Authors in the Dictionary
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Aristotelian adj. relating to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (342-322 BC) or his theories. n. a student or follower of Aristotle or his philosophy.
Aristotelian logic n. the traditional system of logic expounded by Aristotle and developed in the Middle Ages.
Aristotelian logic n. the traditional system of logic expounded by Aristotle and developed in the Middle Ages.
Augustan adj. 1 connected with or occurring during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus, especially as a notable period of Latin literature. 2 relating to or denoting a refined and classical style of 17th- and 18th-century English literature. n. a writer of the Augustan age.
Byronic adj. characteristic of Lord Byron (1788-1824) or his poetry. (of a man) alluringly dark, mysterious, and moody.
Caesarean (also Caesarian) adj. [...] 2 of or connected with Julius Caesar or the Caesars.
Casanova n. a man notorious for seducing women.
-ORIGIN from the name of the Italian adventurer Giovanni Jacopo Casanova (1725-98).
(Thanks to Prelude.)
-ORIGIN from the name of the Italian adventurer Giovanni Jacopo Casanova (1725-98).
(Thanks to Prelude.)
Chaucerian adj. relating to Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1342-1400) or his writing. n. a student or admirer of Chaucer.
Chekhovian adj. relating to or characteristic of the work of the Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov (1860-1904).
Chomskyan (also Chomskian) adj. relating to the American theoretical linguist Noam Chomsky (b. 1928) n. a follower of Chomsky.
Ciceronian adj. 1 characteristic of the work and thought of Cicero (106-43 BC), a awriter and orator of ancient Rome. 2 (of speech and writing) eloquent and rhythmic.
Darwinism n. the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection, advanced by the English natural historian Charles Darwin (1809-82).
-DERIVATIVES Darwinian n. & adj. Darwinist n. & adj.
-DERIVATIVES Darwinian n. & adj. Darwinist n. & adj.
tartan_skirt's rating:
Dickensian adj. reminiscnet of the novels of Charles Dickens, especially in terms of poverty and squalor that they portray.
tartan_skirt's rating:
Goethean (also Goethian) adj. relating to the German poet and dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832).
Homeric adj. 1 of or in the style of the Greek poet Homer (8th century BC) or the epic poems ascribed to him. 2 of Bronze Age Greece described in these poems.
Horatian adj. 1 relating to the Roman poet Horace (65-8 BC) 2 (of an ode) of several stanzas each of the same metrical pattern.
Jungian adj. relating to the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) or his syste of analytical psychology. n. a follower of Jung or his system.
tartan_skirt's rating:
Kantian adj. relating to German philopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) or his philosphy. n. an adverent of Kant's philosophy.
-DERIVATIVES Kantianism n.
-DERIVATIVES Kantianism n.
Kafkaesque adj. relating to the Czech novelist Franz Kafka (1883-1924) or his nightmarish fictional world.
Machiavellian adj. cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics. n. (also Machiavelli) a Machiavellian person.
-DERIVATIVES Machiavellianism n.
(Thanks to spiegalr!)
-DERIVATIVES Machiavellianism n.
(Thanks to spiegalr!)
Miltonic (also Miltonian) adj. relating to the English poet John Milton (1608-74) n. an admirer or follower of Milton.
Orwellian adj. of or characteristic of the work of the British novelist George Orwell (1903-50), especially with reference to the totalitarian state as depicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
tartan_skirt's rating:
Platonic adj. of or associated with the Greek philosopher Plato or his ideas.
Platonism n. the philosophy of Plato or his followers, especially that relating to Plato's theory or 'ideas' or 'forms', in which abstract entities ('universals') are contrasted with their objects ('particulars') in the material world. the theory that numbers or other abstract objects are objective, timeless entities, independent of the physical world and of the symbols used to represent them.
-DERIVATIVES Platonist n. & adj.
Platonism n. the philosophy of Plato or his followers, especially that relating to Plato's theory or 'ideas' or 'forms', in which abstract entities ('universals') are contrasted with their objects ('particulars') in the material world. the theory that numbers or other abstract objects are objective, timeless entities, independent of the physical world and of the symbols used to represent them.
-DERIVATIVES Platonist n. & adj.
sadism n. the tendency to derive sexual gratification or general pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
-DERIVATIVES sadist n. sadistic adj. sadistically adv.
-ORIGIN C19: from Fr. sadisme, from the name of the 18th-cent. French writer the Marquis de Sade.
-DERIVATIVES sadist n. sadistic adj. sadistically adv.
-ORIGIN C19: from Fr. sadisme, from the name of the 18th-cent. French writer the Marquis de Sade.
Shakespearean (also Shakespearian) adj. relating to or in the style of William Shakespeare or his works. n. an expert in or student of Shakespeare's works.
tartan_skirt's rating:
Thomism n. the theology and philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas (1225-74), the foremost figure of scholasticism, or his followers.
-DERIVATIVES Thomist n. & adj. Thomistic adj.
-DERIVATIVES Thomist n. & adj. Thomistic adj.
Wildean adj. relating to or characteristic of the Irish writer and wit Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).
Authors whose names are used as terms defining their particular style.
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Language from Television (under construction)
When Literature Creates Language
Work in Progress
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Language from Television (under construction)
When Literature Creates Language
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