Creepers (Phenomena) (1985)
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UPC: 013131072693
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" First Viewing Viewing Date: October 13th Via: Shudder (via VPN) Plot: A young girl who has an amazing ability to communicate with insects is transferred to an exclusive Swiss boarding school, where her unusual capability might help solve a string of murders. Rating: 6.6/10 Why Did I Watch It? This is another Dario Argento movie I felt I should check out."
" Phenomena is a 1985 Italian supernatural horror giallo film directed by Dario Argento and starring Jennifer Connelly, Daria Nicolodi, and Donald Pleasence. The plot concerns an American girl at a remote Swiss boarding school who discovers she has psychic powers that allow her to communicate with insects, and uses them to pursue a serial killer who is butchering young women at and around the school. After its release in Italy, Phenomena was purchased for distribution in the United States by "
" Phenomena is a 1985 Italian supernatural horror giallo film directed by Dario Argento and starring Jennifer Connelly, Daria Nicolodi, and Donald Pleasence. The plot concerns an American girl at a remote Swiss boarding school who discovers she has psychic powers that allow her to communicate with insects, and uses them to pursue a serial killer who is butchering young women at and around the school. After its release in Italy, Phenomena was purchased for distribution in the United States by "
" "The Bible also refers to the devil as Beelzebub, which means 'Lord of the Flies.' Look at her - the Lady of the Flies." Directed by Dario Argento Written by Dario Argento and Franco Ferrini Music by Simon Boswell and Goblin Cinematography by Romano Albani Editing by Franco Fraticelli"
"22.10. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Phenomenassa Argento vie unen logiikkaansa siihen pisteeseen, että päähahmo tiedostaa tämän alitajuisesti ja unissakävelee aika merkittävän osan ruutuajastaan. Jennifer Connelly 14v on juuri oikealla tavalla pihalla ja Donald Pleasence on aina ilo. HyĂśnteisten kanssa kommunikointi, simpanssi, hervoton gore ja heavy metal -soundtrack muodostavat hämmentävän koherentin kokonaisuuden, jolla on etunaan lisäksi kovin, kovin näyttävää kameratyĂśtä. PĂ"
"Plot: A woman with psychic powers and a link to insects becomes embroiled in the cruel acts of a serial killer. "Phenomena" plays out like a muddled (but enjoyable) version of an early Dean Koontz book. Rife with interesting images (courtesy of Argento's keen eye) and some legit weirdness, the movie succeeds more on how much you want the concepts to gel than how they actually come together. A Goblin score makes for a great aural experience (even though it is somewhat distractingly interrupted "
"AKA Creepers This is considered a classic of the genre, and it's pretty safe to call it 'essential viewing'. I haven't seen it for many years, so I'll hold off on my rating until I can rewatch. Argento. Bugs. Young Jennifer Connelly. What's not to like?"
"Voin hyvällä syyllä sanoa, että viime päivinä olen ollut kiitollinen siitä, mitä olen saanut silmieni eteen. Kun teininä näin ensimmäistä kertaa Dario Argenton elokuvia (Videofirma Makuunista äitini vuokraamina dvd:einä), rakastuin niihin miltei päätä pahkaa: Suspirian lisäksi ennen muuta Stendhal Syndrome ja Phenomena tekivät syvimmän vaikutuksen; siksi olen tavallaan suojellut itseäni ja ollut näkemättä Stendhal Syndromea enää uudelleen, koska pelkään sen osoittautu"