Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
list by diabolical dr voodoo
list by Severin Severin
list by FG93
list by Psychoffspring
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Not Star Wars...this is kids sci-fi central!
George Lucas is turning into an enemy of film. After the atrocious Star Wars prequels, I honestly thought the Star Wars legacy couldn't possibly be additionally defiled. Alas, it is this review's despondent duty to report that this animated addition to the Star Wars canon has managed to be worse than all three Star Wars preque... read more
The Prequel of the Prequel
As the Clone Wars sweep through the galaxy, the heroic Jedi Knights struggle to maintain order and restore peace...
Matt Lanter: Anakin Skywalker (voice)
Clone Wars interested me mainly due to the fact it's animated and its another story derived from the saga. As soon as it begins we the audience are thrown straight a... read more
Absolutely irrelevant!
Update feed
"Ship: J-type 327 Nubian royal starship Pilots: Naboo crews Votes: 3 A beautiful ship used by Padme Amidala, the Queen of Naboo in the years preceding the Clone Wars. Considered a work of art by Naboo citizens, this spaceship featured an excellent design that exemplified the philosophy of blending art and function that was seen throughout Naboo technology, and embodied the craftsmanship that prevailed during the peaceful years of the Galactic Republic."
"August 15th, 2008(at the Circle Drive-In Theater in Dickson City)"
“At its worst moments, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was a series that provided mere fan-service action sequences in stories that didn’t enrich or develop the world or mythology of the mega-franchise in any meaningful way. At its best, it explored the concepts and ideas merely hinted at in the films and filled in the gaps with imagination and a daring to go in wild directions revealing just how elastic a Star Wars story could be. The film that launched the series is very much a case of the former with none of the latter. It’s better than 2/3 of the prequel trilogy in that it manages to actually tell a coherent story with a clear emotional trajectory and goals in mind, with present villains and the tenants of story beats accounted for. This is admittedly not a huge compliment, but it’” read more
"Primera parte del universo expandido de la saga, ya literalmente hace un año que vi las películas y aunque al inicio me perdí un poco pasado un rato recordé lo necesario para sentirme como en casa. La pelicula como siempre en la saga trata cosas que dan por conocidas para el espectador pero realmente son primeras apariciones; Si esto se pasa por alto la serie no tiene casi ningún problema mas allá de la animación que no es la mejor en algunas ocasiones. "