John Carter (2012)
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Yet another Disney delivered on – even if genera... read more
A generic, sci-fi mess.
We've seen millions of films set in outer-space, and many of them have become classics over the years. John Carter is based off the 1917 novel, A Princess of Mars, and is considered by many fans to have been the inspiration for sci-fi epics including Star Wars and Star Trek. While this is probably true, the film adaptation has been made years afte... read more
A genuine letdown
2012's John Carter was a long time coming. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' story A Princess of Mars which was first published in 1912, official development for a John Carter motion picture has started and stopped since 1931. But apparently eight decades was not enough time to do the project jus... read more
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“Of course John Carter is a long way from flawless, but it is also not that bad but you wouldn't think so looking at its box office failure, its reputation and also how terribly marketed it was. Sure the plot is thin as ice in places with scenes that go on for far longer than they needed to, and it is also predictable and with the odd convoluted part, with the many logical lapses not helping in its favour. Particularly at the end, which gave off a sense that the film didn't know how to end itself. The script is uneven too, a fair bit of it is actually quite intelligently handled with some entertainment and suspense but there are other points where the dialogue does make one cringe and you do wish you learnt more about the characters and that the romance wasn't so disjointed and forced. John” read more
"Dejah Thoris played by Lynn Collins Dejah Thoris: "You let me know when it gets dangerous." "
"First viewing - July 11th Oh, that's right, I have Disney+ still, don't I. Now I barely registered John Carter's release back in 2012, which might explain why I've never seen it before. I recall seeing the posters for it, but I'm pretty sure I didn't see a trailer for it. And while I'm aware it's adapted from books, I'm not familiar with them. My work friend had spoken favorably of it, however, and knowing it was a fantasy film I figured my daughter would dig it and so we dove in. I thought i"