Django Unchained (2012)
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Django Unchained (2012) Videos
460 Views, 5 votes
Added 12 years ago
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Another Quentin Tarantino masterpiece.
The bloody conclusion of retribution
Revenge, Tarantino-Style
Django (Jamie Fox) is a slave who was separated from his wife, Broomhilda Von Shaft (Kerry Washington) as p... read more

Update feed

"Other nominations Best Picture Best Original Screenplay Best Cinematography Best Costume Design "

" 2020: 598 2019: 605 2018: 603 2017: 607 2016: 611 2015: 618 2014: 619 2013: 644 "

" 2019: 605 2018: 603 2017: 607 2016: 611 2015: 618 2014: 619 2013: 644 "

" As a hardcore Tarantino fan, I think I had some high expectations for this film, which is QT's first full face dive into the Western genre. And as is typical, Quentin managed to deliver. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone considering what a fan of the Spaghetti Western he has often mentioned being of. As a tale of a traveling duo, a dentist and a former slave, both of whom have become bounty hunters, Django Unchained has many of the same elements that make QT's works so succ"

" While filming a racist rant as plantation owner Calvin Candie in Django Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio slammed his hand on a table to punctuate his angry words. Unfortunately, during one take, DiCaprio's hand slammed right into a glass. The glass immediately broke, ripping up DiCaprio's hand in the process. Although blood was pouring from his injury, DiCaprio stayed in character and finished the scene. After the rant was over, DiCaprio's hand was cleaned and bandaged. He kept it that way for t"

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: Adult Humor, Graphic Violence, Nudity, and Profanity"

" 2018: 603 2017: 607 2016: 611 2015: 618 2014: 619 2013: 644 "

" Calvin Candie "Gentlemen, you had my curiosity, now you have my attention.""

" 2017: 607 2016: 611 2015: 618 2014: 619 2013: 644 "

" "Kill white folks and they pay you for it? What's not to like?" Written by Quentin Tarantino Music by Cinematography by Robert Richardson Editing by Fred Raskin "

"17.1. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Ekalla kerralla en pitänyt juuri yhtään. Paitsi siististä väkivallasta ja sekin ärsytti, että vähän pidin siitä. Nyt en oikein valitettavaa keksi. Kaikki, mikä viimeksi huokailutti (lähinnä kaikki), nyt innosti. Aivan mainiota hassuttelua."

" Stephen "Them motherfuckers ain't here to buy no mandingos. They's here for that girl.""

" "Kill white folks and they pay you for it? What's not to like?" Directed by Quentin Tarantino Written by Quentin Tarantino Music by Cinematography by Robert Richardson Editing by Fred Raskin "