Epic Movie (2007)
list by Chani

list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by antiqueqq

list by Kristian

Epic Movie Videos
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Pretty bad.

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“I will admit I didn't see this until a couple of days ago, and I was really hesitant of seeing it, after reading a lot of negative reviews on the film, and after seeing the excrement that is Disaster Movie. And let me tell you, after seeing this travesty for myself, I can't agree more with the negativity. While not quite as monstrous as Disaster Movie, Epic Movie(more like Epic Dud) is a truly terrible movie. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities here. The humour just isn't funny. It is crude, vulgar, over-familiar and even contrived, and the constant flashing of breasts was way overdone. The acting was really amateur, Jennifer Coolidge and Carmen Electra get my vote as the worst actresses in the movie, and believe me that is not saying much. The Willy Wonka spoof was just as tired a” read more