BloodRayne (2006)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by johanlefourbe

list by Mr. Lays

list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Aprakadabra

BloodRayne Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
It's not exactly the best film. For starters I thought "Hmm this must be rated 18+ for a very good reason" after seeing the... read more
Uwe Boll should be gutted
well i saw the movie because the game was great, the trailer looked exciting, kristanna loken looked hotly lesbian, and actors i've respected and admired were signed in. but you can never trust that a great game would translate into a good movie despite it's great cast of actors or promising storyline because it's most likely bound to be (... read more
German gore
Way too gory. Lots of scenes that shouldn't have been shown, and I actually mean useless scenes that did not need be shot.
Badly acted, badly directed.
And the costumes??? how inaccurate can they be. As if women in that time period were showing off their bellies. Please!
Much t... read more

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"Link: This is a sparring / sword fight-esque catfight between Rayne (Kristanna Loken) and Katarin (Michelle Rodriguez) from the movie: “BloodRayne" (2005)."
“Saw 'Bloodrayne' and its two sequels out of curiosity to see if they were as bad as their terrible reputation. As well as seeing whether one of the worst directors of all time Uwe Boll was capable of making a good film. On top of that, like Ben Kingsley a lot as an actor and he is reason enough to see anything he's involved in. Did not have my hopes up, because even looking at the advertising and trailers 'Bloodrayne' looked awful.The terrible reputation and dubious advertising do not lie. 'Bloodrayne' to me and many others really is that bad, bad actually is an understatement. Have come to the conclusion that Boll is incapable of making a halfway decent film, have not seen everything of his but all that has been seen has been terrible and as bad as their reputation. As someone who is usua” read more

"Director Uwe Boll loves to adapt popular video games into abysmal movies, and the entire Internet hates him for it. Most people might point to Alone in the Dark as the definitive example of his ineptitude, but I knew nothing about BloodRayne going in, so I was completely unprepared. Not only is the story appallingly nonsensical and poorly written, but every single performance is so awful that it's just plain embarrassing – especially since the cast is mostly well-established, decent actors. Bu"

" Well, it's not exactly the abomination I expected it to be from Uwe Boll, but it's still very bad. I appreciate that Boll decided to keep the gore and nudity in, but the film feels very sloppily made. There's barely any script here, the action is poorly directed and the performances are phoned in. And Michelle Rodriguez is a recipe for bad. I don't know how how true it is to its video game, but knowing Boll, I really don't think there's much."