Octopussy (1983)
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list by Aprakadabra
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One of Best Bond films
I must've watched this movie at least a couple dozen times as a kid, and it's one of the most memorable movies, from the exotic Maude Adams to the awesome India scenes, and then taking you Germany for some cold war thriller action, and finall... read more
Not one of the better Bond movies
An average movie
UPC: 027616853950
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" Octopussy is a 1983 spy film and the thirteenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions. It is the sixth to star Roger Moore as the MI6 agent James Bond. It was directed by John Glen and the screenplay was written by George MacDonald Fraser, Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson. The film's title is taken from a short story in Ian Fleming's 1966 short story collection Octopussy and The Living Daylights, although the film's plot is mostly original. It does, however, contain a sc"
" Octopussy is a 1983 spy film and the thirteenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions. It is the sixth to star Roger Moore as the MI6 agent James Bond. It was directed by John Glen and the screenplay was written by George MacDonald Fraser, Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson. The film's title is taken from a short story in Ian Fleming's 1966 short story collection Octopussy and The Living Daylights, although the film's plot is mostly original. It does, however, contain a sc"
"Ngl I'm running out of things to say about these films but this is a fun entry with a good amount of laughs mixed in with the action scenes and some real creative ideas. This one's solid."
" Philip Voss as Auctioneer Douglas Wilmer and Roger Moore Kristina Wayborn and Louis Jourdan"
"14.8. Kasari ja John Glen taisivat tehdä oikeasti jotain hyvää Bondeille – ainakin Roger Mooren aikana. Yli-ikäisestä agenttirähjästä revitään tällä kertaa irti omituisen campia huumoria, jossa Mooren roikkuminen lentävän lentokoneen katolla intialaisen miekkamiehen sohiessa agenttisankariamme on jo aivan hellyttävän tyhmää ja awesomea. Länsi-Saksa on tapahtumapaikkana kiinnostava, ja Octopussyn tapauksessa koko asetelma Bondista naisia vievänä herrasmiehenä käännetä"