the giraffe's best of and favorites lists (movies)
Best movies of 2015

Best movies of 2014

Best movies of 2013

Best movies of 2012

Best movies of 2011

Best movies of 2010

My Best of 00s list contains my thoughts for each film I've rated 10/10 that's listed in the individual lists for this decade.
Best of 00s

Best movies of 2009

Best movies of 2008

Best movies of 2007

Best movies of 2006

Best movies of 2005

Best movies of 2004

Best movies of 2003

Best movies of 2002

Best movies of 2001

Best movies of 2000

My favorite Horror movies - 00s

Please note that each individual year's list also has a "Had you asked my (year) self..." section in the right-hand column, for those curious as to how my taste in film has evolved over time.
Please note that each individual year's list also has a "Had you asked my (year) self..." section in the right-hand column, for those curious as to how my taste in film has evolved over time.
Load more items (23 more in this list)
Most of these lists were previously collected under another list of mine: My annual best movies of lists. However I'm glad to have another way to showcase my lists since I've created some favorites lists for each decade, all of which are included here.
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30 votes
the giraffe's movie lists guide
(195 lists)list by the giraffe
Published 12 years, 11 months ago

6 votes
the giraffe's lists of lists guide
(16 lists)list by the giraffe
Published 11 years, 10 months ago

30 votes
Inspiration: Finding Unheard of Films
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Published 12 years, 5 months ago

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