Giallos I Want To Watch & I Have Watched
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Giallos I Have Watched
A Bay of Blood (1971)
3.5 out of 5 - Watched 10/2021
Grandfather of the slasher genre. The plot was amazingly easy to follow for a giallo; usually they require flow charts or a bulletin board diagram. This movie doesn't make you wait for the thrills & kills to start -- they're off to the races in the first fifteen minutes. Good amount of gore & nasty kills but nothing really out there. Watch for the ending.
Grandfather of the slasher genre. The plot was amazingly easy to follow for a giallo; usually they require flow charts or a bulletin board diagram. This movie doesn't make you wait for the thrills & kills to start -- they're off to the races in the first fifteen minutes. Good amount of gore & nasty kills but nothing really out there. Watch for the ending.
Alyss's rating:

Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)
4 out of 5 - Watched 2015
Features a very young Brooke Shields.
Features a very young Brooke Shields.
Alyss's rating:

4.5 out of 5
Higher on suspense than gore. Considered proto-giallo but not technically one. A lot of people find this boring, but I liked it. Don't bother with the 2010 remake.
Higher on suspense than gore. Considered proto-giallo but not technically one. A lot of people find this boring, but I liked it. Don't bother with the 2010 remake.
Alyss's rating:

5 out of 5 - Rewatched 2016
One of my favorites.
One of my favorites.
Alyss's rating:

The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971)
1.5 out of 5 - Watched 3/26/15
I might've rated this too low & plan to rewatch in the near future.
I might've rated this too low & plan to rewatch in the near future.
Alyss's rating:

Deep Red (1975)
5 out of 5 - Watched 6/14/16. Rewatched 2021.
I really liked this the first time, but I rated it even higher on rewatch. It might be more of a 4.5 than a true 5. That one scene (you'll know) really haunts the dreams.
I really liked this the first time, but I rated it even higher on rewatch. It might be more of a 4.5 than a true 5. That one scene (you'll know) really haunts the dreams.
Alyss's rating:

5 out of 5
I wouldn't recommend watching this with your family, but are people regularly watching these types of films with their family? Anyway, there's one reeeeeeeeally long and graphic sex scene. I cannot emphasize enough how unending it was, and I didn't need to see that much of Donald Sutherland.
I wouldn't recommend watching this with your family, but are people regularly watching these types of films with their family? Anyway, there's one reeeeeeeeally long and graphic sex scene. I cannot emphasize enough how unending it was, and I didn't need to see that much of Donald Sutherland.
Alyss's rating:

3.5 out of 5 - Watched 9/13/2016
Usually, women are the target victims in this genre, but this film interestingly switches that up to young boys, instead.
Usually, women are the target victims in this genre, but this film interestingly switches that up to young boys, instead.
Alyss's rating:

1 out of 5
Some people really like this, I guess? I remember hating it. It's been awhile so I might rewatch in the future.
Some people really like this, I guess? I remember hating it. It's been awhile so I might rewatch in the future.
Alyss's rating:

3.5 out of 5 - Rewatched 2021
Almost a 4 because it creates an effectively creepy mood but the pacing was uneven imho. Identity of the killer is apparent (or at least easy to guess) at least halfway through. Your mileage may vary.
Almost a 4 because it creates an effectively creepy mood but the pacing was uneven imho. Identity of the killer is apparent (or at least easy to guess) at least halfway through. Your mileage may vary.
Alyss's rating:

A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (1971)
3.5 out of 5 - Watched 10/2021
I couldn't decide if this was truly a 3.5 or 4 for me, so I went with a 3.5. It is by no means a bad giallo, but something kept me from rating it higher. I might rewatch in the near future to see if I can glean any insights from a second viewing. I did enjoy the resolution of the mystery.
I couldn't decide if this was truly a 3.5 or 4 for me, so I went with a 3.5. It is by no means a bad giallo, but something kept me from rating it higher. I might rewatch in the near future to see if I can glean any insights from a second viewing. I did enjoy the resolution of the mystery.
Alyss's rating:

Malignant (2020)
4 out of 5 - Watched 9/12/21
Incredibly bizarre third act.
4 out of 5 - Watched 9/12/21
Incredibly bizarre third act.
Alyss's rating:

The New York Ripper (1982)
3.5 out of 5
Pretty decent. Seemed especially lurid and exploitative even by giallo standards. Mostly interesting to see how gross Times Square was in the 1980's. This is the Donald Duck killer one.
Pretty decent. Seemed especially lurid and exploitative even by giallo standards. Mostly interesting to see how gross Times Square was in the 1980's. This is the Donald Duck killer one.
Alyss's rating:

Opera (1987)
1 out of 5
I haven't seen this since the early 00's, so I might need to give this one a rewatch. It was pretty wtf and had a good bit of body horror and that's all I remember.
I haven't seen this since the early 00's, so I might need to give this one a rewatch. It was pretty wtf and had a good bit of body horror and that's all I remember.
Alyss's rating:

Creepers (1985)
AKA Creepers
This is considered a classic of the genre, and it's pretty safe to call it 'essential viewing'. I haven't seen it for many years, so I'll hold off on my rating until I can rewatch. Argento. Bugs. Young Jennifer Connelly. What's not to like?
This is considered a classic of the genre, and it's pretty safe to call it 'essential viewing'. I haven't seen it for many years, so I'll hold off on my rating until I can rewatch. Argento. Bugs. Young Jennifer Connelly. What's not to like?
The Psychic (1977)
AKA Seven Notes In Black
5 out of 5
One of my favorites. Not excessively gory outside of the opening scene. Overall, pretty restrained for Fulci. The killer isn't super hard to guess, but I enjoyed the journey. I rewatch this at least once a year.
5 out of 5
One of my favorites. Not excessively gory outside of the opening scene. Overall, pretty restrained for Fulci. The killer isn't super hard to guess, but I enjoyed the journey. I rewatch this at least once a year.
Alyss's rating:

3 out of 5 - Rewatched 2022
I have no memory of this movie other than the fact that I watched it once. Will have to rewatch before I rate it.
I have no memory of this movie other than the fact that I watched it once. Will have to rewatch before I rate it.
1.5 out of 5 - Watched 5/2016
Very high wtf factor. I don't remember anything else about this movie except it gave me some Eyes Wide Shut vibes.
Very high wtf factor. I don't remember anything else about this movie except it gave me some Eyes Wide Shut vibes.
Alyss's rating:

I've fallen asleep 2x while trying to watch this. Might be the movie, might just be me. I'll rate it when I manage to make it through a sitting.
I've fallen asleep 2x while trying to watch this. Might be the movie, might just be me. I'll rate it when I manage to make it through a sitting.
5 out of 5
One of my favorites. Not technically a giallo, I think, but it gets on some lists.
One of my favorites. Not technically a giallo, I think, but it gets on some lists.
Alyss's rating:

Torso (1973)
4.5 out of 5 - Watched 2021
I really liked this one a lot. Holds your attention throughout and the last act is intense.
I really liked this one a lot. Holds your attention throughout and the last act is intense.
Alyss's rating:

3 out of 5 - Watched 2015. Rewatched 2021.
I tried to watch this 2x and lost interest somewhere in the middle. Finally made it through on the third watch. I watched it again in 2021 and bumped it up to a 3. Some really f*kced up kills in this one, although I don't think there was a ton of actual gore? I'm bad at judging. There seemed to be some plot threads left dangling. Maybe I watched a chopped-up cut of the film.
I tried to watch this 2x and lost interest somewhere in the middle. Finally made it through on the third watch. I watched it again in 2021 and bumped it up to a 3. Some really f*kced up kills in this one, although I don't think there was a ton of actual gore? I'm bad at judging. There seemed to be some plot threads left dangling. Maybe I watched a chopped-up cut of the film.
Alyss's rating:

2.5 out of 5 - Watched 2021
Just okay. Edwige Fenech being hot is clearly the main draw here. Some of the plot seemed nonsensical even for a giallo. The close-ups of the cat toward the end were hilarious to me. TBH, if you just enjoy complete wtfery (or watching Edwige Fenech getting busy with every other character in the movie aside from that cat), this could be rated higher.
Just okay. Edwige Fenech being hot is clearly the main draw here. Some of the plot seemed nonsensical even for a giallo. The close-ups of the cat toward the end were hilarious to me. TBH, if you just enjoy complete wtfery (or watching Edwige Fenech getting busy with every other character in the movie aside from that cat), this could be rated higher.
Alyss's rating:

Giallos I Want To Watch
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A sporadically updated list! Last update: 30 Oct 2021
Giallo is a 20th-century Italian genre of literature and film, usually with mystery elements and often with slasher, supernatural horror or crime fiction elements. In Italy, the term simply denotes thrillers, typically of the crime fiction, mystery, and horror subgenres, regardless of the country of origin. In English-speaking countries, however, the term "giallo" is used to refer to a particular style of Italian-produced murder mystery film which often includes elements of horror fiction and eroticism (similar to the French fantastique genre). The genre began in the mid-to-late 1960s, peaked in popularity during the 1970s, and subsequently declined over the next few decades (though some examples continue to be produced). It has been considered to be a predecessor to and significant influence on, the later American slasher film genre. - Source
Are you watching a giallo? Is it set in Italy? Or in the USA or England, but everybody still seems vaguely Southern European? Are there lots of graphic, gruesome murders of women happening? A knife-wielding killer wearing black gloves? Where all you see of them is the knife and gloves? Is there an overall lascivious vibe, like the camera is the POV of someone's creepy uncle? Lots of gratuitous T & A? Sex galore? Does the movie sometimes feel like it's tripping on acid? Do YOU sometimes feel like you are tripping on acid? It might (just might) be a giallo! Or acid. I don't know you.
5 out of 5 = Best, best of genre
4 out of 5 = Excellent, essential watching
3 out of 5 = Good, worth watching
2 out of 5 = Okay, don't go out of your way
1 out of 5 = Bad, don't bother
My ratings are completely subjective and very simple. Did I personally love the movie? Would I buy it on BR? Did it hold my interest? Does it add something interesting to the genre? 5 stars. Was it boring? Did I fall asleep? 1 star. I don't take gore/violence/sex/nudity into consideration in my reviews because they don't make or break a giallo for me. I might give extra points for particularly interesting kills, but I don't have af to give about sex/nudity. You'll have to look elsewhere for that information.
Giallo is a 20th-century Italian genre of literature and film, usually with mystery elements and often with slasher, supernatural horror or crime fiction elements. In Italy, the term simply denotes thrillers, typically of the crime fiction, mystery, and horror subgenres, regardless of the country of origin. In English-speaking countries, however, the term "giallo" is used to refer to a particular style of Italian-produced murder mystery film which often includes elements of horror fiction and eroticism (similar to the French fantastique genre). The genre began in the mid-to-late 1960s, peaked in popularity during the 1970s, and subsequently declined over the next few decades (though some examples continue to be produced). It has been considered to be a predecessor to and significant influence on, the later American slasher film genre. - Source
Are you watching a giallo? Is it set in Italy? Or in the USA or England, but everybody still seems vaguely Southern European? Are there lots of graphic, gruesome murders of women happening? A knife-wielding killer wearing black gloves? Where all you see of them is the knife and gloves? Is there an overall lascivious vibe, like the camera is the POV of someone's creepy uncle? Lots of gratuitous T & A? Sex galore? Does the movie sometimes feel like it's tripping on acid? Do YOU sometimes feel like you are tripping on acid? It might (just might) be a giallo! Or acid. I don't know you.
5 out of 5 = Best, best of genre
4 out of 5 = Excellent, essential watching
3 out of 5 = Good, worth watching
2 out of 5 = Okay, don't go out of your way
1 out of 5 = Bad, don't bother
My ratings are completely subjective and very simple. Did I personally love the movie? Would I buy it on BR? Did it hold my interest? Does it add something interesting to the genre? 5 stars. Was it boring? Did I fall asleep? 1 star. I don't take gore/violence/sex/nudity into consideration in my reviews because they don't make or break a giallo for me. I might give extra points for particularly interesting kills, but I don't have af to give about sex/nudity. You'll have to look elsewhere for that information.
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