Gangs of New York (2002)
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Poonany's Thoughts
I have always been a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio's movies, and I honestly the man is versatile. This is probably my favorite film of his, aside from Titanic. He is joined by other talented actors, such as Daniel Day-Lewis, Cameron Diaz, and Liam Neeson, who only had a bit part... read more
Gangs of New York was one of those movies I always wanted to watch, but being that I was 12 my parents didn't let me. Well here I am a healthy 21 year old and FINALLY got around to watching it.
I must say, it was everything I hoped it would be.
First off the cinematography was amazing. Beautiful use of color. The vibrant colo... read more
UPC: 786936165371

Update feed

" 2020: 114 2019: 116 2018: 116 2017: 116 2016: 116 2015: 115 2014: 117 2013: 119 2012: 123 2011: 126 2010: 125 2009: 131 2008: 133 2007: 135 2006: 167 2005: 183 2004: 217 "

" Happy Jack "Pennies in their pockets and hope in their eyes. They peer to the west. Searching the horizon for a glimpse of land and salvation. Ah, a glimpse of America.""

" 2019: 116 2018: 116 2017: 116 2016: 116 2015: 115 2014: 117 2013: 119 2012: 123 2011: 126 2010: 125 2009: 131 2008: 133 2007: 135 2006: 167 2005: 183 2004: 217 "

" Walter 'Monk' McGinn "Citizens of the Five Points! Mr. Bill Cutting is attempting to draw me into an argument that would no doubt end in bloodshed and the compromising of my office. Well, what do you think? Shall I engage in silence, this relic of the ancient law? Or, shall I be your chosen voice in a new testament, in the new world?""

" No Change 2018: 116 2017: 116 2016: 116 2015: 115 2014: 117 2013: 119 2012: 123 2011: 126 2010: 125 2009: 131 2008: 133 2007: 135 2006: 167 2005: 183 2004: 217 "

"20.3. Netflix Uusintakatselu. Muistikuvat kai TV-ensiesityksestä oli pitkä tie muistettavaan joukkotappeluun. Kyseinen joukkotappelu tulikin heti alussa, eikä sekään nyt niin kummoinen ollut. Tämän jälkeen komeissa lavasteissa seurataan kaksi ja puoli tuntia, tylsänpuoleisesti hahmoja, jotka eivät juuri kiinnosta vain päättyäkseen vieläpä vähän antiklimaattisesti. Daniel Day-Lewisin ylinäyttely on hauskaa."

" Amsterdam Vallon "When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die.""

" No Change 2017: 116 2016: 116 2015: 115 2014: 117 2013: 119 2012: 123 2011: 126 2010: 125 2009: 131 2008: 133 2007: 135 2006: 167 2005: 183 2004: 217 "

" Jenny Everdeane "I was twelve years old, my mother was dead, and I was livin' in a doorway. He took me in. Took care of me, in his way. After they cut out the baby - well, he doesn't fancy girls that's scarred up. But you should know, in your own mind, that he never laid a hand on me until I asked him to.""

" "He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering." Written by Jay Cocks, Steven Zaillian and Kenneth Lonergan Music by Howard Shore Cinematography by Michael Ballhaus Editing by Thelma Schoonmaker "

"Other nominations Best Picture Best Actor Best Director Best Original Screenplay Best Original Score Best Song From a Movie Best Sound Editing Best Cinematography "

" "He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering." Directed by Martin Scorsese Written by Jay Cocks, Steven Zaillian and Kenneth Lonergan Music by Howard Shore Cinematography by Michael Ballhaus Editing by Thelma Schoonmaker "