Jaws 2
list by diabolical dr voodoo

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The only decent Jaws follow-up...
An average movie
The same plot but still decent
UPC: 025192092824

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" 7 confirmed deaths 4 men 3 women and Jaws 2 Animal death: 2 Running time: 117 mins Number of deaths: 7 kills per average: 16.57 mins Most Jawiest death: Diane, who has the most brutal death in the film. Most brutal death: Diane, of course. Least brutal death: Two scuba divers. Survivors: Sheriff Martin Brody, Michael Brody, Ellen Brody, Mayor Larry Vaughan, Tina, and some of Michael Brody’s friends."

"Directed by: Jeannot Szwarc Cinematography: Michael Butler "

"Rated: PG Why it’s rated: Graphic shark violence and Adult language."

" "But I'm telling you, and I'm telling everybody at this table that that's a shark! And I know what a shark looks like, because I've seen one up close. And you'd better do something about this one, because I don't intend to go through that hell again!" Directed by Jeannot Szwarc Written by Carl Gottlieb and Howard Sackler Music by John Williams Cinematography by Michael C. Butler Editing by Steve Potter, Arthur Schmidt and Neil Travis"

"7.8. Blu-ray Jatko-osalta odotin kyllä paljon tyhmempää, hillitön juliste yksi syy, mutta se olikin ihan sellaisenaan vallan toimivaa ja teknisestikin pätevää simppeliä jännäriviihdettä, periaatteessa slasher. Eikä sitä kunnon tyhmäilyä edes kaipaa toimiakseen. Lisättävää sillä ei ole, eikä missään nimessä muuta alkuperäisen arvoa suuntaan tai toiseen. Ei mikään toisinto ja haihyökkäyksetkin ovat yllättävän kekseliäitä, mutta juuri mikään ei kuitenkaan tunnu "
“I will say this, Jaws 2 is much better than the abomination that is Jaws:The Revenge, but at the same time it lacks the qualities the original did have. The original film is a masterpiece and one of Steven Spielberg's best movies. Not only was it brilliantly directed and wonderfully scored, but it was genuinely atmospheric too. In fact, Jaws was the film that made me afraid to go into the sea.
What let Jaws 2 down pacifically was the narrative and story, too predictable and sedate for my tastes. The dialogue also lacks polish, with some of the more tense moments not quite coming across as believable and the more humorous moments feel forced. The direction is lacking in tension too, which is disappointing considering that was one of the main reasons why the original worked so bril” read more

"Sharks can hold grudges! Be nice, to your friend the shark!"