What's you'r Favorite ✐ Subject ✎
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Leonardo DiCaprio's Favorite Subject is English

bluejeansx, the-guy,Psychoffspring, takat, Gaby, Enyan, Emma_Nems, Alix, all0indian0reject, jason, Keep Smiling
bluejeansx's rating:

Keira Knightley's Favorite Subject is History

MihaMekusac,Flammenmensch, Maary, quisma88, noctem, propelas, :Aliases:, Psylunne, Gaby, I.T.log
bluejeansx's rating:

Natalie Portman's Favorite Subject is Psychology

Zozoulini, RockerChick, Oday Nasser, vanessa. DoraTea
bluejeansx's rating:

bluejeansx's rating:

bluejeansx's rating:

bluejeansx's rating:

chose[Vote] your favorite "Subject" to make it on the top, lets see whats the most like-able Subject on listal :))
suggestions for adding up any other "subject" or "person" are welcome :)
well my favorite subject is emm amm hmm "English" and ya Arts too,
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