Schindler's List (1993) (1993)
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Schindler's List (1993) Videos
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Spielberg's most powerful film...a masterpiece!
Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List is a challenging film to review. The incentive behind this is not because it's a bad movie...but that it's such a powerful experience to exhibit and it's virtually unfeasible to illustrate its power by employing words. In a sense, Spielberg's Schindler's ... read more
The whole film is like a stab in the gut; scene after scene of terrifying acts of genocide, racial hatred and sadism that defined The Holocaust.
Filmed with art and dignity; it is by no means a gory 'snuff' film like 'The Passion'. Filmed in black and white throughout and thrown into... read more
UPC: 025192423628

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" Oskar Schindler is a vain and greedy German businessman who becomes an unlikely humanitarian amid the barbaric German Nazi reign when he feels compelled to turn his factory into a refuge for Jews. Based on the true story of Oskar Schindler who managed to save about 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp, it is a testament to the good in all of us. Based on the book by Thomas Keneally, the film was a critical success and a success in theatres, and also garnered award"
“(NX) Cómo crece verla tantos años luego del estreno¡ Es "Shoah" de ficción, y a la vez la historia de los que escaparon a ese grito, con estupenda final documental. Schindler quiere salvar el mundo sin saberlo, sin atreverse a estar seguro de lo que hace, y se redime no de culpa sino de su frivolidad” read more

"5.5. Netflix Uusintakatselu. 20 vuoden takaiset muistikuvat pitivät hämmentävän tarkkaan kutinsa. Ainoastaan Schindlerin hahmon lähtötila hyväksikäyttäjänä ei soittanut kelloja. Tämän kaliiperin elokuvasta on helpompi löytää vikoja, joita meinaan riittää, kuin kehuttavaa. Tekniseltä puolelta, kuten Spielbergiltä nyt vihdoin näin avoimena odottaakin, ei löydy moitteita ja jotain on kerronnallisestikin aika hyvin paikallaan, kun reilu kolmetuntinen elokuva ei tunnu ollenka"
One of the best movies ever made.
“Businessman Oskar Schindler saved the lives of many Jews, by employing them in his factories, this saving them from going to The Concentration Camps.
This was, and will forever be, one of the best films ever made, not just the ultimate story of The Holocaust, but truly as masterpiece, one of the best.
If you can sit through it without being moved to the point of tears, you're made of stronger stuff than I am, the atrocities committed on those innocent people will never be forgotten. The realisation here is chilling.
The film's pacing is quite remarkable, it's a three hour film that flashes by quickly, but it's three hours that will live with you forever, some of the scenes will rightly never be forgotten.
What has always struck me, is the way that ev” read more

" Points: 7 Chosen by: filmbuilder (7) Previous rank: IMDB top 250 rank: "

" No Change 2020: 66 2019: 68 2018: 69 2017: 70 2016: 72 2015: 74 2014: 77 2013: 78 2012: 80 2011: 83 2010: 85 2009: 85 2008: 88 2007: 87 2006: 97 2005: 116 2004: 125 2003: 134 2002: 128 2001: 136 2000: 138 1999: 112 1998: 149 "

" 2019: 68 2018: 69 2017: 70 2016: 72 2015: 74 2014: 77 2013: 78 2012: 80 2011: 83 2010: 85 2009: 85 2008: 88 2007: 87 2006: 97 2005: 116 2004: 125 2003: 134 2002: 128 2001: 136 2000: 138 1999: 112 1998: 149 "

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: Adult Situations, Subject matter, Graphic Violence, Nudity, and Profanity. "

" 2018: 69 2017: 70 2016: 72 2015: 74 2014: 77 2013: 78 2012: 80 2011: 83 2010: 85 2009: 85 2008: 88 2007: 87 2006: 97 2005: 116 2004: 125 2003: 134 2002: 128 2001: 136 2000: 138 1999: 112 1998: 149 "

"Очень долго не мог подступиться к фильму с таким хронометражом, но не жалею, что всё таки посмотрел. Это, пожалуй, один из лучших фильмов, что я видел."

" 2017: 70 2016: 72 2015: 74 2014: 77 2013: 78 2012: 80 2011: 83 2010: 85 2009: 85 2008: 88 2007: 87 2006: 97 2005: 116 2004: 125 2003: 134 2002: 128 2001: 136 2000: 138 1999: 112 1998: 149 "