tame to modern eyes, compared to the high body count of many of the other movies here. And that's the main obstacle that's keeping me from placing Psycho at the top spot (despite its touchstone status).
Despite all that, even though the datedness of this movie has seemed to lessen the shock and horror of this b/w classic, the energy of it still reverberates off the screen to his day. Not to mention that the final shot of Norman Bates' visage is still one of the best creepy endings ever captured on film (and he didn't need a scary mask in order to achieve that effect, either).
TBH, for my money, this is probably the best movie on this list. However, since the theme for this list is the theme of slashery, the passage of time has may make Hitchcock's most famous work seem somewhat tame to modern eyes, compared to the high body count of many of the other movies here. And that's the main obstacle that's keeping me from placing Psycho at the top spot (despite its touchstone status).

Despite all that, even though the datedness of this movie has seemed to lessen the shock and horror of this b/w classic, the energy of it still reverberates off the screen to his day. Not to mention that the final shot of Norman Bates' visage is still one of the best creepy endings ever captured on film (and he didn't need a scary mask in order to achieve that effect, either).

Halloween (1978)

While Texas Chainsaw Massacre introduce us the idea of an unstoppable masked maniacal force intent on making all mere mortals that it comes upon into it's chopped sushi bitch, Halloween introduced us the formula of this theme before it became formulaic. And also before the formula became stupid.
Pay attention to the handling of the characters, the situations of each victum and even the simplicity of the musical score, and you'll find that even though this film requires the usual suspension of belief that is needed to swallow the outrageousness of this genre, Halloween does not require that you hide your intelligence too much behind any kind of William Shatner mask in order to enjoy it.
Which is why, even though I'm not a big fan of the way the slasher genre is handled these days,
H-1 still is and always will be a classic for me.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

As someone whom is often very frustrated with most horror flicks, I was very pleased that this movie's plot-line came off as very genuine. While most slasher flicks tend to make it's audience yell things to the screen like "Idiot! Run outside, not to the upstairs!" or "Don't go in there, you moron!", this movie actually made the situation of the onscreen victims seem logistically believable. Therefore, their fright and inevitable demise doesn't come off as deserving as the mindless teenage victims featured in other films, who make the viewer feel that their stupidity justified their grisly end. The intent of TCM's story was aimed more at making the observer feel the fear thru the fright of the victim, not just thru the singular idea of a mad demonic slash-object-wielding maniac.
Favorites films about those who slash.

I'll be honest here,
while I'm a big fan of the horror genre,
I've never been a big fan of the subhorror category known as the slasher flick.
While I understand that most genres have their limitations, it seems to me that slasher films in general, seem to take the least amount chances , particularly when it comes to stretching out their boundaries beyond the basic formula.. Also because not since the Kaiju and the zombie films of the 60's and 70's, has a genre type relaxed itself in terms of the quality level of its story. I just don't think that the writing in most of these slashers flix is very good.
And sometimes, IMO, it's just because that the central slasher figure has become a cartoonishly violent characters-trope who's main function is just to build up its body count simply to satiaite the bloodthirst of the lowliest common denominator. In other words, the slasher has basically become a "zombie", they're all basically the same. Other than their weapon of choice and/or their themeatic "mask", there is no real distinguishable features to their character.
Hopefully, this'll explain why iconic staples like Freddy or Jason or their many of their sequels make no appearances on my list.
For those few that I do like. I could explain why I consider these certain titles to be more watchable than most, but I think there are a couple of enrtries whose descriptions boxes do that well enough.
Finally, even though I haven't seen that many teenage-mangling titles which would allow me to make this a longer list, I do like the current trend of rising quality in horror films. So I'm hopeful that eventually, future efforts in the subgenre will lead me to finally say that when it comes to being a fan of the slasher flick, I'm pretty hardcore.
Updated Entries:
- Sleep Away Camp
- Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Other Halloween Favorites Lists:
From The Depths
Giant Monsters
Crazy A$s Bitchez

I'll be honest here,
while I'm a big fan of the horror genre,
I've never been a big fan of the subhorror category known as the slasher flick.
While I understand that most genres have their limitations, it seems to me that slasher films in general, seem to take the least amount chances , particularly when it comes to stretching out their boundaries beyond the basic formula.. Also because not since the Kaiju and the zombie films of the 60's and 70's, has a genre type relaxed itself in terms of the quality level of its story. I just don't think that the writing in most of these slashers flix is very good.
And sometimes, IMO, it's just because that the central slasher figure has become a cartoonishly violent characters-trope who's main function is just to build up its body count simply to satiaite the bloodthirst of the lowliest common denominator. In other words, the slasher has basically become a "zombie", they're all basically the same. Other than their weapon of choice and/or their themeatic "mask", there is no real distinguishable features to their character.
Hopefully, this'll explain why iconic staples like Freddy or Jason or their many of their sequels make no appearances on my list.
For those few that I do like. I could explain why I consider these certain titles to be more watchable than most, but I think there are a couple of enrtries whose descriptions boxes do that well enough.
Finally, even though I haven't seen that many teenage-mangling titles which would allow me to make this a longer list, I do like the current trend of rising quality in horror films. So I'm hopeful that eventually, future efforts in the subgenre will lead me to finally say that when it comes to being a fan of the slasher flick, I'm pretty hardcore.
Updated Entries:
- Sleep Away Camp
- Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Other Halloween Favorites Lists:
From The Depths
Giant Monsters
Crazy A$s Bitchez
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