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Added by Ricky49er on 3 Sep 2015 09:16
814 Views 2 Comments

Ricky's Movie Log: September 2015

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People who added this item 1952 Average listal rating (1377 ratings) 6.3 IMDB Rating 6.9
Ted (2012)
September 2nd
Watched on DVD
First Time Watching

I've heard good things about this film. More praise then typically given to a Seth MacFarlane product. While I'm not totally in love with this film as some people are, I do think this film is pretty funny. This film clearly shares some Family Guy elements to it but luckily doesn't get as awful as some modern Family Guy episodes. The jokes are hit-and-miss but hit more often than miss, plus I do think Ted is a funny, interesting character. My only real issue with this film is that because of the kind of comedy it is and the overall Family-Guy feel this film has. I found it hard for me to get emotionally invested in the relationships and drama this film has. Despite my critiques, I will give it credit for making me interested in checking out Flash Gordon which is certainly an impressive feat.
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 1289 Average listal rating (947 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.7
September 3rd
Watched on TV
First Time Watching

While Ted was a funny movie, The Lego Movie is one of the funniest films I've seen in a long while. In fact, there's a lot of great things I can say about this film. The animation is unique and visually well-made, replicating the style of stop-motion Lego animation. I was a big fun of Legomations growing up, watching some funny ones on Youtube. In that way, there is some nostalgia when watching this movie and that seems to be a big theme for this film and explains some of its' appeal. This is a smart children's film that deals with childhood and understands the rich history and playing styles of Legos, using it as a allegorical metaphor for the struggles of childhood innocence vs. the harshness of adulthood. I think the cast is all great with my favorites being Will Arnet's silliest Batman ever, Chris Pratt's charming but relatable Emmett, and Morgan Freeman's hilarious Vitruvius. This is an overall great film that should've won an Oscar but did managed to become one of my favorite films of 2014.
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 39 Average listal rating (34 ratings) 5.1 IMDB Rating 6.1
September 5th
Watched on DVD

Speaking of nostalgia, I remember the early years of That Guy with the Glasses with all its' fun collobrative energy and overall hilarious content. Some great reviewers were on this site and they used to bring a lot of those people together to make some site anniversary specials. I've watched three of them so far (this, Suburban Knights, and To Boldly Flee) and I was a big fan of TGWTG so much that I decided to buy the DVD version of Kickassia along with two other TGWTG-related DVDs. When I first watched it online, I just loved this film. I thought it was hilarious and the story was interesting and impressive considering the rough conditions going on. They had four days to make this film and as the shoot went on, people got sick and injured. Now, after watching it for the first time in a while, I'll admit my opinion has soured a bit. Maybe it's just how much TGWTG has declined in quality (ESPECIALLY with The Nostalgia Critic, he should've been killed off because the new episodes are just awful) and how most of the members here have left the site with a sour opinion of TGWTG's current condition. But the jokes were not as funny and the story was not as well thought-out as I originally believed. The film is a comedy but it seems more focused on the jokes then telling a story. I will admit some of the jokes still work and there are some hilarious sections of this film that I still enjoy but the TGWTG's appeal has been lost and now, it's just a decent film with mediocre cinematography and hit-and-miss humor. It's hard to recommend this film since it's mostly focused on the jokes and most of the jokes are based on TGWTG lore and references. Thus, newcomers will probably enjoy this project even less. Still I found this an alright film and I don't regret buying the DVD because there is some fun special features are just as entertaining as the actual film.

SIDE-NOTE: I miss Bhargov. Watching this film and some of the TGWTG-DVDs and seeing his work as Ma-Ti just reminds me how hilarious he was on That Guy with the Glasses. Plus his vlogs on the Kickassia DVD was a definite highlight. He did push-ups on a car because he was tired!
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 1707 Average listal rating (1318 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 8.1
Inside Out (2015)
September 7th
Watched on an Airplane
First Time Watching

I went to Puerto Rico during late August and early September period. Unfortunately, the plane over there didn't play any movies so I was bored during the trip. Luckily, the plane trip back had this film showing and totally made up for the previous trip. Yeah, what do I have to say about Inside Out that hasn't been said? This is Pixar's greatest film since Toy Story 3... this is also the newest Pixar film I've seen Toy Story 3. I didn't check out the other films because of their mediocre reception and wasn't a fan of Pixar's recent decline in quality. Luckily, even in this dark period, they managed to bring us a film that reminds us why we love Pixar films to begin with. It has a creative premise, incredible performances, and some wonderful world-building with how they portrayed the inside of someone's head and how it worked. This is a smart film that both children and adults can enjoy. It takes risks too in its story, even more so than some Pixar films, with its depiction of depression. I don't want to talk much more about it. It's best to see this film with little to no information about it. One of the best animated films I've seen in a long while and hopefully, this is a sign of Pixar's return to producing quality films.
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 2893 Average listal rating (1879 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.5
September 8th
Watched on Netflix
First (Complete) Viewing

To celebrate my 13th birthday and becoming a teenager, my older cousin wanted me to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. I was able to watch the first few minutes of it but eventually, my cousin turned it off because he thought I would be too scared to watch. Since then, I wanted to finish watching this film because the stuff I got see beforehand had some awesome visuals and incredible atmosphere. Years later, I got the chance to get a complete viewing of this film. It's such a shame that this only brought my interest because of Wes Craven's recent death. This film is just full of iconic horror scenes (the body going through the walls, the claw hand coming out the tub, the gushing fountain of blood coming out the bed, Freddy cutting his own fingers, his face getting pulled off, the girl getting killing on the ceiling, etc.). Plus, this film introduced the iconic villain, Freddy Krueger. While some of the later films turned him into a pun-making comedic monster performing ridiculous deaths, this Freddy is much more serious and genuinely freaky all thanks to Robert Englund's amazing performance. The soundtrack only adds to the film's freaky tone. This is, no doubt about it, a horror classic but some slightly goofy scenes and a just-plain bizarre ending keeps it from being a full 10/10.

SIDE-NOTE: Of course, we get an early appearance from a certain somebody named Johnny Depp. He certainly has come a long way from being just another Freddy Krueger victim.
Ricky49er's rating:
September 11th
Watched on Netflix
First Time Watching

After watching the first Nightmare on Elm Street film, I noticed the direct sequel was available of Netflix. So I decided why the hell not. I know this film has a lot of notoriety for its homosexual overtones and just not being the classic the original was. Even my cousin called this movie "that gay one"! Honestly, I don't mind it that much. There are certainly moments where it goes a little overboard (like the towel scene) but overall, the manservice isn't bad. It's kind of refreshing, actually. But still, this was such a conflicting movie for me. It seems like this film is constantly switching between freaky scenes and just plain ridiculous scenes. The horror doesn't always work. Especially with such laughable moments as the infamous parakeet scene. Yet while the horror is not always consistent, the film does have its genuinely effective scenes of disturbing horror. For example, the opening scene was rather surprising and had some cool visuals. But rather than focusing exclusively on dream sequences, this film deals with the concept of Freddy possessing somebody to commit murders while simultaneously blurring the line between reality and nightmares. I'll give this sequel credit for not being a rehash of the first film. It adds new elements to the Freddy lore while also sprinkling reminders of the events from the first film. But really it was the last third of the film that really saves it for me. That is where they really bring out the scares: body horror, brutal kills, freaky imagery, and the occasional scene of gloomy atmosphere. The ending is as bizarre and stupid as the first film's as well. Overall, this film does have its cheesy moments and isn't as good as the first film (not many films are) but I still found Freddy 2 to be enjoyable. Maybe it was my lowered expectations but honestly, this film is just not as bad as some people say, in my opinion.
Ricky49er's rating:
September 12th
Watched on Youtube
First Time Watching

I love the character of Deadpool. He's my third favorite comic-book superhero, right behind Batman and Spider-Man. Because I'm highly anticipating the new Deadpool movie coming out in 2016, I decided to check out some Deadpool fan-films. I watched the trailer for this and didn't find it that promising but I decided to check it out anyway. Honestly, this was better than I expected but still has its issues. Now, I understand being a low-budget fan film that the production values would be that spectacular. That's not my issue. But my main issues were the sound mixing and editing. Especially during the action scenes, it seems like the sound effects and music don't really work to make those scenes exciting or pop-out. There are also some moments where I think there is some dialogue happening but it's hard to hear it, showing some consistency issues. Plus some of the editing for this film seems choppy. Still there are some good elements to it. I actually liked Trevor Garner's performance as Deadpool and the film in general did a good job of adapting his character as the smart-aleck, fourth-wall breaking, kooky mercenary that loves Mexican food. They really got his character in this film, especially like his interactions with his own yellow text box (a clever reference to the comics). Most of the costumes were alright (not a fan of Domino's, though). The after-credits scene was also disappointing but still for a fan film, it was a decent short film.
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 3506 Average listal rating (2431 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.6
Kick-Ass (2010)
September 14th
Watched on TV

My younger brother has recently been obsessed with Kick-Ass. He loves comic-books and superhero action as much as I do, perhaps even more than I do. I remember reading parts of the Kick-Ass comic in preparation for this film and I really liked it. This all came about during my "dark-and-edgy" phase where I just liked stuff that was "dark-and-edgy". Plus, I liked how the comic deconstructed the whole superhero concept. When I got to see the film finally, I was disappointed. The film plays around with the idea of what would happen if superheroes were real but feels more comfortable being a typical superhero action flick except TENS MORE VIOLENT AND BLOODY! I will admit some moments were a bit too over-the-top and goofy for my liking; I'm especially not a big fan of the jetpack scene along with Frank D'Amico's ridiculous death. Now, after I got the chance to rewatch this film, my feelings on this flick have improved. I can appreciate the fun ride this film provides. Matthew Vaughn's direction was pretty good and Nicholas Cage's performance surprised me with how actually good it was. He wasn't just doing a typical Cage performance. I can now see the clear Adam West Batman influence of Big Daddy's character and his overall earnestness makes you buy his fatherly relationship with Hit-Girl. Sure, he's essentially turning a little girl into a killing machine and that is still incredibly insane but you can tell that he cares about his daughter and doing what he thinks is best for her (probably not going to win any "Parent of the Year" awards, though). People have previously complained about the overtly violent nature of it (I'm fine with it for the most part and don't see it as any real psychological issue) but while violent, Kick-Ass does provide messages about how apathetic people become to others and shows that we all have the potential for inspire and do something to make the world a slightly better place. Yeah, I originally had it as an 7/10 but I'm bumping this film up to a 8/10. In this day-and-age where superheroes are becoming more dark and depressing, Kick-Ass is a fun reminder about why people like superheroes.

SIDE-NOTE: I'd like to thank this list for making me realize that the fat nerdy guy from The Office is best friends with Quicksilver. Both of them.
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 2058 Average listal rating (1369 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 8.2
September 15th
Watched on Netflix
First Time Watching

It seems sometimes that Martin Scorsese can do no wrong. I have only seen three of his films so far and all three of them have gotten a perfect 10/10 for me. From what I've seen, he seems like a master director. Considering he's been in the profession for 30 years now and still producing amazing films, Martin Scorsese is a filmmaker who I'm definitely interested in checking out more of his films. Now onto Wall of Wall Street, what can I say it is a phenomenal film. It's three hours long but it moved at a breezy pace (certainly an impressive feat since I'm the type to found LOTR to be a slog, sometimes). It is also incredibly hilarious which certainly surprised me. Also surprising is how incredible the performances are in this movie, especially from Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. I definitely heard tons of praise given towards the two for their performances but honestly didn't expect them to be this good. They both portray their characters so well that I sometimes forget that it's Leo and Jonah in these roles. They just transform into these characters. The story of this film is also interesting just in showing what rich people can do with their mountains of money. Mostly sex with prostitutes, a lot of drugs and alcohol, and maybe the occasional yacht as a wedding present. Part of the film's appeal is how much fun you get seeing the crazy shit they get to do. Some people claimed it was glorifying the characters and their irresponsible actions but I believe this film portrays a lot of excess and vice with greedy, selfish, sleezy piece-of-shit characters doing every horrible thing imaginable with their bundles of cash excluding murder. Similar to how he portrayed gangsters in Goodfellas, Martin Scorsese doesn't shove it in your face that the actions the characters are doing are wrong. He does indulge in showing how entertaining that lifestyle would be, understandable because why else would anyone perform such blatantly morally bankrupt acts if there wasn't something so thrilling about it. Despite how fun the lifestyle appears, Scorsese shows that such a life has its drastic consequences and things do fall hard for Jordan Belfort. In fact, this film does remind me a bit of Goodfellas but not to its detriment. The film stands its own but does show why Scorsese's film style works so well (besides, it isn't bad for Scorsese to take elements from one of his best films ever). The ending does have its dodgy moments, mostly from its forced featuring of the real Jordan Belfort but that doesn't prevent Wolf of Wall Street from being such an incredible movie.

SIDE-NOTE: Don't think I didn't notice the incredible French leading man, Jean Dujardin, make an appearance in this film! Such a pleasure seeing him in an American production.
Ricky49er's rating:
People who added this item 35 Average listal rating (22 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.4
September 16th-17th
Watched on Netflix
First Time Watching

I love watching fun documentaries like this one that focused on some unappreciated fields of entertainment. Honestly, voice actors are the unsung heroes of entertainment. Their jobs requires an impressive range and have work as hard as any mainstream celebrity with not nearly as much credit given. This documentary shows these voice actors in the spotlight with a lot of fascinating insight of the voice-acting process. The documentary does have its issues. While the moments where the voice actors do their famous performances has its appeal, there are also moments where it gets grating. Also, the structure of the film is kind of iffy as it doesn't have a clear flow in its presentation. This also causes the film to go on a bit too long, especially when there are moments where it seems the film is ending but then the next segment happens. Despite my complaints, I think this film still provides a fun watching experience, especially for anyone who grow up or still enjoy watching cartoons.
Ricky49er's rating:
September 20th
Watched on TV
First Time Watching

Eh, it seems to way to a low rating for me is less making an awful movie and more making a movie so boring that I feel overall indifferent about it. I remember watching the first Twilight film in a school classroom and had some fun taking the piss out of how awful it was. But for the most part was completely uninterested in it. The second movie I watched at my cousins' place. I vaguely remember much about that film. Now with this film, my mother wanted to see this film and I happened to be in the room with her. Honestly, I felt too lazy to leave. Since this was the last film in the series and I had seen the previous two films, of course I was completely confused as to what the heck was going on. I only understand elements of the film from reviews that were bashing the film. Although, I'm not a fan of the Twilight films. It is more out of boredom than a burning hatred. This schlocky romance film didn't ruin vampires like every troll with an internet connection has said. Honestly, it's the haters bringing it up that is the only reason Twilight still has any relevance, ironically. I thought the element vampires was cool but only because it reminded me of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Really these "vampires" are more like "very, very pale superheroes". Also, didn't even found the final battle that interesting... it could be because I was spoiled that it was never real to begin with but it still didn't really interest me because I could give two shits about the characters and their conflicts. The only I liked about this film was that it meant no more crappy, awkward romance films based on schlocky novels are being released (ah, so close...).
Ricky49er's rating:

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Ricky's Movie Logs (6 lists)
list by Ricky49er
Published 9 years ago 1 comment

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